(1) The technical regulator may issue a certificate, signed by the technical regulator, stating that on a date or during a period stated that––
(a) a stated technical code was in force under this Act; or
(b) a stated technical code for listed dams was in force under this Act; or
(c) a stated dam was a registrable dam and that a named person was included in the dams register as the owner of the dam; or
(d) a stated dam was a listed dam and that a named person was included in the dams register as the owner of the dam; or
(e) a named person did or did not have an operating certificate for a stated regulated utility service; or
(f) a stated regulated utility service did or did not have an operating certificate; or
(g) a utility service licensed under the Utilities Act 2000
had a condition imposed on its licence and stating the details of the condition.
(2) A certificate under this section is evidence of the matters stated in it.
(3) Unless the contrary is proved, a document that purports to be a certificate under this section is taken to be a certificate.