(1) ICRC may review a licence at any time to determine whether the licence conditions are appropriate for achieving ICRC's objects under this Act.
(2) ICRC must give public notice of a proposed review.
Note Public notice means notice on an ACT government website or in a daily newspaper circulating in the ACT (see Legislation Act
, dict, pt 1).
(3) The notice must state the following matters:
(a) ICRC's objects under this Act;
(b) the purpose of the review;
(c) the identity of the utility;
(d) the utility services to which the licence relates;
(e) where a copy of the licence may be inspected;
(f) where submissions in relation to the review should be lodged;
(g) the closing date for submissions, that is at least 28 days after the day on which the notice is published.
(4) For a review, ICRC must ensure that the utility has a reasonable opportunity—
(a) to examine submissions lodged with ICRC in accordance with the public notice; and
(b) to make representations to ICRC about any matter raised in the submissions.
(5) ICRC must not finish a review unless it has—
(a) given the utility and each person who made a submission in accordance with the public notice a written statement of its expected findings and supporting reasons and the action (if any) that ICRC proposes to take because of the review; and
(b) allowed the utility and each such person a reasonable opportunity to make further representations to ICRC; and
(c) considered the matters raised in all the submissions and representations duly made to ICRC.
(6) When ICRC finishes a review, it must—
(a) give the utility a written statement of its findings and supporting reasons and the action (if any) taken by ICRC because of the review; and
(b) give public notice of the findings of the review and the place where a record of the statement is available for public inspection.
Note Public notice means notice on an ACT government website or in a daily newspaper circulating in the ACT (see Legislation Act
, dict, pt 1).