Australian Capital Territory Numbered Acts
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Long Title
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Interpretation
4. Meaning of “business associate” and “executive associate”
5. Meaning of “key person” and “key relationship”
6. Meaning of “agent”
7. Incorporation of Taxation (Administration) Act 1987
8. Extraterritorial application of Act
Division 1--—The co-operative scheme
9. Declaration of participating jurisdictions and corresponding laws
Division 2--—Authorised providers and authorised games
10. Authorised games
11. Authorisation to conduct interactive games
12. Change to conditions of authorisation
13. Revocation of authorisation
14. Conducting, or participating in, unauthorised interactive gambling
Division 3--—Conduct of authorised games
15. Player registration
16. Procedure for registration of players
17. Verification of player's identity
18. Acceptance of wagers
19. Player to be bound by rules of the game
Division 4--—Restriction of gambling venues
20. Use of premises for interactive gambling
Division 5--—Exemption schemes
21. Interpretation
22. Approval of exemption schemes
23. Cancellation of approval
24. Termination of approved exemption scheme
Division 1--—Applications for, and issue of, interactive gambling licences
26. Application for interactive gambling licence
27. Consideration of application
28. Criteria for granting application
29. Suitability of applicant to hold interactive gambling licence
30. Suitability of business and executive associates
31. Procedure on decision
32. Conditions of licence
33. Changing or adding conditions
34. Return of licence for endorsement of changed conditions
35. Form of licence
Division 2--—General provisions about interactive gambling licences
36. Interactive gambling licence not to be transferable
37. Mortgage and assignment of interactive gambling licence
38. Surrender of interactive gambling licence
Division 3--—Suspension and cancellation of interactive gambling licences
39. Grounds for suspension or cancellation
40. Direction to rectify
42. Suspension after notice
43. Cancellation of licence
44. Appointment of administrator
45. Cancellation or reduction of period of suspension
Division 4--—Security certificates
46. Security related decisions
Division 1--—Requirement for key persons to be licensed
47. Obligation to hold licence
48. Requirement that unlicensed key person end role
49. Requirement to end key person's role
Division 2--—Issue of key person licences
50. Application for key person licence
51. Consideration of application
52. Decision on application
53. Form of key person licence
54. Conditions
55. Changing conditions
56. Term of key person licence
57. Lapsing of key person licence
58. Replacement of key person licence
59. Surrender of key person licence
Division 3--—Disciplinary action
60. Grounds for suspension or cancellation
61. Commissioner's belief as to suitability
62. Suspension of licence
63. Directions to rectify
64. Cancellation or reduction of period of suspension
65. Cancellation of key person licence
Division 4--—Notification of key person licensees
66. Notice of commencement of key person licensee
67. Returns about licensees
Division 5--—Requirements about key relationships
68. Notice of end of key relationship
69. Requirement to end key relationship
Division 1--—Agency agreements
70. Conditions for entering into agency agreement
71. Notice of agency agreement
72. Amendment of agency agreement
73. Returns about agents
Division 2--—Disciplinary action
74. Grounds for disciplinary action
75. Formation of Commissioner's beliefs
76. Commissioner's notice to terminate agreement
77. Suspension of agent's operations
78. Direction to rectify
79. Termination of agreement
80. Notice of termination of agreement
Division 1--—Preliminary
81. Interpretation
Division 2--—Licence fees
82. Liability to licence fee
Division 3--—Interactive gambling tax
83. Liability to tax
84. Returns for calculation of tax
Division 1--—Rules and directions
85. Rules
86. Directions
87. General responsibilities of licensed provider
88. Responsibility of licensed provider to ensure compliance by agent
89. Responsibility of agent
Division 2--—Place of operation
90. Licensed provider's place of operation
91. Agent's place of operation
Division 3--—Control systems
92. Authorised games to be conducted under an approved control system
93. Control system submission
94. Changes to control systems
95. Consideration of, and decisions about, submissions
96. Direction to change approved control system
Division 4--—Dealings involving players' accounts
97. Funds in player's accounts to be remitted on demand
98. Licensed provider or agent not to act as credit provider
99. Licensed providers' limited recourse to players' accounts
100. Inactive players' accounts
Division 5--—Responsible gambling
101. Limitation on amount wagered
102. Prohibition of interactive gambling
Division 6--—Gambling records
103. Interpretation
104. Notices about keeping gambling records
105. Gambling records to be kept at certain place
Division 7--—Financial accounts, statements and reports
106. Keeping of accounts
107. Preparation of financial statements and accounts
108. Submission of reports
Division 8--—Audit
109. Audit of licensed provider's operations
110. Audit reports
111. Further information following audit
Division 9--—Ancillary and related agreements
112. Interpretation
113. Ancillary gambling agreement
114. Approval of ancillary gambling agreements
115. Review of related agreements
116. Direction to terminate related agreement
Division 10--—Official supervision
117. Monitoring operations
118. Presence of authorised tax officers at certain operations
Division 11--—Prizes
119. Payment or collection of prizes
120. Disposal of unclaimed non-monetary prizes
121. Claim for prize
122. Entitlement to prize lapses if not claimed within 5 years
Division 12--—Aborted games
123. Aborted games
124. Power to withhold prize in certain cases
Division 13--—Approval and use of regulated interactive gambling equipment
125. Approval of regulated interactive gambling equipment
126. Use of regulated interactive gambling equipment
Division 14--—Advertising
127. Advertising interactive gambling
128. Directions about advertising
Division 15--—Complaints and improper behaviour
129. Inquiries about complaints
130. Reporting improper behaviour
Division 16--—Gambling offences
131. Cheating
132. Impersonating certain persons
133. Participation in authorised games by employees of licensed providers
134. Participation by minors in conduct of approved games prohibited
135. Participation by minors as players prohibited
136. Offensive names prohibited
137. Interference with conduct of authorised games
138. Offences by certain persons
139. Licensed providers not to publish identity of players in certain cases
140. Interpretation
141. Review of Minister's decisions
142. Review of Commissioner's decisions
143. Destruction of prints and photographs
144. Conduct of directors, servants and agents
145. Power of Minister to determine fees
146. Register of interactive gambling licences
147. Approval of forms
148. Regulations
149. Amendment of the Taxation (Administration) Act
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