(1) Before ICRC approves or determines an industry code, it must—
(a) give public notice that—
(i) states that the draft code has been prepared; and
(ii) states the place or places where copies of the draft code may be inspected or obtained; and
(iii) invites interested people to make submissions to ICRC about the draft code within the period stated in the notice.
Note Public notice means notice on an ACT government website or in a daily newspaper circulating in the ACT (see Legislation Act
, dict, pt 1).
(b) make copies of the draft code available for public inspection in accordance with the notice.
(2) The period stated in the notice must run for at least 30 days after the publication of the notice.
(3) ICRC must have due regard to any submission made in accordance with the notice when approving or determining the industry code.