This legislation has been repealed.
TABLE OF PROVISIONS CHAPTER 1--PRELIMINARY 1. Name of regulation 2. Dictionary 3. Dictionary—application to Australian Road Rules 3A. Road includes road related area 3B. Meaning of park and stop 4. Notes 4A. Offences against regulation—application of Criminal Code etc 4B. Offences against regulation are strict liability offences 4C. General defence of accident or reasonable effort CHAPTER 2--AUSTRALIAN ROAD RULES PART 2.1--INCORPORATION INTO ACT LAW 5. Meaning of Australian Road Rules 6. Incorporation of Australian Road Rules into ACT law PART 2.2--HOW THE AUSTRALIAN ROAD RULES ARE INCORPORATED Division 2.2.1--General 7. References to another law of this jurisdiction etc Division 2.2.2--Other provisions for the Australian Road Rules 8. ARR r 10 (2)—penalties for offences 8A. ARR r 18—who is a pedestrian 9. ARR r 95—emergency stopping lane only signs 10. ARR r 104—no truck signs 11. ARR r 151 (3) (b)—riding a motorbike or bicycle alongside more than 11A. ARR r 158 (2) (c)—other vehicles permitted to travel in bicycle lanes 12. ARR r 158 (2) (c)—other vehicles permitted to travel in bus 12A. ARR r 176—stopping on a clearway 13. ARR r 179 (1) (c)—stopping in a loading zone—goods and permit 13A. ARR r 179 (1) (c) and (2) (c)—stopping in loading 13B. ARR r 183—stopping in a bus zone 13BA. ARR r 189—double parking—motorbikes 13C. ARR r 195—stopping at or near a bus stop 14. ARR r 199 (2)—stopping near postbox 15. ARR r 206 (2) (b), (c)—time extension for people with disabilities 16. ARR r 207 (2) (a)—fees for parking in pay parking spaces 16A. ARR r 213 (5)—making a motor vehicle 17. ARR r 215 (4)—lights required to be fitted to a vehicle 18. ARR r 216 (3)—towing a vehicle at night or in hazardous weather 19. ARR r 220 (3)—using lights on vehicles that are stopped 20. ARR r 221 (f)—using hazard warning lights on buses carrying 21. ARR r 222—using warning lights on buses carrying children 22. ARR r 225—use of radar detectors 22A. ARR r 236 (6)—hitchhiking, roadside commerce etc 22B. ARR r 238—pedestrians travelling along a road (except in or on a wheeled 23. ARR r 244C—motorised scooters not to be used 24. ARR r 266 (7)—wearing of seatbelts by passengers under 16 years 26. ARR r 270 (3)—wearing motorbike helmets 27. ARR r 271 (6)—riding on motorbikes 27A. ARR r 280 (2) (a)—other vehicles to which B light rules 28. ARR r 287 (3), (4)—duties of participants in crashes 29. ARR r 289 (1) (g)—driving on nature strip 30. ARR r 298—driving with a person in or on trailer 30A. ARR r 299—television receivers and visual display units in motor 30B. ARR r 300 (1) (c)—use of mobile phone 31. ARR r 310 (3), (4)—exemption for road workers etc 32. ARR r 313—postal workers 33. ARR dict—definitions for dictionary PART 2.3--ADDITIONAL ACT ROAD RULES Division 2.3.1--Noise and other nuisances 37. Making unnecessary engine noise 38. Emission of waste oil or grease Division 2.3.1A--Bicycle riders 38A. Keeping safe lateral distance when passing bicycle rider 38B. Exceptions for passing bicycle rider 38C. Riding across road on crossing 38D. Application of ARRs to riders crossing road on crossing Division 2.3.1B--People using personal mobility devices 38E. Definitions—div 2.3.1B 38F. Person using personal mobility device must wear bicycle helmet 38G. Warning device on personal mobility device 38H. Personal mobility device use at night 38I. Personal mobility device use on footpaths or shared paths 38K. Personal mobility device not to be used in bicycle lane on a road 38L. Personal mobility device used to cross road on crossing 38M. Personal mobility device use alongside more than 1 other person using personal mobility Division 2.3.2--Driver and passenger safety 39. Safety of persons on trailers 40. Passengers in sidecars to be seated Division 2.3.3--Trailers and towing 41. Number of vehicles that may be drawn 42. Towing by vehicles under 4.5t Division 2.3.4--Lights on vehicles 43. Lights on motor vehicles generally Division 2.3.5--Metered parking 44. Metered parking—parking in spaces 44AA. Metered parking—parking in spaces—motorbikes 44A. Metered parking—parking fees 44B. Metered parking—maximum length of stay 45. Metered parking—exceptions to s 44A and s 44B 46. Temporary closure of metered parking spaces 47. Misuse of parking meters 48. Interfering with parking meters etc Division 2.3.6--Ticket parking 49. Ticket parking—parking in spaces 49AAA. Ticket parking—parking in spaces—motorbikes 49A. Ticket parking—display of tickets 49AA. Ticket parking—e-payment 49B. Ticket parking—maximum length of stay 50. Ticket parking—exceptions to s 49A and s 49B 51. Temporary closure of ticket parking spaces and areas 52. Use of false or damaged parking tickets etc 53. Misuse of parking ticket machines 54. Interfering with parking ticket machines etc 55. Interfering with parking tickets Division 2.3.7--Other ACT road rules about stopping and parking 56. Unauthorised use of parking permits and mobility parking scheme 56A. Interfering with parking permits and mobility parking scheme 57A. Stopping public buses in bus zones and at bus stops 58. Stopping in an emergency etc or to comply with another law Division 2.3.8--Other ACT road rules 59. Approaching and passing stationary or slow moving emergency vehicle etc 60. Interrupting funeral processions etc 61. Driving on roads closed to traffic 62. Use of wheeled recreational devices and wheeled toys on roads PART 2.4--OTHER PROVISIONS 63. Devices that are prescribed traffic control devices—Act, dict, def prescribed 64. Preventing prescribed traffic control devices being clearly visible 65. Use of do not overtake turning vehicle sign 66. Approvals etc by road transport authority 67. Exemption from requirement about riding on motorbikes 68. Defence of complying with direction of police officer or authorised 69. Exemption for driver of police vehicle—generally—Act, 69A. Exemption for driver of police vehicle—training and assessment 70. Exemption for driver of emergency vehicles 71. Stopping and parking exemption for police and emergency vehicles and authorised CHAPTER 3--PARKING PART 3.1--PARKING SCHEMES Division 3.1.1--Metered parking schemes 72. Metered parking schemes 73. Metered parking areas 74. Parking meters 75. Metered parking spaces Division 3.1.2--Ticket parking schemes 75A. Parking authorities 75B. Parking authority guidelines 76. Ticket parking schemes—road transport authority 76AA. Approval of e-payment method 76A. Ticket parking schemes—parking authorities 77. Ticket parking areas 78. Ticket parking spaces 79. Ticket machines 80. Parking tickets 81. Duration of parking tickets and e-payment parking period Division 3.1.3--Heavy vehicle parking 82. Definitions—div 3.1.3 83. References in div 3.1.3 to land adjoining residential land 84. Vehicle parked partly on residential land 85. Parking of certain vehicles on residential land prohibited 85A. No more than 1 heavy vehicle on residential land 85B. Heavy vehicles to be parked away from residential land boundaries 86. Parking of certain vehicles on land adjoining residential land 87. Parking of certain commercial vehicles on land with multi-unit 87A. No offence if reasonable necessity etc 87B. Heavy vehicle refrigeration units not to be operated on residential 87C. Prohibition on night operation of heavy vehicle 88. Daily infringement Division 3.1.3A--Heavy vehicle parking—enforcement 89. Meaning of occupier—div 3.1.3A 90. Power to enter premises 91. Production of identity card 92. Consent to entry 93. General powers on entry to premises 94. Damage etc to be minimised 95. Compensation for exercise of enforcement powers Division 3.1.4--Miscellaneous 97A. Other powers to provide pay parking 98. Overlapping schemes 98A. Income from ticket parking scheme 98B. Costs of ticket parking scheme 99. Trailers not separately chargeable PART 3.2--PARKING PERMITS AND MOBILITY PARKING SCHEME AUTHORITIES 100. Parking permits 101. Mobility parking scheme authorities 101A. Parking permits and mobility parking scheme 101B. Parking permits and mobility parking scheme authorities—return when PART 3.3--PARKING--OTHER PROVISIONS 101C. Marking tyres by parking inspectors CHAPTER 4--TRAFFIC OFFENCE DETECTION DEVICES 102. Definitions—ch 4 103. Approved traffic offence detection devices 103A. Approval of police vehicle speedometers 103B. Average speed detection systems—Act, s 22AA, s 23B and s 24 104. Major testing of laser speed measuring devices 104A. Major testing of other traffic offence detection devices 104B. Certification and sealing of traffic offence detection devices 105. Use of certain digital camera detection devices 105A. Use of certain laser speed measuring devices 105B. Use of certain radar speed measuring devices 106. Approved people—testing and sealing 107. Approved people—use 107A. Recording of camera detection device image files—Act, 107B. Verification of camera detection device image files—Act, 108. Meaning of codes etc on image taken by approved camera detection device or approved CHAPTER 5--MISCELLANEOUS 109. Additional police powers—removing parked cars 110. Prohibition on car minding 111. Removal of unattended vehicles—Act, s 32 (1) (c) 112. Disposal of impounded vehicles—Act, s 10K 112A. Disposal of forfeited vehicles—Act, s 10K 113. Responsible person to inspect driver licence 114. Responsible person's consent 115. Standards for safe carriage of loads—Act, s 14 (2) DICTIONARY ENDNOTES