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Australian Capital Territory Numbered Ordinances
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Australian Capital Territory
Numbered Ordinances
>> 1985
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1985 Australian Capital Territory Numbered Ordinances
Legal Aid (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Health Services Ordinance 1985
Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Credit Ordinance 1985
Agents (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Film Classification (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Public Trustee Ordinance 1985
Public Trustee (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 1985
Supervision of Offenders (Community Service Orders) Ordinance 1985
Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Mental Health (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Medical Practitioners Registration (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Dog Control (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Lakes (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Court of Petty Sessions (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Court of Petty Sessions (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Evidence (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Electricity (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Small Claims (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Registration of Deeds (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
House of Assembly (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Interpretation (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
New South Wales Acts Application Ordinance 1985
Meat (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Blood Donation (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Ordinance 1985
Schools Authority (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance (No 3) 1985
Fire Brigade (Promotion of Officer) Ordinance 1985
House of Assembly (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Trustee Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance (No 4) 1985
Business Franchise (Tobacco and Petroleum Products) (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Dog Control (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Credit (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance (No 3) 1985
Court of Petty Sessions (Amendment) Ordinance (No 3) 1985
Betting (Totalizator Agency) (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Bookmakers Ordinance 1985
Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance (No 4) 1985
Litter (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
World Cup Athletics (Security Arrangements) Ordinance 1985
Seat of Government (Administration) (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Statistics (Repeal) Ordinance 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance (No 5) 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance (No 6) 1985
Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Rates (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Motor Omnibus Services (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Motor Omnibus Services (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Blood Donation (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Cemeteries (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Artificial Conception Ordinance 1985
Interpretation (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Child Welfare (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Credit (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Evidence (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance (No 5) 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance (No 7) 1985
Supervision of Offenders (Community Service Orders) (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Perpetuities and Accumulations Ordinance 1985
Limitation Ordinance 1985
Magistrates Court Ordinance 1985
Insane Persons and Inebriates (Committal and Detention) (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Health Authority Ordinance 1985
Sale of Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Real Property (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Air Pollution (Amendment) Ordinance 1985
Motor Traffic (Amendment) Ordinance (No 8) 1985
Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Ordinance (No 2) 1985
Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance (No 6) 1985
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