(1) In this Act:
"customer", for a utility service, means—
(a) a person for whom the service is provided under a customer contract; or
(b) a person who has applied, orally or in writing, to the relevant utility for the service to be provided under a customer contract.
"franchise customer", in relation to the supply of water to premises, means a customer other than a non-franchise customer for the supply to the premises.
"non-franchise" customer , for the supply of water to premises, means a person who has that status because of a declaration under section 18.
(2) For subsection (1), definition of "customer", paragraph (b), an application for a connection or supply service in relation to water or sewerage includes an application by, or for, a person for approval of a plan for plumbing or drainage work to connect premises to the relevant network.
(3) For this Act, a customer to whom a declaration under section 18 applies is a non-franchise customer for a utility service only in the circumstances to which the declaration relates.