(1) An applicant under section 17 (the applicant ) may apply, in writing, to a unit title assessor for a report (a unit title assessment report ).
(2) The application must include any details or material prescribed by regulation.
1 proposed unit title plans
2 information about a development approval
Note If a form is approved under s 180 for this provision, the form must be used.
(3) If a unit title assessor receives an application under subsection (1) and the unit title assessor agrees to undertake the work, the unit title assessor must—
(a) prepare a unit title assessment report and give it to the applicant; and
Note 1 The report must be prepared and given to the applicant as soon as possible (see Legislation Act
, s 151B).
Note 2 The unit title assessor may refuse to prepare and provide a report if the unit title assessor does not have enough information (see s 22E).
(b) not later than 5 working days after the day the assessor gives the report to the applicant—give a copy of the report to the territory planning authority.
(4) If, after taking reasonable steps, an applicant cannot find a unit title assessor who will agree to prepare a unit title assessment report, the applicant may apply to the construction occupations registrar to appoint a unit title assessor to prepare a unit title assessment report and give it to the applicant.
(5) A regulation may prescribe the requirements for a unit title assessment report, including—
(a) what the report must contain; or
(b) anything that must accompany the report.