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New Zealand Securities Commission |
Last Updated: 17 November 2014
For the periods ended 31 March 2010 - 31 July 2010
Securities Commission New Zealand
Level 8, Unisys House
56 The Terrace
P O Box 1179
Email seccom@seccom.govt.nz
Website www.seccom.govt.nz
April 2011
ISBN 978-0-478-36521-4 (print) ISBN 978-0-478-36522-1 (online)
Scope and issuer selection
Comments specific to Cycle 14...................................................................................... 9
Financial instruments............................................................................................................. 9
Goodwill impairment testing................................................................................................. 12
Disclosure of fees paid to auditors ....................................................................................... 12
Separate fund financial statements ...................................................................................... 13
Alternative performance measures....................................................................................... 13
Property, plant and equipment
Market Matters ............................................................................................................ 15
Provision of non-audit services by external auditors
.......................................................... 15
ANALYSIS OF NZ IFRS MATTERS RAISED 2007 – 2010..................................................... 16
Overall analysis ..................................................................................................................... 16
NZ IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements ................................................................. 17
NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures ................................................................. 18
NZ IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
......... 1
Financial institutions
The Commission’s Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme
........................... 1
New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
............................................. 2
Identifying matters and taking action
This report presents the findings of Cycle 14 of the New Zealand Securities
Commission’s Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme
(FRSP), which
sampled 25 issuers’ financial reports dated between 31 March 2010 and 31
July 2010.
Findings highlight the need for issuers to keep up to date with developments
in financial reporting. A number of matters raised with issuers in this
cycle relate to recent amendments to financial reporting standards, particularly
changes in financial instruments
Financial reporting is a dynamic process. The importance of particular
disclosures changes, and standards continue to evolve. Issuers
must stay on top
of developments and tailor disclosures to ensure they disclose their business
activities coherently and transparently.
This is the Securities Commission’s last FRSP report. We therefore
comment on what the FRSP has achieved since its inception
in 2005. We also
include an analysis of our main findings since issuers began reporting under New
Zealand Equivalents to International
Financial Reporting Standards1
Cycle 14 findings: 31 March 2010 to 31 July 2010 financial reports
We wrote to 17 of the 25 sampled issuers on matters that included: (a) financial instruments –
(i) inadequate disclosure of assumptions used in valuing investments and
(ii) valuation of shares above their quoted price; and
(iii) non-disclosure of the liquidity risk information used by management; (b) goodwill impairment testing – testing performed using inappropriate business
(c) non-disclosure of fees paid to auditors for non-audit services;
(d) alternative performance measures – measures reported were not reconciled to financial statement measures;
(e) separate fund financial statements – failure to provide separate financial statements for segregated funds within a scheme; and
(f) property, plant and equipment –
(i) uncertainty as to whether revaluations were regular enough to ensure assets were valued correctly;
(ii) changes to accounting policies to measure certain previously revalued
assets at cost.
We are still discussing two matters with an issuer. Of those concluded, none
have warranted enforcement action against an issuer or
referrals to other
regulators or disciplinary bodies.
1 NZ IFRS was available for voluntary adoption by issuers for financial reporting periods beginning on or after 1
January 2005. NZ IFRS became mandatory for issuers for financial reporting periods beginning on or after 1
January 2007.
Looking back
The FRSP is designed to encourage high-quality financial reporting. This
enhances the credibility of the financial information that
issuers provide, thus
strengthening investor confidence in the New Zealand securities market.
Since 2005, the FRSP has used persuasion and education to improve financial
reporting quality. This was particularly important during
the NZ IFRS adoption
phase, when issuers had to deal with a completely new suite of financial
reporting standards.
We believe the programme has achieved good results. It enabled the Commission
to regularly interact with issuers and auditors. Correspondence
with issuers and
auditors, and public surveillance programme reports, allowed us to
highlight areas in which reporting
was deficient and could be
The FRSP has given issuers valuable information, and we have had much
positive feedback from issuers and auditors on the programme
and matters
raised. The Commission reached agreement on eighty-eight percent of
matters raised with issuers2; recent follow-up reviews show
that 79%3 of issuers who agreed to make changes in subsequent reports
did so.
In addition, matters raised with issuers in recent reviews have tended to
relate to new requirements and amendments to standards rather
than to basic
financial reporting or existing requirements. This indicates that most issuers
have taken account of matters raised with them and are keen to improve
the quality of their reporting. Matters that warranted more serious action were
removed from the
FRSP and referred to appropriate bodies.
General compliance has improved, however there is still considerable scope
for improving financial reporting. As well as being compliant,
issuers need to
keep refining financial reporting so that it is coherent, consistent, clear and
concise in order to be transparent.
We emphasise that:
“Transparency is not just a buzz word or a cliché. It is a
fundamental and absolutely essential attribute of sound financial
Relevant, trustworthy and timely information is the oxygen of financial
markets. Depriving markets of such information
– or polluting the
information – can have very adverse
2 Either by issuers providing further information that explained the queried treatment and/or agreeing to provide further information in subsequent financial statements.
3 The review of matters raised with issuers was limited to Cycles 8 to 10 as not all subsequent financial statements of the issuers in the later cycles are currently available. In determining the percentage of issuers who
did make subsequent changes to their financial statements we have excluded the matters raised that relate to issuers that are either in moratorium or receivership. These issuers represented 7% of all matters raised in
Cycles 8 to 10.
4 Hertz, R.H. (2009) “History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, People Repeat History – Front-line Thoughts and
Observations on Creating a Sounder Financial System.” Available
online at: http://www.fasb.org/
Looking ahead
Although this is the last FRSP report from the Securities
Commission, new standards continue to be issued and existing
improved. As such the surveillance of issuers’ reporting will remain
relevant for the New Zealand market that will
be regulated under the Financial
Markets Authority (FMA).
Under the Financial Markets Authority Act 2011, FMA is responsible for
monitoring issuers’ compliance with the Financial Reporting
Act 1993. The
body will have wider responsibilities and greater enforcement powers than the
Commission that will allow it to enhance
its surveillance
1. This report sets out findings from Cycle 14 of the
Commission’s FRSP. In Cycle 14 the Commission reviewed the annual
of 25 issuers whose financial years ended between 31 March 2010 and 31 July
2. This report includes comments on what the FRSP has achieved since its inception in
2005. It also analyses our main findings since issuers began reporting under
3. Appendix 2 sets out the programme’s background,
including how the Commission selects issuers for review and deals with any
issues it identifies.
4. The report is intended to inform directors, chief financial
officers and other financial statement preparers, auditors
and financial
analysts on financial reporting areas the Commission considers could and should
be improved.
5. Although the FRSP focuses on encouraging financial reporting
improvements, it can lead to enforcement action. Where that
is warranted, the
issuer is removed from the FRSP and the issue immediately becomes an enforcement
6. We are still discussing with an issuer two matters raised in Cycle
14. However, no other matters warranted Commission enforcement
or referral to
5 NZ IFRS was available for voluntary adoption by issuers for financial reporting periods beginning on or after
1 January 2005. NZ IFRS became mandatory for issuers for financial reporting periods beginning on or after
1 January 2007.
CYCLE 14: 31 March 2010 to 31 July 2010 financial reports
Scope and issuer selection
7. The 25 annual reports examined included:
• 14 listed on the NZX (NZSX/NZDX/NZAX);
• 2 listed on the Unlisted trading platform; and
• 9 not listed on any exchange.
8. The entities reviewed included:
(a) 4 non-bank deposit takers; and
(b) 5 KiwiSaver schemes;
(i) inadequate disclosure of assumptions used in valuing investments and derivatives;
(ii) valuation of shares above their quoted price; and
(iii) non-disclosure of the liquidity risk information used by management; (h) goodwill impairment testing – testing performed using inappropriate business
(i) non-disclosure of fees paid to auditors for non-audit services;
(j) alternative performance measures – measures reported were not reconciled to financial statement measures;
(k) separate fund financial statements – failure to provide separate financial statements for segregated funds within a scheme; and
(l) property, plant and equipment –
(i) uncertainty as to whether revaluations were regular enough to ensure assets were valued correctly;
(ii) changes to accounting policies to measure certain previously revalued
assets at cost.
10. These letters drew issuers’ attention to a total of 32 matters
Outcome of matters raised in Cycle 14
Table 1: Outcome of matters raised in Cycle
Matters raised 6
Point taken/change agreed
Agreement reached
Second letter sent
Other follow-up action
Total matters raised
Notes to the Table
(1) Resolved: the issuer provided a satisfactory explanation.
(2) Point taken/change agreed: the issuer acknowledged the point and/or agreed to make changes in subsequent financial statements.
(3) Second letter sent: reiterating the points made and closing the matter. (4) Other follow-up action: e.g. a written request for answers to further
questions, or referral to another body, such as the National Enforcement
Unit of the Companies Office, to consider enforcement
11. Table 2 compares Cycle 14 results with those of previous cycles.
Under NZ IFRS, the Commission has written to more issuers
and raised, on
average, more issues per issuer than under previous New Zealand Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice (NZ GAAP)7. Of the many factors
contributing to this, the most significant is the more complicated and detailed
nature of NZ IFRS requirements
compared to previous NZ GAAP.
12. Notwithstanding that “matters per issuer written to”
remained steady over the NZ IFRS period, matters raised with issuers in
recent cycles relate mainly to new requirements and amendments to standards
rather than to basic financial reporting
or existing requirements. This, coupled
with the high percentage of matters raised in each cycle where we reached
agreement, indicates that issuers have taken into account matters raised
with them and are keen to improve the quality of their financial
6 Matters raised exclude instances where the Commission wrote directly to audit firms and/or directors of issuers.
7 Previous NZ GAAP is the financial reporting regime that existed in NZ prior to the implementation of
NZ IFRS. NZ IFRS was available for voluntary adoption by issuers for
financial reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005.
NZ IFRS became
mandatory for issuers for financial reporting periods beginning on or after 1
January 2007.
Table 2: Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme
Financial periods included in sample
Number of issuers reviewed
Number of issuers we wrote to
Issuers written to %
Matters raised
Matters per issuer written to
31 March 2004 –
31 July 2004
31 December 2004 –
31 March 2005
31 March 2005 –
30 September 2005
30 June 2005 –
31 March 2006
31 March 2006 –
30 September 2006
Previous NZ
30 June 2006 –
30 April 2007
Previous NZ
31 December 2006 –
30 September 2007
Previous NZ
30 September 2007 –
30 June 2008
30 June 2008 –
31 December 2008
31 January 2009 –
31 March 2009
31 March 2009 –
30 June 2009
30 June 2009 –
31 January 2010
31 March 2010
31 March 2010 –
31 July 2010
Table 3: Outcome of NZ IFRS matters raised – Cycles 1 to
Matters raised 8
Point taken/change agreed
Agreement reached
Second letter sent
Other follow-up action
Total matters raised
Notes to the Table
(1) Resolved: the issuer provided a satisfactory explanation.
(2) Point taken/change agreed: the issuer acknowledged the point and/or agreed to make changes in subsequent financial statements.
(3) Second letter sent: reiterating the points made and closing the matter.
(4) Other follow-up action: e.g. a written request for answers to
further questions, or referral to another body, such as the National Enforcement
Unit of the
Companies Office, to consider enforcement action.
13. The above table is based on statistics in our public reports. As at
the date of this report only two of 29 matters raised included in other
follow-up action remain outstanding.
14. The Commission reviews subsequent financial reports of issuers who
agree to make changes in their next set of statements.
Our most recent
follow-up reviews for reporting under NZ IFRS indicate that 79% of matters
raised are reflected in issuers’ later statements.9
15. The Commission will write to issuers who have not made the agreed
change where the matter is material to their financial
8 Matters raised exclude market matters, and have been updated for the resolution of matters that were outstanding at the time previous public reports were published.
9 The most recent review has covered issuers written to in Cycles 8 to 10 of the FRSP. The review of matters raised with issuers was limited to Cycles 8 to 10 as not all subsequent financial statements of the issuers in the later cycles are currently
available. In determining the percentage of issuers who did make subsequent changes to their financial statements we have excluded the matters raised that relate to issuers that are either in moratorium or receivership. These issuers represented 7%
of all matters raised in Cycles 8 to 10
Comments specific to Cycle 14
16. Figure 1 shows matters most frequently raised with issuers. A
number of matters raised in Cycle 14 relate to recent NZ IFRS amendments,
particularly those relating to financial instruments. However, we also raised
relating to established requirements that issuers should have been well
aware of. Subsequent paragraphs detail matters the Commission
wants to
Figure 1: Top Matters Raised from Cycle
Financial instruments
Goodwill impairment
Fees paid to auditors
Separate fund financial
Property, plant and equipment
Financial instruments
17. Financial instruments include financial assets and financial
liabilities. Financial assets include cash, shares in other
entities, trade
receivables and derivatives that are “in the money”. Financial
liabilities include trade payables, bonds
and debentures issued, bank loans
received and derivatives that are “out of the money”. NZ IFRS 7
Financial Instruments: Disclosures and NZ IAS 32 Financial
Instruments: Presentation sets out disclosure and presentation requirements
for financial instruments.
18. Such disclosures are important because they allow users to
(a) the extent and complexity of an entity’s involvement in financial instruments and how these have been valued;
(b) the resulting risk exposures and how the entity manages them; and
(c) the current and potential impact of existing exposures on an
entity’s financial statements.
19. Cycle 14 matters raised focused on:
(a) fair-value disclosures: information on how issuers determined the fair value of their investments and derivatives; and
(b) liquidity risk disclosures: quantitative information on exposures
to liquidity risk reviewed by key management personnel.
Fair-value disclosures
20. In response to the global financial crisis, the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) amended IFRS 7.10
This included a requirement that entities classify and disclose according
to a fair-value hierarchy any financial instruments measured
at fair
21. The hierarchy informs users about the relative reliability of inputs
to fair-value measurements. It has the following levels:
(a) level 1: fair values are based on quoted prices (unadjusted) for identical assets or liabilities in an active market;
(b) level 2: fair values are based on inputs other than level 1 quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (ie as prices) or indirectly (ie derived from prices); and
(c) level 3: fair values are based on inputs for the asset or liability
that are not based on observable market data (unobservable
22. We wrote to two issuers where it was unclear whether their
investments in unitised funds were correctly classified as level
1. We remind
issuers that hierarchical classification is determined by the inputs to
fair-value measurement of the security held,
rather than by those of any
underlying investments. For example, units held in a fund that only invests in
level 1 financial assets
may be a level 2 financial asset if there are
insufficient transactions to constitute an active market for those units.
a unit in a fund that invests in level 2 or level 3 financial assets
could constitute a level 1 financial asset were those units
to be traded at
arm’s length in an active market.
23. The hierarchy complements disclosures required by NZ IFRS 7 (paragraph
... the methods and, when a valuation technique is used, the assumptions
applied in determining fair values of each class of financial
assets or
financial liabilities. For example, if applicable, an entity discloses
information about the assumptions relating to prepayment
rates, rates of
estimated credit losses, and interest rates or discount rates.
24. The fair value of level 2 and level 3 assets or liabilities are
determined using a valuation technique. Therefore, entities
holding material
balances of such financial assets or financial liabilities must disclose
the actual underlying inputs
and assumptions used in the valuation
10 See Improving Disclosures about Financial Instruments
(Amendments to IFRS 7).
25. We continue to see many issuers with significant involvement in
level 211 derivatives failing to disclose the actual assumptions
applied in their valuation techniques. Instead, they disclose only
information, such as “market rates were applied”. Where applicable,
actual information, such as details of forward
price curves and discount rates,
must be disclosed.
26. Some entities may need to consider whether aggregation of
such information or disclosure of ranges of assumptions
27. We also wrote to one issuer with material level 3 financial assets
and liabilities. The issuer disclosed information on
the valuation technique
used but not details of actual underlying assumptions. The issuer agreed to
make further disclosures
of key variables used, including information on
actual discount rates, credit spreads and liquidity premiums, in its next set of
financial statements.
28. Issuers often engage third parties to help value their level 2 and
level 3 financial instruments. Here, issuers need to
ensure they have enough
information on techniques used and assumptions applied to meet their financial
reporting requirements.
Liquidity risk disclosures
29. As a result of the global financial crisis, the IASB also
changed the IFRS 7 application guidance. This included
re-iterating that
entities must disclose summary quantitative data about their exposure to
liquidity risk that is based on information
given internally to key management
personnel.12 This requirement was part of the original NZ IFRS 7.
Entities must explain how summary quantitative data is
30. Usually, we raise non-disclosure of such liquidity risk data with financial institutions.
This issue is discussed in more detail in Cycle 8 and 9 reports. In Cycle 14
we wrote to three issuers about it.14 Typically, such issuers
disclose their procedures for monitoring liquidity risk but fail to disclose the
relevant quantitative information.
Yet investors need this quantitative
information for a complete picture of how the issuer is managing the liquidity
risk associated
with its financial instruments.
Valuing equity investments
31. The Commission wrote to an issuer that had recognised one of its
equity investments at cost and well over its quoted price.
We emphasise
(a) Under NZ IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Measurement and
Recognition, equity investments can only be measured at cost when they do
not have a quoted price in an active market and their fair value cannot
reliably determined. This exception is for rare circumstances, and will not be
11 For example, interest rate derivatives, short-term electricity price hedges, forward foreign exchange derivatives.
12 See NZ IFRS 7 paragraphs B10A and 34(a).
13 NZ IFRS 7 paragraph B10A.
under NZ IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.15 Equity investments quoted on an exchange and regularly traded at arm’s length within a narrow price range cannot be measured at cost.
(b) The best indication of fair value is a quoted price in an active market. A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry group, pricing service or regulatory agency, and if those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions conducted at arm’s length.16
(c) The fair value of a portfolio of financial instruments is the
product of the number of units of the instrument and its quoted
market price. If
an entity holds a large block of a particular instrument and the only available
market exit prices come from transactions
involving small blocks, then no
adjustment should be made for the expected effect of selling the large block
in a single transaction.17
Goodwill impairment testing18
32. In Cycle 14 we wrote to three issuers on four matters raised
in relation to goodwill impairment testing and/or disclosures. We remind
issuers that, for the purposes of impairment testing, goodwill
cannot be
allocated to a cash-generating-unit that is larger than an operating segment as
defined by NZ IFRS 8 Operating Segments before aggregation.19
Therefore, where issuers have changed their operating segments as a result
of adopting NZ IFRS 8, they will need to consider the impact
on their impairment
Disclosure of fees paid to auditors
33. We wrote to three issuers about disclosure of the value and nature
of non-audit services from their auditors, as required
by NZ IAS 1
Presentation of Financial Statements.20
34. Issuers should check, as part of their review procedures, that the
types of services and fees disclosed in their financial
statements are
consistent with the services disclosed in the audit report. If an audit firm
provides services at no cost to the issuer,
we recommend that financial
statements disclose this.
35. Issuers should disclose where a third party incurs and re-charges
services from the issuer’s auditor on the issuer’s
behalf, and what
those services cost.
15 NZ IFRS 9 is the replacement standard for the NZ IAS 39 and has an effective date of 1 January 2013 and requires all equity investments, within its scope, to be measured at fair value.
16 NZ IAS 39 paragraph AG71.
17 NZ IAS 39 paragraph AG72.
18 See article in the December 2009 issue of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants’ Journal by
Lay Wee Ng and Liz Hickey for further discussion on this topic.
19 NZ IAS 36 Impairment of Non-Financial Assets (paragraph 80).
20 NZ IAS 1 paragraph NZ105.1
Separate fund financial statements
36. Separate financial reporting of funds within a scheme allows
investors to evaluate the performance and risks associated
with their
investments. This is particularly important when the assets in one fund are
unavailable to meet the liabilities of other
funds within the scheme.
37. Section 9A(1) and 9A(2) of the Financial Reporting Act
1993 (FRA) requires schemes, including unit trusts, superannuation
schemes and
other managed funds (schemes), to prepare and register:
(a) the scheme’s financial statements if the liabilities of the issuer/trustee and the scheme are not limited to a particular group of assets (‘separate fund’); or
(b) both the scheme and the fund’s financial statements if the
liabilities of the issuer/trustee or the scheme are limited
to a separate
38. We wrote to two KiwiSaver schemes about compliance with these
(a) one issuer had failed to provide separate financial statements for each of its separate funds, despite the funds’ assets being unavailable to meet the liabilities of any of the other funds. The issuer agreed to update its next financial statements; and
(b) one issuer failed to make it clear in its financial statements or
its prospectus whether the assets in its individual fund
were available to meet
the liabilities of any other funds within the scheme. This information is likely
to be material to investors
and should be clearly disclosed.
Alternative performance measures
39. A number of listed issuers disclosed alternative performance
measures in the commentary accompanying the financial
statements. Such
measures varied significantly and had labels such as “underlying earnings
after tax” and “net
earnings after tax before unusual
40. We recognise that such measures can be helpful to users but issuers
must ensure they are not misleading. Measures should:
(a) not be given undue prominence compared to the statutory profit;
(b) be understandable and clearly reconciled with measures in the financial statements;
(c) be calculated consistently from period to period; and
(d) be unbiased and not be used to remove 'bad
21 See http://www.asic.gov.au/asic/asic.nsf/byheadline/10-
ument#1 for further guidance. ASIC has also recently issued Consultation
Paper 150 Disclosing Financial information other than in accordance with
accounting standards which issuers may also find of use. This is available
online at: http://www.asic.gov.au/asic/pdflib.nsf/LookupByFileName/cp150.pdf/$file/cp150.pdf
41. In Cycle 14, alternative performance measures typically reflected
adjustments for the removal of tax depreciation on certain
buildings and related
deferred tax effects, impairments of assets, restructuring costs, and fair-value
movements in derivatives.
42. In most cases, the issuer gave clear reasons for their adjustments
and provided reconciliations of the alternative measures
to relevant financial
statement information. However, two issuers did not provide such
reconciliations; we raised the matter with
them and they agreed to do so in
Property, plant and equipment
Required frequency of asset revaluations
43. Under NZ IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, entities may
choose to revalue particular classes of assets to fair value. However, all
relevant assets in that class must be revalued
with ‘sufficient regularity
to ensure that the carrying amount does not differ materially from what would be
fair value at
the end of the reporting period.’22
44. We wrote to one issuer about these requirements. It was the first
time the issuer had revalued that particular class of
property, plant and
equipment in three years, and it had resulted in increases in the asset class,
total assets and equity of about
15 to 20%.
45. Issuers should annually review the carrying amount of revalued
assets, and, when there is evidence that the fair value
may be
materially different, obtain a new valuation. During volatile economic
conditions, the value of assets may change significantly.
Determining key
assumptions and performing sensitivity analysis for reasonably possible
changes in them helps issuers determine
the appropriate frequency of
Reversions to cost
46. We wrote to one issuer that had changed its accounting policy from
recognising property, plant and equipment at fair value
to historical
47. NZ IFRS only permits a voluntary change in an accounting policy if
it results in financial statements providing both more reliable and more
relevant information on the effects on the entity’s financial position,
financial performance or cash
flows23 of transactions, other events
or conditions. Given that fair value better represents an asset’s ability
to generate future cash
flows, we suggest issuers ensure any change in
accounting policy from measuring assets at fair value to cost meet both
22 Paragraph 31 of NZ IAS 16
23 NZ IAS 8 (paragraph 14)
Market Matters
Provision of non-audit services by external auditors
48. The Commission wrote to three audit firms about their provision of
internal audit services, assistance with financial statement
compilation and/or
financial reporting advice to issuers we reviewed in Cycle 14.
49. Professional standards consider such services to be a threat to the
perceived and actual auditor independence.24 In these three cases,
the auditors confirmed the existence of safeguards that ensured their
independence was
24 For example see the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants’ Code of Ethics: Independence in
Assurance Engagements.
50. This section analyses NZ IFRS matters raised from Cycles 8
to 14 of the FRSP. It gives an overview of the kinds of matters most commonly
raised with issuers under NZ IFRS. It
also indicates pitfalls for issuers to
avoid when preparing financial statements.
51. Cycles 8 to 14 covered 174 reviews of issuers’ financial
reports with balance dates between 30 September 2007 and
31 July 2010. Two
hundred and fifty-five matters were raised with 126 issuers, of which 27 are
financial institutions. The analysis
excludes matters raised in relation
to market matters, such as disclosure of directors’ share dealings and
substantial security holder disclosures.
52. As a result of our increased focus on reviewing financial
institutions’ financial reports we have analysed matters raised
with financial institutions25 separately from those raised with
other entities. This analysis appears in Appendix 1. We recommend issuers
review their financial statements against this information as a further check on
their transparency.
Overall analysis
NZ IFRS Matters Raised
NZ IAS 1 Presentation of
Financial Statements
(less than 5% each)
NZ IFRS 7 Financial
Instruments: Disclosures
NZ IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement 5%
NZ IAS 24 Related Party
NZ IAS 36 Impairment of
Non-Financial Assets
25 We have used the definition of financial institutions included
in NZ IFRS 7 Appendix E for this purpose.
53. Overall analysis of matters raised indicates three dominant
• NZ IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements;
• NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures; and
• NZ IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures.
54. Below, we comment briefly on each of these. We note that the
proportion of matters raised in relation to basic presentation of
financial statements and related party disclosures has decreased, whereas the
proportion of matters raised under financial instruments has gone up.
This suggests that, after the initial adoption process, issuers took into
account many of
the basic financial reporting issues that NZ IAS 1 and NZ IAS 24
require that were highlighted to them. Matters raised under NZ IFRS 7
have increased over the period mainly because it is a relatively new standard
and it has frequently been amended.
NZ IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
55. NZ IAS 1 is a foundation standard under NZ IFRS. It sets out
overall requirements for presenting financial statements, guidelines
for their
structure and minimum requirements for their content. NZ IAS 1 matters are, at
29%, the most common type of matters raised with issuers. However, on a
cycle-by-cycle basis, these matters have decreased substantially.
56. Our reviews of financial statements up until March 2009 identified
three common issues covered by IAS 1: 26
(a) failure to provide an unreserved statement of compliance with IFRS; (b) material levels of unexplained expenses or ‘other expenses’; and
(c) generic disclosures in relation to management’s judgements and
sources of estimation uncertainty.
57. Issuers have significant scope to determine what they disclose
about management’s judgements in applying accounting
policies and sources
of estimation uncertainty. Issuers could still be more transparent about this.
The Commission expects these
disclosures to include a description of key
judgements and estimates, and a cross- reference to relevant financial statement
58. Issuers’ failure to disclose details of non-audit services
provided by their auditors either by value or nature is
an ongoing concern. We
are usually alerted to such omissions through a cross-check of information in
the audit report against that
in the financial statements. Previous financial
reporting standards did not require disclosure of a description of non-audit
and that might be why many issuers seemed to omit the
26 NZ IAS 1 paragraphs 16, 122, 125, 97, NZ105.1.
NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures
59. Financial instrument disclosures are the second most common type (17%) of all
matters raised with issuers. This, when coupled with matters raised under NZ IAS 39
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, represents 22% of
all matters raised, and reflects the changing nature of financial
instrument standards.
60. Matters raised in respect of issuers’ accounting
for, and disclosures relating to, financial instruments represent nearly
half (49%)
of all matters raised with financial institutions. However,
these are only 12% of matters raised with other issuers.
61. Inadequate liquidity risk disclosures were a significant issue in our reviews of the
2008–2009 financial statements of finance companies and other financial
institutions. We found several issuers were only disclosing
contractual maturity
information on their financial assets and liabilities, when they managed
liquidity risk on a different basis.
While we have seen some improvement in this
area, there are still ongoing liquidity risk disclosure issues, as discussed in
our Cycle
14 findings.
62. Another issue pertaining to many finance companies was the
non-disclosure of concentrations of credit risk by security
especially for providers of second mortgages or other subordinated lending.
Users need such disclosures in order to gauge
the potential losses issuers could
incur should their borrowers’ financial situation deteriorate. This is
also an area where
disclosure has improved.
63. More recent matters raised have concerned how fair values of
financial instruments have been determined and disclosure of the assumptions
used in the valuation
of these instruments.
NZ IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
64. Related party disclosures were the third most common type of
matters raised with issuers (16%).
65. However, like matters raised in relation to NZ IAS 1,
related party disclosure matters raised have decreased over the period.
This is primarily due to a fall in the number of matters raised in
relation to key management personnel compensation disclosures. The main issue
with these disclosures was the omission of share-based
payments and
directors’ fees: these are now better disclosed.
66. Other matters raised typically relate to
non-disclosure of the value, terms and conditions of transactions with
related parties, and outstanding
balances. Issuers should not assert that
all transactions with related parties are conducted at arm’s length basis
when this
is not so. Even when this is the case, disclosure of the value of such
transactions is still required.
67. The Commission’s review of selected issuers in Cycle 14
highlighted various aspects where issuers need to improve
when preparing
financial statements. These included matters that arise from recent
amendments to financial reporting
standards, particularly financial
instruments standards.
68. This report also analysed NZ IFRS matters raised from the
FRSP’s Cycles 8 to 14. It gives an overview of the types of matters most
commonly raised with issuers under NZ IFRS.
It also indicates pitfalls issuers
should avoid when preparing their financial statements.
69. Overall, fewer basic matters are being raised with issuers: in
relation to statements of compliance with IFRS (NZ IAS 1
requirement), and key
management personnel compensation disclosures (NZ IAS 24 requirement).
70. NZ IFRS has been mandatory since 2007 and issuers should be
familiar with its requirements. We consider issuers are well-placed
to tailor
their financial statements to add value for users. Financial reporting is a
dynamic process. The importance of particular
disclosures can change over time.
It is imperative that issuers keep up to date with financial reporting
standard developments
and ensure their business activities are disclosed in
a coherent and transparent manner.
71. This is the Securities Commission’s last FRSP report. FMA is,
however, responsible, under the Financial Markets Authority
Act 2011, for
monitoring issuers’ compliance with the Financial Reporting Act 1993. FMA
will have wider responsibilities than
the Securities Commission and be able to
use its greater enforcement powers to enhance surveillance
Financial institutions
NZ IFRS Matters Raised
NZ IFRS 7 Financial
Instruments: Disclosures
NZ IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
Miscellaneous Matters
NZ IAS 24 Related Party
NZ IAS 1 Presentation of
Financial Statements
72. The matters most commonly raised with financial institutions
(a) NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures27:
• non-/inaccurate disclosure of :
equity investments.
(b) NZ IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements:
• non-disclosure of individually material expenses;
• non-disclosure of the nature and value of non-audit services;
• non-disclosure of an unreserved statement of compliance with
27 NZ IFRS 7 paragraphs 34(a) and (c), E20, 27; NZ IAS 1
paragraphs NZ105.1, 122, 125, 97, 16; NZ IAS 39 paragraphs 63 – 65 and
AG87 - AG91; NZ IAS 24 paragraphs 17-19.
(c) NZ IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement:
(d) NZ IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures:
(e) Miscellaneous matters:
Other issuers
NZ IFRS Matters Raised
NZ IAS 1 Presentation of
Financial Statements
NZ IAS 24 Related Party
NZ IFRS 7 Financial
Instruments: Disclosures
Miscellaneous Matters
NZ IAS 36 Impairment of
Non-Financial Assets 9%
NZ IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment 6%
Accounting policies 5% NZ IAS 40 Investment
Property 5%
73. The matters commonly raised with issuers other than financial
institutions included:
(a) NZ IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements:28
• non-disclosure of individually material expenses;
• non-disclosure of the nature and value of non-audit services provided;
• non-disclosure of an unreserved statement of compliance with
(b) NZ IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures:
(c) NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures:
• No disclosure or inaccurate disclosure of :
o the specific fair-value assumptions applied when measuring financial instruments using valuation techniques;
o borrowing facilities and other funding arrangements, including
collateral pledged and details of any covenant breaches during the
28 NZ IAS 1 paragraphs NZ105.1, 122, 125, 97, 16; NZ IAS 24 paragraphs 17-19.NZ IFRS 7 paragraphs 14, 18,
27, 27A, 36; NZ IAS 36 paragraphs 80(b), 134; NZ IAS 16 paragraphs 77(c), 74(a); NZ IAS 40 paragraphs
75(d) and (g); NZ IAS 8 paragraphs 28 and 49; NZ IFRS 8 paragraphs 11-19, NZ
IAS 7 paragraphs 14 – 17; NZ IAS 38 paragraphs
o maximum credit risk exposures.
(d) NZ IAS 36 Impairment of Non-Financial Assets:
• whether cash-generating-units for goodwill impairment testing are appropriate eg no larger than operating segments;
• non-disclosure and appropriateness of assumptions
underlying the valuation of each cash-generating unit for impairment
testing of intangible assets and goodwill.
(e) NZ IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment:
• non-disclosure of assumptions for the revaluation of property, plant and equipment;
• non-disclosure of the existence and amounts of restrictions on title, and property, plant and equipment pledged as security for liabilities;
• the appropriateness of classifying land or buildings as property,
plant and equipment rather than investment property.
(f) NZ IAS 40 Investment Property:
• non-disclosure of specific assumptions for the revaluation of investment properties;
• non-disclosure of the existence and amounts of restrictions on the
realisability of investment properties.
(g) NZ IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors:
• incomplete disclosure of standards approved but not yet effective;
• changes in accounting policies that are corrections of
(h) Miscellaneous matters:
• whether all reportable segments have been disclosed;
• whether cash flows have been correctly classified;
• whether internally generated intangible assets qualify for
1. The Securities Commission is the main regulator of the
New Zealand securities market. Our purpose is to strengthen
confidence and foster capital investment in New Zealand by promoting the
efficiency, integrity and cost-effective regulation
of our securities
2. The Commission regards quality financial reporting by
issuers29 to be fundamental to the fairness, efficiency and
transparency of New Zealand’s securities markets.
The Commission’s Financial Reporting Surveillance
3. Section 10(c) of the Securities Act 1978 requires the Securities
Commission “to keep under review practices relating
to securities, and to
comment thereon to any appropriate body”.
4. As part of carrying out this function the Commission established the ongoing FRSP in
2004, its first cycle review taking place in 2005.
5. The aim of the FRSP is to encourage New Zealand issuers to improve
the quality of their financial reporting so that:
(a) financial statement disclosures are clear and comprehensive;
(b) investors can have confidence in the credibility of financial information issuers provide; and
(c) financial reporting contributes to the integrity of New Zealand’s
securities markets.
6. The FRSP involves reviewing selected issuers’ financial
statements. At the end of each cycle the Commission publicly
reports on this
surveillance work by providing market participants with a summary of its
findings. Copies of reports for all cycles
are available on the
Commission’s website www.seccom.govt.nz
29 An issuer is defined by the Securities Act 1978 (section 2) to mean:
(a) In relation to an equity security or debt security, or to an advertisement, investment statement, prospectus, or registered prospectus that relates to an equity security or a debt security, or to a trust deed that relates to a debt security, the person on whose behalf any money paid in consideration of the allotment of the security is received:
(b) In relation to a participatory security, or to an advertisement, investment statement, prospectus, or registered prospectus, or to a deed of participation that relates to a participatory security, the manager:
(c) In relation to an interest in a contributory mortgage offered by a contributory mortgage broker, or to an
advertisement that relates to such an interest, the contributory mortgage broker:
(d) In relation to a unit in a unit trust, or to an advertisement, investment statement, prospectus or registered prospectus that relates to such a unit, the manager:
(e) In relation to a life insurance policy, or to an advertisement, investment statement, prospectus, or registered
prospectus that relates to a life insurance policy, the life insurance company that is liable under the policy:
(f) In relation to an interest in a superannuation scheme, or to
an advertisement, investment statement, prospectus,
or registered prospectus
that relates to such an interest, the superannuation trustee of the
New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
7. The Financial Reporting Act 1993 requires issuers to prepare
financial statements that comply with New Zealand Generally
Accepted Accounting
Practice (NZ GAAP) and provide a true and fair view of the matters to which they
8. The Commission reviews issuers’ financial statements against
NZ GAAP. For the purpose of the Financial Reporting
Act, financial
statements and group financial statements comply with NZ GAAP only if those
statements comply with:
(a) applicable financial reporting standards; and
(b) in relation to matters for which no provision is made in applicable financial reporting standards and that are not subject to any applicable rule of law, accounting policies that:
(i) are appropriate to the circumstances of the reporting entity; and
(ii) have authoritative support within the accounting profession in New
9. The Financial Reporting Act defines “applicable financial
reporting standard” to mean an approved financial
reporting standard that
applies to a reporting entity (or group) and to an accounting period (or interim
accounting period) in accordance
with a determination of the Accounting
Standards Review Board (ASRB) for the time being in force or any election made
under section
27 of the Financial Reporting Act. All issuers are required to
apply NZ IFRS in the preparation of their financial statements for
accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2007.
10. The purpose of the Commission’s cycle reviews is to form a
view on:
(a) the level of issuer compliance with NZ GAAP in financial statements prepared under the Financial Reporting Act;
(b) whether any breach of NZ GAAP identified in those financial statements is likely to cause the financial statements to not show a true and fair view, or be materially misleading to users in the context of information disclosed for investment decision-making under the Securities Act, and therefore require enforcement action; and
(c) the overall quality of financial reporting practices by
Selecting issuers
11. The FRSP aims to review all issuers listed on NZX Limited (NZX) at
least once every three to four years.
30 Part II of the Financial Reporting Act 1993 (section 11)
requires every ‘reporting entity’ to prepare financial statements
that comply with generally accepted accounting practice and to provide any
additional information required to ensure those statements
are a true and fair
view of the matters to which they relate.
Part I, Section 2 of the Financial Reporting Act 1993 defines a reporting entity as : (a) An issuer; or
(b) A company, other than an exempt company; or
(c) A person that is required by any Act, other than this Act, to comply
with this Act as if it were a reporting entity.
12. Dual- and overseas-listed issuers may also be selected.
Overseas-listed issuers are issuers domiciled or incorporated outside
Zealand that have a recognised stock exchange as their home exchange and are
also listed on NZX.
13. Dual-listed issuers are those incorporated in Australia, and on the Australian Stock
Exchange’s (ASX) Official List as well as the NZX.
14. When the Commission selects dual- and overseas-listed issuers, it
first writes to the regulator in the overseas jurisdiction
to determine whether
a review of the financial reporting of the issuer has already been undertaken
locally. If it has, the Commission
does not review them. If the issuer has not
been reviewed by the overseas regulator, the Commission reviews the annual
report, NZX
announcements and, if applicable, the current prospectus. Where
appropriate, findings are communicated to the overseas
regulator. If the
Commission communicates what it considers to be a significant matter about an
issuer to the appropriate overseas
regulator and the regulator proposes to take
no action, the Commission will write directly to the overseas- or dual-listed
on the matter.
15. Issuers trading on the Unlisted31 exchange and issuers
not listed on any exchange may be also included in cycle reviews.
16. Issuers may be selected on the basis of criteria determined by the
Commission: on areas of particular risk affecting the
issuer; the sector the
issuer is in at the time of selection; and/or their balance dates. Issuers can
also be reselected for a later
review when the nature of issues identified in an
earlier cycle raised concerns.
Identifying matters and taking action
17. The Commission looks at an issuer’s annual report when
reviewing its financial statements and, in the case of listed
issuers, this
includes reviewing any NZX announcements for the period and any relevant
prospectuses. While NZX announcements are
not comprehensively reviewed, any
market matters relating to continuous disclosure, disclosure of relevant
interests by directors
and officers, and substantial security holder disclosure
are followed up where necessary.
18. Matters identified in the review are referred to as matters raised32 or other matters.
Matters raised include market matters.
19. Matters raised are those that are important or where
further clarification or information is needed. The Commission is likely, for
to write to an issuer where a matter:
(a) appears to be wrong;
(b) appears not to make sense; (c) is not clear and transparent;
31 Unlisted is an unregistered securities trading facility; it is not a registered stock exchange or authorised securities exchange under the Securities Markets Act 1988. Unlisted provides a facility for trading previously allotted securities.
32 Prior to Cycle 6, the Commission referred to matters raised
as significant matters.
(d) seems unusual or irregular;
(e) raises questions about its validity; or
(f) is insufficiently explained.
20. Financial reporting requires the exercise of professional
judgement. The Commission takes this into account when reviewing
statements and determining which matters to follow up.
21. The Commission writes to an issuer requesting additional
information and in some cases asks the issuer to revise or enhance
in future financial statements.
22. When writing to an issuer about matters raised, the
Commission may include other matters found in the review in relation to
that issuer. Other matters are miscellaneous matters the Commission
considers could be better disclosed.
23. The Commission’s policy is to avoid writing to an issuer
whose financial statements raise only other matters, unless these are so
numerous that it is useful to give the issuer feedback. In this respect, the
Commission is mindful of the educative
function of the FRSP.
24. In each case where the Commission writes to an issuer, a copy of
the letter is also sent to the issuer’s auditor.
This practice
acknowledges the role of auditors in helping maintain and improve financial
reporting standards. It also alerts
an auditor to the particular aspects of
its client’s financial statements that concern the Commission.
25. Auditors play an important role in encouraging companies to comply,
not only with statutory requirements, but also with
best practice. The
Commission encourages auditors to be vigilant when auditing of financial
statements. High-quality external
auditing is critical to the integrity of
financial reporting and to the efficiency and integrity of the securities
26. Where a matter may have significant market impact, it is removed
from the FRSP and considered as a separate enforcement
27. We refer to appropriate bodies matters identified in the FRSP that
are considered a likely breach of:
(a) the Financial Reporting Act;
(b) the Rules or the Code of Ethics of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered
Accountants; or
(c) the NZX Listing Rules.
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