(1) The technical regulator may appoint a person as a technical inspector for this Act.
Note 1 For the making of appointments (including acting appointments), see the Legislation Act
, pt 19.3.
Note 2 In particular, a person may be appointed for a particular provision of a law (see Legislation Act
, s 7 (3)) and an appointment may be made by naming a person or nominating the occupant of a position (see Legislation Act
, s 207).
(2) A technical inspector must exercise the inspector's functions under this Act in accordance with the conditions of appointment and any direction given to the inspector by the technical regulator.
(3) A person must not be appointed under subsection (1) unless—
(a) the person is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia; and
(b) the technical regulator has certified in writing that, after appropriate inquiry, the technical regulator is satisfied that the person is a suitable person to be appointed, having regard in particular to—
(i) whether the person has any criminal convictions; and
(ii) the person's employment record; and
(c) the technical regulator has certified in writing that the technical regulator is satisfied that the person—
(i) has satisfactorily completed adequate training; and
(ii) is competent to exercise the functions of an inspector proposed to be given to the person.