New South Wales Consolidated Regulations

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- Made under the Local Government Act 1993
- As at 2 August 2024
- Reg 460 of 2021



   1.      Name of Regulation
   2.      Commencement
   3.      Definitions
   4.      Application of Regulation


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   5.      Exclusion of certain matters

           Division 3 - Approvals relating to water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage work

              Subdivision 1 - Applications for approvals

   13.     Standards and requirements to be met for approval
   14.     Installation of water meters
   15.     Matters to be considered when determining applications for water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage approvals

              Subdivision 2 - Conditions of approvals

   16.     Approvals for stormwater drainage work to be subject to a condition requiring compliance with standards and requirements
   16A.    Approvals for water supply or sewerage work subject to compliance with Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011, standards and requirements
   17.     Discretionary conditions for carrying out water supply work
   18.     Connection to water or sewerage mains
   19.     Cutting into sewer main
   20.     Person carrying out water supply, sewerage or stormwater drainage work to hold permit
   21.     Inspection and certification of water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage work
   22.     Defective water supply, sewerage or stormwater drainage work to be rectified
   23.     Diagrams of sewerage or stormwater drainage work

              Subdivision 3 - Exemption

   24.     Approval not required for the drawing of water by council employees

           Division 4 - Approvals relating to management of waste

              Subdivision 1 - Applications for approvals

   25.     Matters to accompany applications relating to discharge into sewers
   26.     Matters to accompany applications for approval to install or construct sewage management facilities

              Subdivision 2 - Determination of applications for approvals

   27.     Matters to be taken into consideration by council in determining applications for approval to place a building waste storage container on a road
   28.     Approval to discharge waste into sewers: concurrence required
   29.     Matters to be taken into consideration in determining applications for approval to install, construct or alter sewage management facilities
   30.     Standards to be met for approval

              Subdivision 3 - Conditions of approvals

   31.     Compliance with standards
   32.     Disposal of trade waste
   33.     Waste treatment devices
   34.     Use of sewage management facilities
   35.     Position of closets

              Subdivision 4 - Performance standards

   36.     Sewage management facilities generally
   37.     Closets for certain toilet systems
   38.     Cesspits
   39.     Mechanical waste treatment devices

              Subdivision 5 - Accreditation of sewage management facilities

   40.     Application of Subdivision
   41.     Facilities to be accredited

              Subdivision 6 - Approval required to operate system of sewage management

   42.     Meaning of "operate a system of sewage management"
   43.     Matters to be taken into consideration in determining applications for approval to operate system of sewage management

              Subdivision 7 - Operation of system of sewage management

   44.     Performance standards for operation of system of sewage management
   45.     Further condition of approval in relation to operation of system of sewage management
   46.     Approval to operate system of sewage management extends to concurrent owners and occupiers
   47.     Temporary exemption for purchaser of land

              Subdivision 8 - Exemptions

   48.     Activities for which approval is not required

           Division 5 - Approvals relating to activities on community land and public roads and other activities

              Subdivision 1 - Community land

   49.     Approval for the use of loudspeaker or amplifying device on community land not required in certain circumstances

              Subdivision 2 - Public roads

   50.     Matters for consideration by council in determining whether to approve applications relating to public roads
   51.     Compliance with standards--approvals relating to public roads

              Subdivision 3 - Public car parks

   52.     Matters to accompany applications relating to the operation of a public car park
   53.     Matters to be taken into consideration by council in determining whether to approve the operation of a public car park
   54.     Standards to be met for approval
   55.     Compliance with standards
   56.     Number of vehicles
   57.     Entries, exits and driveways
   58.     Surfaces
   59.     Fencing
   60.     Lighting
   61.     Vehicles
   62.     Fire extinguishers
   63.     Speed limit
   64.     Obstruction of roads
   65.     Concurrence required for operation of public car park
   66.     Approval for operation of public car park not required in certain circumstances

              Subdivision 4 - Domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliances

   67.     Standards to be met for approval
   68.     Compliance with standards
   69.     Adoption of Building Code of Australia
   70.     Approval for installation of domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance not required in certain circumstances

              Subdivision 5 - Amusement devices

   71.     Activities for which approval is not required
   72.     Standards to be met for approval
   73.     Compliance with standards
   74.     Insurance
   75.     Approval for installation or operation of small amusement devices not required in certain circumstances

              Subdivision 6 - Domestic greywater diversion

   75A.    Approval required for domestic greywater diversion

           Division 6 - Miscellaneous

   76.     Form of application for accreditation of components, processes, designs or temporary structures
   77.     Public notice of draft local approvals policies
   78.     Public notice of approval
   79.     Matters to be submitted to council
   80.     Application may be made for approval for exempted activity
   81.     Local approvals policies--standards


           Division 1 - Orders requiring or prohibiting the doing of things to or on premises

   82.     Relevant standards for camping grounds, caravan parks, manufactured home estates and moveable dwellings
   83.     Relevant standards for certain places of shared accommodation
   84.     Relevant standards for hairdressers shops
   85.     Relevant standards for beauty salons
   86.     Relevant standards for mortuaries
   87.     Water supply and sewerage system pipes, fittings and fixtures
   88.     Rectification of defective water supply or sewerage work
   89.     Flow of surface water across land

           Division 2 - Orders requiring that premises be used or not used in specified ways

   90.     Septic tank or closet
   91.     Keeping of birds or animals
   92.     Relevant standards for keeping of birds or animals

           Division 3 - Orders requiring the preservation of healthy conditions

   93.     Water carting vehicles
   94.     Disposal of certain waste
   95.     Connection of premises to council's water supply
   96.     Connection of premises to a sewerage system

           Division 4 - Miscellaneous

   97.     Copies of certain orders to be provided to EPA
   98.     Standards for water supply, sewerage or stormwater drainage work
   99.     Information to be included in Orders
   100.    Public notice of local orders policy


           Division 1 - Guidelines for the categorisation of community land

   101.    Application of this Division
   102.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as a natural area
   103.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as a sportsground
   104.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as a park
   105.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as an area of cultural significance
   106.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as general community use
   107.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as bushland
   108.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as wetland
   109.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as an escarpment
   110.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as a watercourse
   111.    Guidelines for categorisation of land as foreshore

           Division 2 - Preparation and adoption of draft plans of management for community land

   112.    Consultation concerning categorisation of land as an area of cultural significance
   113.    Preparation of draft plan of management where land is categorised in more than one category
   114.    Adoption of draft plan of management in relation to which certain submissions have been made

           Division 3 - Other matters

   115.    Exemptions for leases for temporary accommodation--the Act, s 748(2)
   116.    Leases, licences and other estates in respect of community land
   117.    Exemptions from section 47A of the Act (Leases, licences and other estates in respect of community land--terms of 5 years or less)
   118.    Additional notifications in relation to certain filming projects
   119.    Sublease of community land


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   120.    Application of Part

           Division 2 - Levying of rates and charges

   121.    Land used for caravan park or manufactured home not to be categorised as residential (the Act, section 516(2))
   122.    Land used for retirement village, serviced apartments or time-shares to be categorised as residential (the Act, section 516(2))
   123.    Land exempt from rates (the Act, section 556)
   124.    Highest ordinary rate for certain rateable land
   125.    Services for which an annual charge may be imposed (the Act, section 501)
   125A.   Annual charges for stormwater management services
   125AA.  Maximum annual charge for stormwater management services (the Act, section 510A)
   126.    Minimum amount of ordinary rate--the Act, s 548(3)
   127.    Rates and charges notices
   128.    Information relating to rates and charges

           Division 3 - Payment of rates and charges

   129.    Request for transfer of land in payment of rates, charges or accrued interest
   130.    Additional circumstances in which rates or charges may be written off: the Act, section 607
   131.    Procedures for writing off rates and charges
   132.    Details of written off rates and charges to be included in annual report
   133.    Sale of land to recover overdue rates or charges

           Division 4 - Pensioners

   134.    Eligible pensioners for the purposes of determining pensioner concessions--prescribed classes
   135.    Application for eligible pensioners concession
   136.    Abandonment of pensioners rates and charges--prescribed persons


   136A.   What are environmental upgrade works?
   136B.   Delegation of power to impose charge
   136C.   Form of charge
   136D.   Curing of irregularities
   136E.   Levying of charge on strata buildings
   136F.   Payment of environmental upgrade charges by lessees
   136G.   Payment of environmental upgrade charges by instalment
   136H.   Accrual of interest on overdue charges
   136I.   Application of payments
   136J.   Certificate issued by Council as to environmental upgrade charges
   136K.   Sale of land to pay charge
   136L.   Modification of Retail Leases Act 1994
   136M.   Mandatory requirements of guidelines


           Division 1 - General provisions

   137.    Water supply may be restricted if there is a shortage of supply
   137A.   Substances prohibited from being discharged into public sewers
   138.    Works for which approval is required under section 60 of the Act
   139.    Erection of notices to indicate catchment districts
   140.    Application of the Act, Chapter 6, Part 3, Division 2 to City of Hawkesbury

           Division 2 - Functions of councils

   141.    Works constructed to serve 2 or more council areas
   142.    Fire hydrants
   143.    Inspection of pipes and drains and measurement of water and sewage
   144.    Cutting off or restricting water supply
   145.    New sewer or stormwater drain to be constructed if it is less costly than a connection to an existing sewer or stormwater drain
   146.    Connections to council's sewerage system
   147.    Water not to be supplied through water supply work until inspected and certified
   148.    Council to prepare map of water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage works
   149.    Plans of connections to sewerage or stormwater drainage systems
   150.    Inspection of drainage diagrams

           Division 3 - General requirements relating to water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage

   151.    Water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage work to comply with applicable standards and requirements
   152.    Premises to be connected to water supply by an independent house service pipe
   153.    Laying of house service pipes
   154.    Privately owned water meters to be of a size and class approved by the council
   155.    Security of water meters
   156.    Water meter not to be used to measure the water supplied to more than one premises except in certain cases
   157.    Hire of meters
   158.    Testing of meters
   159.    Prevention of waste and misuse of water
   160.    Misuse of water
   161.    Particular provisions for unmetered premises
   162.    Joint sewerage services prohibited


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   163.    Application of Part
   164.    Definitions
   165.    Requirements for contracts to which this Part applies

           Division 2 - Prerequisites for tendering

   166.    Council to decide whether tenders are to be by open tendering or selective tendering
   167.    Open tendering
   168.    Selective tendering method by which invitations to tender for proposed contract are made following public advertisement asking for expressions of interest
   169.    Selective tendering method by which recognised contractors listed by council are invited to tender for particular kinds of proposed contracts
   170.    Tender proposal documents
   170A.   Prescribed expenditure to assist council with natural disaster response
   171.    Shortened tender period
   172.    Extended tender period

           Division 3 - Tender submissions

   173.    Submission of tenders
   174.    Custody of tender submissions after receipt
   175.    Formal receipt and opening of tender submissions
   176.    Tender submissions may be varied in certain circumstances

           Division 4 - Determination of successful tenderer

   177.    Consideration of tender submissions
   178.    Acceptance of tender submissions
   179.    Notification of acceptance of successful tender submission


   180.    Content of model code of conduct
   181.    Model procedure for administering the model code of conduct
   182.    Acts of disorder


   183.    Induction training courses for councillors
   184.    Supplementary induction training courses for mayors
   185.    Ongoing professional development program for councillors and mayors
   186.    Information about induction training and ongoing professional development to be included in annual report


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   196.    Definitions

           Division 1A - Strategic planning

   196A.   Integrated planning and reporting guidelines--the Act, s 406

           Division 3 - Budgeting by councils

   202.    Responsible accounting officer to maintain system for budgetary control
   203.    Budget review statements and revision of estimates

           Division 4 - Councils' funds

   204.    Council to establish and maintain accounts with authorised deposit-taking institutions
   205.    Withdrawal of certain money

           Division 5 - Accounting records and accounting practices

   206.    Accounting records and accounting practices to accord with the Code
   207.    Responsibility for accounting records
   208.    Production of accounting records
   209.    Particular responsibilities of the general manager
   210.    Council to rectify defects in internal control systems
   211.    Authorisation of expenditure
   212.    Reports on council investments
   213.    Restrictions on writing off debts to a council

           Division 6 - Annual financial reports

   214.    Additional requirements for preparation of a council's financial reports
   215.    Statement by a council on its annual financial reports
   216.    Council's annual financial reports to be amended in certain cases

           Division 6A - Auditing and Audit, Risk and Improvement Committees

   216A.   Definitions
   216B.   Application of division to joint organisations
   216C.   Composition of Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216D.   Eligibility for appointment as chairperson--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216E.   Eligibility for appointment as independent member--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216F.   Persons taken not to be independent of council--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216G.   Term of office--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216H.   Removal of members--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216I.   Remuneration--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216J.   Meetings of Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216K.   Terms of reference--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216L.   Assistance to Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee--the Act, Sch 6, cl 19B
   216M.   Matters committee must keep under review--the Act, s 428A
   216N.   Joint internal audit arrangements--the Act, s 428B
   216O.   Internal audit charter--the Act, Sch 6, cl 8A
   216P.   Internal audit co-ordinator--the Act, Sch 6, cl 8A
   216Q.   Persons exercising internal audit functions--the Act, Sch 6, cl 8A
   216R.   Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee to oversee and report on internal audit activities--the Act, s 428A(2)(i)
   216S.   Risk management--the Act, Sch 6, cl 18
   216T.   Attestation in annual report--the Act, s 428(4)(b)
   216U.   Contravention of division permitted in certain circumstances--the Act, Sch 6, cl 8A

           Division 7 - Annual reports

              Subdivision 1 - Additional information--general

   217.    Additional information for inclusion in annual report

           Division 8 - County councils

   218.    Application of planning and reporting provisions to county councils
   219.    Business activity strategic plan of county council

           Division 9 - Miscellaneous

   227.    Matters to be taken into consideration by auditor
   228.    Half-yearly inspection of council's accounting records
   229.    Loans to council to be charge on the council's income
   230.    General manager to notify borrowings to Secretary


   232.    Model code of meeting practice
   233.    Expulsion for acts of disorder
   234.    Minister to convene meetings in certain cases
   235.    Report of Secretary to be tabled at council meeting
   236.    Councils to broadcast meetings online
   237.    (Repealed)


           Division 1 - Preliminary

   274.    Application of Part and associated Schedules
   275.    Definitions
   275A.   Functions of election manager

           Division 2 - Administration

   276.    Election official cannot be candidate
   276A.   Election official to be on electoral roll
   277.    Notice of changes to wards
   277A.   Effect of changes to wards on approaching elections
   277B.   Advertising by election manager

           Division 3 - Electoral rolls

   278.    Closing date
   279.    Form of roll of electors
   280.    Advertising of enrolments
   281.    Enrolment claims and objections
   282.    Competing claimants for enrolment
   283.    Supply of forms
   284.    Request for omission of place of living from roll (non-resident electors)
   284A.   Provision of enrolment information to candidates
   284B.   Use of enrolment information--application of section 51 of Electoral Act 2017
   284C.   Prohibition of disclosure or commercial use of enrolment information--application of section 52 of Electoral Act 2017

           Division 4 - Notice of election and nominations

   285.    Notification of vacancy
   286.    Nomination day
   288.    Notice of election and call for nomination proposals
   289.    Nomination proposals
   290.    Candidate information sheets
   291.    Withdrawal of nomination proposals
   292.    Multiple nomination proposals
   293.    Refund of deposit
   294.    Inspection of names of persons proposed for nomination
   295.    Returning officer to nominate candidates
   296.    Declaration of uncontested election

           Division 5 - Polling places for attendance elections

   296A.   Application of Division
   297.    Polling places
   298.    Pre-poll voting offices

           Division 6 - Preparation for poll

   299.    Poll
   300.    Notice of contested election
   301.    Claims for grouping of candidates
   302.    Order of ungrouped candidates and groups on ballot-papers
   303.    Ballot for determining the order of ungrouped candidates on ballot-papers
   304.    Ballot for determining the order of groups of candidates on ballot-papers
   305.    Form of ballot-papers

           Division 6A - Further preparation for attendance elections

   308.    Application of Division
   309.    Supply of rolls and ballot-papers
   310.    Return of numbers of ballot-papers before poll
   311.    Ballot-paper to be initialled
   312.    Ballot-paper may be photocopied, written or otherwise reproduced

           Division 7 - Special voting at attendance elections

              Subdivision 1AA - Application of Division

   312A.   Application of Division

              Subdivision 1 - Postal voting

   313.    Postal voting: qualifications
   314.    Applications for postal voting
   314A.   Declarations regarding COVID-19 affected classes of electors
   315.    Registration of registered early voters (postal)
   316.    Electors entitled to postal vote
   317.    Issue of postal ballot-paper
   318.    Postal voting procedure
   319.    Closing time for postal vote
   320.    Receipt of postal ballot-papers

              Subdivision 1A - Provisional voting

   320A.   Person already marked off roll
   320B.   Person omitted from roll
   320C.   Person enrolling for first time, re-enrolling or transferring enrolment
   320D.   Person enrolled after closing date
   320E.   Procedure for provisional voting
   320F.   Provisional voting at pre-poll voting offices and declared institutions

              Subdivision 2 - Pre-poll voting at pre-poll voting offices

   321.    Pre-poll voting: qualifications
   323.    Pre-poll voting procedure
   324.    Pre-poll ballot-box to be delivered or sent to returning officer
   325.    Surrender of postal ballot-papers
   326.    Pre-poll voting offices and times

              Subdivision 3 - Declared institution voting

   327.    Declared institutions
   328.    Taking of poll at declared institutions
   329.    Entitlement to vote at declared institutions
   330.    Procedure for voting at declared institutions
   331.    Declared institutions ballot-box to be delivered or sent to returning officer

              Subdivision 4 - Mobile booths

   332.    Mobile polling places in hospital, nursing home, retirement village or similar facilities
   332A.   Mobile booths for pre-poll voting in remote local government areas

              Subdivision 5 - Miscellaneous

   333.    Assistance of officers

           Division 7A - Technology assisted voting

   333A.   Application of Division
   333B.   Definitions
   333C.   Meaning of "eligible elector"
   333D.   Application to vote by means of technology assisted voting
   333E.   Electoral Commissioner to determine applications
   333F.   Electoral Commissioner to approve procedures for technology assisted voting
   333G.   Independent auditing of technology assisted voting
   333H.   Independent monitoring of technology assisted voting
   333I.   Scrutineers
   333J.   Secrecy relating to technology assisted voting
   333K.   Protection of computer hardware and software
   333L.   Electoral Commissioner may determine that technology assisted voting is not to be used
   333M.   Technology assisted voting

           Division 8 - Ordinary voting at attendance elections

   334.    Application of Division
   335.    Polling place--arrangements
   335A.   Polling place--arrangements for COVID-19 pandemic
   336.    Hours of voting
   337.    Scrutineers
   337A.   Special provisions about scrutineers for COVID-19 pandemic
   338.    Where electors may vote
   339.    Questions put to elector
   341.    Delivery of ballot-paper to elector
   342.    Voting

           Division 8A - Voting at postal elections

   344.    Application of Division
   344A.   Scrutineers
   344B.   Issue of postal ballot-paper
   344C.   Postal voting procedure
   344D.   Closing time for postal vote
   344E.   Receipt of postal ballot-papers
   344F.   Request to redirect postal ballot-paper
   344G.   Request for replacement voting materials

           Division 9 - Scrutiny and counting

   345.    Informal ballot-papers
   345A.   Appointment of ballot counting place
   346.    Persons present at scrutiny and count
   347.    Preliminary scrutiny of postal ballot-papers
   348.    Directions in relation to ballot counting places
   348A.   Initial scrutiny of ballot-papers and counting of votes
   348B.   Ballot-papers placed in incorrect ballot-box
   349.    Polling place managers to send ballot-papers to returning officer
   350.    Checking and counting of ballot-papers in sealed envelopes
   351.    Finalising the count--attendance elections
   351A.   Finalising the count--postal elections
   352.    Double candidature: candidate elected as mayor
   353.    Recount
   354.    Who pays for the recount?
   355.    Result of recount
   356.    Declaring the election

           Division 9A - Provisions relating to activities during regulated periods

              Subdivision 1 - Preliminary

   356A.   Interpretation

              Subdivision 2 - Non-complying electoral material

   356B.   Non-complying electoral material
   356C.   Non-complying electoral material--additional provisions regarding how-to-vote cards

              Subdivision 3 - Offences applicable during regulated period

   356D.   Printing, publishing and distributing non-complying electoral material
   356E.   Display of posters
   356F.   Writing, drawing or depicting electoral matter
   356G.   Name and address on electoral material
   356GA.  Authorisation of advertisements on electronic billboards, digital road signs etc to be displayed
   356GAA. Authorisation of automated telephone calls--the Act, s 748(3)
   356GB.  Publication of paid electoral advertisements on the internet
   356H.   Encouraging ticks or crosses on ballot-papers
   356I.   Defences and exceptions

              Subdivision 4 - Additional offences applicable on pre-poll voting days

   356J.   Display of posters on pre-poll voting days
   356K.   Canvassing on pre-poll voting days
   356KA.  Interference with posters

              Subdivision 5 - Additional offences applicable on election days

   356L.   Extended operation of this Subdivision
   356M.   Distribution of electoral material on election days
   356N.   Display of posters
   356NA.  Interference with posters
   356O.   Canvassing on election days

              Subdivision 6 - Registration of electoral material

   356OA.  Definition
   356P.   Application for registration of electoral material
   356Q.   Consideration of application for registration
   356R.   Registration of electoral material
   356S.   Revocation of registration or imposition of condition on registration

              Subdivision 7 - Miscellaneous

   356SA.  Maintenance of order at and near polling places
   356T.   Confiscation of posters and other electoral material
   356TA.  Posters--arrangements for COVID-19 pandemic
   356TB.  Handing out electoral materials--arrangements for COVID-19 pandemic
   356U.   Notice applying provisions to grounds of polling place
   356V.   Official notices
   356W.   Double jeopardy

           Division 10 - Offences

   357.    Penalty notices
   358.    Misconduct in voting
   359.    False statements in forms
   360.    Misconduct by witness to postal vote
   361.    Misconduct in relation to postal voting
   362.    Misconduct by person present at pre-poll or declared institution voting
   363.    Other misconduct in relation to postal, pre-poll or declared institution voting
   364.    Breach of secrecy
   365.    Obstruction of election officials
   365A.   Filming or photographing election officials
   366.    False answers to questions put by election officials
   367.    Obstructing access
   368.    Persons present in polling place
   369.    Misconduct by scrutineers
   370.    Misconduct at polling place or pre-poll voting office
   371.    Improperly signing or witnessing electoral papers
   372.    Forging or uttering electoral papers
   373.    Stuffing ballot-boxes
   374.    Opening sealed parcels
   375.    Electoral bribery, treating and selling of votes
   377.    Interference with right to vote

           Division 11 - Miscellaneous

   383.    Suspension of voting
   383A.   Adjournment of voting
   384.    Postponement of last day of voting of postal election
   386.    Postponed and adjourned elections
   387.    Spoilt ballot-papers at attendance elections
   388.    Assistance to certain electors
   388A.   Special format of ballot-papers
   389.    Signatures and marks on electoral papers and ballot-papers
   391.    Security of election materials
   391A.   Provisional voting envelopes
   393.    Election information
   393A.   General manager to report on election
   393AA.  Electoral Commissioner to report on election
   393B.   Exercise of council functions during caretaker period
   393C.   Countback elections

           Division 12 - Mayors, county councils and referendums

   394.    Election of mayors by councillors
   395.    Election of chairpersons of county councils
   396.    Election of members of county councils
   397.    Constitutional referendums and council polls


   397A.   Application of this Regulation to joint organisations
   397B.   Charters of joint organisations
   397C.   Meetings of joint organisations
   397D.   Election of chairperson
   397E.   Tied votes
   397F.   Alternates for voting representatives on board
   397G.   Transaction of business by telephone etc
   397H.   Statement of strategic regional priorities
   397I.   Annual statement of revenue policy
   397J.   Annual performance statements
   397K.   Delegation of functions
   397L.   Financial contributions by member councils
   397M.   Payment of expenses and provision of facilities
   397N.   First financial reports and other financial matters
   397O.   Application of merit appointment provisions
   397P.   Transfer of staff
   397Q.   Acquisition of land excluded


   398.    Offences in respect of which penalty notices may be served
   399.    Penalties for offences


           Division 1 - Council seal

   400.    Council seal

           Division 2 - Compulsory acquisition of land for resale (the Act, section 188)
           401. Meaning of "diligent inquiry"

           Division 3 - Surveys and polls relating to council amalgamations or boundary changes (the Act, section 218F)
           402. List of electors

           Division 4 - Payments to councillors (the Act, sections 252 and 254A)
           403. Payment of expenses and provision of facilities

   404.    Circumstances in which councillors' annual fees may be reduced or not paid

           Division 5 - Council staffing matters

   405.    Exemption from Ministerial approval for certain termination payments to senior staff
   406.    Determinations relating to staff entitlements during proposal period not requiring Ministerial approval
   406A.   Transfer of accrued leave entitlements
   406B.   Long service leave entitlements
   406C.   Entitlements of senior staff on transfer following amalgamation or boundary alteration
   406D.   Entitlements of senior staff not transferred on boundary alterations

           Division 6 - Winding up of Cudgegong (Abattoir) County Council (the Act, section 400AA)

   407.    Modification of Parts 5.5-5.9 of the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth concerning winding up of Cudgegong (Abattoir) County Council

           Division 7 - Certain exclusions

   408.    Arrangements excluded from provisions relating to public-private partnerships
   410.    Entities excluded from restrictions under section 358 of the Act as to formation

           Division 8 - Bathing control notices (the Act, section 633)
           411. Bathing control notices

           Division 9 - Disclosure and misuse of information

   412.    Prescribed circumstances

           Division 10 - Application of certain penalties

   413.    Parking and related offences for purposes of the Act, section 694

           Division 11 - Functions of general manager

   413A.   Functions of general manager (the Act, section 335)

           Division 13 - Standards of coastal protection services

   413C.   Standards of coastal protection services

           Division 14 - Performance management criteria and suspension criteria

   413D.   Performance improvement criteria: the Act, section 438B
   413DA.  Temporary adviser criteria: the Act, section 438G
   413DB.  Financial controller criteria: the Act, section 438HB
   413E.   Suspension criteria: the Act, section 438J


   414.    Savings
   415.    Repeal
   416.    Tender information published under section 175
           SCHEDULE 1
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           SCHEDULE 12

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