New South Wales Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.


SCHEDULE 3 – Amendment of Police Act 1990 No 47

[1] Section 3 (1), definitions of "administrative officer" and "non-executive administrative officer"

Omit the definitions.

[2] Section 3 (1), definitions of "Assistant Commissioner" and "Deputy Commissioner"

Omit "Division 2 of Part 5" wherever occurring. Insert instead "Part 5".

[3] Section 3 (1), definition of "NSW Police Force Senior Executive Service"

Omit the definition.

[4] Section 3 (1)

Insert in alphabetical order:

"administrative employee" means a member of the NSW Police Force other than a police officer.

"non-executive administrative employee" means a member of the NSW Police Force, other than a police officer or a NSW Police Force senior executive.

"NSW Police Force senior executive" --see section 32.

"position" , in relation to NSW Police Force senior executives or non-executive administrative employees, includes role.

"role" of a NSW Police Force senior executive or a non-executive administrative employee means the duties and responsibilities of any such executive or employee.

[5] Section 3 (1), definition of "temporary employee"

Omit the definition.

[6] Section 5 Composition of NSW Police Force

Omit section 5 (b)-(d). Insert instead:

(b) NSW Police Force senior executives,
(c) all other police officers or non-executive administrative employees who are employed under this Act.

[7] Section 10 Positions in the NSW Police Force

Omit section 10 (5).

[8] Section 10 (6)

Omit "(other than the NSW Police Force Senior Executive Service)".

[9] Section 11 Designation of police officers

Omit "administrative officer" from section 11 (3).
Insert instead "administrative employee".

[10] Section 11 (5)

Omit the subsection.

[11] Section 12 Ranks and grades of police officers

Omit section 12 (1) (b) and (c). Insert instead:

(b) NSW Police Force senior executive.
(c) Superintendent.

[12] Section 12 (2)

Omit "within the NSW Police Force Senior Executive Service".
Insert instead "who are NSW Police Force senior executives".

[13] Section 27 Employment and remuneration of Commissioner

Omit section 27 (2). Insert instead:

(2) The provisions of sections 36 (1), 38, 39 and 42 apply to the Commissioner in the same way as they apply to a NSW Police Force senior executive (subject to a reference in those provisions to the Commissioner being construed as a reference to the Minister).

[14] Section 28 Removal of Commissioner

Omit "no reason" from section 28 (1). Insert instead "no stated reason".

[15] Section 28 (1A)-(1C)

Insert after section 28 (1):

(1A) A Commissioner who is removed from office is entitled to such compensation (if any) as may be provided in the contract of employment of the Commissioner (and to no other compensation or entitlement for the removal from office). This subsection does not affect the operation of the Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906 or the State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 or prevent the payment of any other benefit provided under a superannuation scheme.
(1B) A Commissioner who is removed from office is not to be employed in the public sector during the period specified in the contract of employment to which any such compensation relates unless arrangements have been made for a refund of the proportionate amount of the compensation.
(1C) For the purposes of this section,
"employment" of a former Commissioner in the public sector and
"public sector" have the same meanings as in section 41 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 .

[16] Section 28 (2) and (4)-(7)

Omit the subsections.

[17] Section 28A

Insert after section 28:

28A Declaration as "unattached" officer
(1) This section applies in relation to a person who is removed from office as Commissioner under section 28.
(2) The Governor, on the recommendation of the Minister:
(a) may declare the person so removed to be an unattached officer in the service of the Crown, and
(b) may revoke any such declaration.
(3) While such a declaration remains in force, the person concerned is entitled to monetary remuneration and employment benefits (including any benefits that may be provided under a superannuation scheme) as if the person had not been removed from office.
(4) If:
(a) the Commissioner is removed from office and such a declaration is not made, or
(b) a declaration that is made is revoked,
the person concerned ceases to be employed in the service of the Crown, unless appointed to another position in the service of the Crown.
(5) A declaration under this section, unless sooner revoked, is revoked on the date on which the term of office of the person as Commissioner would have expired.

[18] Part 5

Omit the Part. Insert instead:

Part 5 - NSW Police Force senior executives

32 NSW Police Force senior executives
(1) Persons who are employed in the NSW Police Force in a Public Service senior executive band, whether as police officers or as administrative employees, are
"NSW Police Force senior executives" . For that purpose, the Public Service senior executive bands under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 apply to employment in the NSW Police Force.
(2) The Commissioner is not a NSW Police Force senior executive.
(3) Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners are to be employed as NSW Police Force senior executives.
(4) A police officer is not to be employed as a NSW Police Force senior executive unless the police officer is above the rank of superintendent.
(5) The Commissioner may, subject to this and any other Act or law, exercise employer functions in relation to persons employed as NSW Police Force senior executives.
33 Appointment of senior executives
(1) Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners are to be appointed by the Governor. The persons appointed are to be persons recommended to the Minister by the Commissioner and approved by the Minister.
(2) Other NSW Police Force senior executives are to be appointed by the Commissioner.
(3) The appointment of a person under this section to a position in the NSW Police Force is to be based on an assessment of the capabilities, experience and knowledge of the person against the pre-established standards for the position to determine the person best suited to the requirements of the position and the needs of the NSW Police Force.
(4) It does not matter whether a person appointed under this section is or is not already a member of the NSW Police Force, and it does not matter that a person appointed to a position designated as a position to be held by a police officer is not a police officer at the time of appointment.
(5) The Commissioner may appoint a member of the NSW Police Force to act as a Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner or other NSW Police Force senior executive if the executive is suspended, sick or absent or has vacated office, and may terminate the appointment at any time.
(6) A person, while so acting as a NSW Police Force senior executive, has all the functions of the executive, but does not thereby become a NSW Police Force senior executive if not already such an executive.
34 Integrity matters
(1) It is the duty of the Commissioner, before recommending the appointment of, or appointing, a person as a NSW Police Force senior executive:
(a) to make inquiries (from the Police Integrity Commission, and the Commander, Professional Standards Command, and from any other person or body the Commissioner considers appropriate) as to the person's integrity, and
(b) to have regard to any information that comes to the Commissioner's attention (whether as a result of inquiries under paragraph (a) or otherwise) as to the person's integrity.
(2) The Police Integrity Commission, subject to the Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 , and the Commander, Professional Standards Command, are required to furnish a report to the Commissioner (on the basis of the information available to the Commission or the Commander and without the need for any special investigation or inquiry) on the person the subject of an inquiry by the Commissioner.
(3) As soon as practicable after a person is appointed as a NSW Police Force senior executive, the Commissioner is required to notify the Police Integrity Commission of the identity of the person so appointed.
(4) The Commissioner must, before recommending the appointment of, or appointing, a person as a NSW Police Force senior executive:
(a) require the person to provide a statutory declaration, in such form (if any) as may be prescribed by the regulations, that the person has not knowingly engaged in specified misconduct or any other misconduct, and
(b) have regard to the statutory declaration so provided.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply to a person who is not, and has never been, a police officer (whether a member of the NSW Police Force, or the Police Force, by whatever name described, of another State or Territory, or of another country).
(6) A person who does not provide a statutory declaration in accordance with a requirement under subsection (4) is ineligible for appointment.
(7) The fact that a person does not provide a statutory declaration in accordance with such a requirement is not to be taken into consideration for a purpose other than the assessment of the person's eligibility to be appointed as a NSW Police Force senior executive.
(8) In the case of the appointment of a person as the Commander, Professional Standards Command, the functions of that Commander under this section are to be exercised by a Deputy Commissioner nominated by the Commissioner.
35 Kinds of employment
(1) Employment as a NSW Police Force senior executive may be any one of the following kinds of employment:
(a) ongoing employment,
(b) term employment.
(2) Ongoing employment is employment that continues until the executive resigns or his or her employment is terminated.
(3) Term employment is employment for a specified period or for the duration of a specified task (unless the executive sooner resigns or his or her employment is terminated).
36 Employment in bands and assignment to roles
(1) A NSW Police Force senior executive is to be employed in the Public Service senior executive band that the Commissioner considers appropriate for the role of the executive.
(2) In determining the number of NSW Police Force senior executives and the appropriate band in which they are employed, the Commissioner is to apply the applicable work level standards and have regard to any guidance provided by the Public Service Commissioner.
(3) A NSW Police Force senior executive may, from time to time, be assigned to a role in any part of the NSW Police Force in the band in which the executive is employed.
(4) A NSW Police Force senior executive may be assigned to a role by the Commissioner.
(5) A NSW Police Force senior executive (other than a police officer) may:
(a) be transferred by the Commissioner to the Public Service of New South Wales and assigned to a role in any Public Service agency in the band in which the executive is employed (with the agreement of the head of that agency), or
(b) be transferred by the Commissioner to the NSW Health Service and assigned to a role in the band in which the executive is employed (with the agreement of the Secretary of the Ministry of Health), or
Note : A Police Force senior executive may not be assigned to the role of chief executive of a local health district or specialty network governed health corporation except with the concurrence of the board of the organisation concerned--see section 121D (11) of the Health Services Act 1997 .
(c) be transferred by the Commissioner to the Transport Service of New South Wales and assigned to a role in the band in which the executive is employed (with the agreement of the Secretary of the Department of Transport).
Note : See also section 95A which enables a police officer to be seconded to other government agencies. While seconded, the police officer retains his or her rank, seniority and remuneration and may continue to act as a police officer of that rank.
(6) NSW Police Force senior executives may be assigned to roles under this section to enable the flexible deployment of staff resources and to develop the capabilities of staff.
(7) A NSW Police Force senior executive is not to be assigned to a different role under this section unless the executive has been consulted. The remuneration payable to the executive is not to be reduced because of the assignment to the different role without the consent of the executive. This subsection extends to a transfer under subsection (5).
(8) In this section:

"assign" to a role includes assign to a different role.
37 Government sector employment rules and employment directions
(1) The Public Service Commissioner may make government sector employment rules under section 12 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 on any matter relating to the employment of NSW Police Force senior executives (including, without limitation, matters of the kind referred to in section 36 of that Act and the application of the principle of employment on merit).
(2) The Public Service Commissioner must consult the Commissioner of Police before making any such rules.
(3) This section does not limit any direction that the Commissioner is otherwise authorised to give in relation to the management or control of the NSW Police Force (including employment arrangements). The Commissioner is to consult with the Public Service Commissioner on any inconsistency between any such directions given and applicable government sector employment rules.
38 Contract of employment
(1) A NSW Police Force senior executive is to be employed under a written contract of employment signed by the executive and by the Commissioner on behalf of the Government.
(2) Without limiting section 37 (1), the government sector employment rules made under section 12 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 may prescribe model contracts of employment for NSW Police Force senior executives and may specify any model provisions that are mandatory and that prevail in the event of any inconsistency with the provisions of a contract of employment entered into after the commencement of those mandatory provisions.
(3) Subject to this Part, the government sector employment rules and any direction issued by the Public Service Commissioner under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 , a contract of employment of a NSW Police Force senior executive is to deal with the following matters:
(a) the band in which the executive is employed,
(b) the duration of the contract if the executive is not employed in ongoing employment,
(c) the total remuneration package of the executive (comprising monetary remuneration and employment benefits) and any allowances,
(d) performance obligations, and reviews of performance, of the executive,
(e) progression in the total remuneration package of the executive based on performance,
(f) leave and other conditions of employment of the executive,
(g) the compensation for any termination of employment of the executive by the Commissioner (including the period to which the compensation relates),
(h) any other matter prescribed by the regulations under section 39 (4) of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 .
(4) The contract of employment of a NSW Police Force senior executive may, subject to this Act, include conditions of engagement.
(5) The contract of employment of a NSW Police Force senior executive does not limit, and is not terminated or otherwise affected by:
(a) the transfer of the executive under section 36 (5) to the Public Service of New South Wales, the NSW Health Service or the Transport Service of New South Wales, or
(b) the assignment of the executive to a different role or any other change to the title, place of work or duties of the executive.
(6) A contract of employment of a NSW Police Force senior executive may, subject to this section, be varied at any time in accordance with the contract or by further agreement.
(7) The regulations under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 may make provision with respect to the compensation to which a NSW Police Force senior executive whose employment is terminated is entitled under his or her contract of employment. Any such regulation cannot reduce the amount of compensation to which a NSW Police Force senior executive is entitled under a contract of employment entered into before the commencement of the regulation.
39 Remuneration, benefits and allowances
(1) The remuneration package of a NSW Police Force senior executive must be within the range determined under the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 for the band in which the executive is employed, except as provided by subsection (2).
Note : See also section 24R (3) of the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 .
(2) The Commissioner may, in accordance with parameters agreed on by the Commissioner and the Public Service Commissioner, determine a remuneration package for a NSW Police Force senior executive or class of NSW Police Force senior executives that is within a range higher than the range determined under the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 for the band in which the executive or class of executives is employed.
(3) The kinds and value of employment benefits and the allowances for a NSW Police Force senior executive are to be determined by the Commissioner. In making any such determination, the Commissioner is to have regard to any similar determinations that apply to Public Service senior executives.
(4) A NSW Police Force senior executive is only entitled to the remuneration, employment benefits or allowances provided in the executive's contract of employment.
(5) For the purposes of this section, employment benefits for a NSW Police Force senior executive are:
(a) contributions by the executive's employer to a superannuation scheme or fund of the executive, and
(b) other benefits provided to the executive at the cost of the executive's employer that are of a private nature.
40 Termination of employment
(1) The Governor may terminate the appointment of a person as Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner at any time, for any or no stated reason and without notice. The Governor is not to do so unless the termination is recommended to the Minister by the Commissioner and the Minister approves the recommendation.
(2) The Commissioner may terminate the employment of any other NSW Police Force senior executive at any time, for any or no stated reason and without notice.
(3) The Commissioner:
(a) may declare a person whose appointment is terminated under subsection (1) to be an unattached officer in the NSW Police Force (an
"unattached declaration" ), and
(b) may revoke an unattached declaration.
(4) While an unattached declaration is in force, the person to whom the declaration relates:
(a) is to be regarded as a NSW Police Force senior executive (although not as the holder of any position), and
(b) is entitled to remuneration and employment benefits (including any benefits that may be provided under a superannuation scheme) as if the person's appointment had not been terminated.
(5) If, in the case of a person whose appointment has been terminated under subsection (1), an unattached declaration is not made or is revoked by the Commissioner, the employment of the person as a NSW Police Force senior executive is to be terminated by the Commissioner unless the person is appointed to another position in the NSW Police Force (including a position as a non-executive police officer) after consultation with the person.
(6) Without limiting subsection (5), a person whose appointment as Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner is terminated under this section and who is the subject of an unattached declaration may be appointed by the Commissioner to a position in the NSW Police Force as a non-executive police officer after consultation with the person.
(7) Nothing in this section prevents:
(a) a NSW Police Force senior executive who is a police officer being removed from the NSW Police Force apart from under this section, or
(b) a NSW Police Force senior executive who is an administrative employee from having his or her employment terminated under section 68 or 69 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 .
41 Compensation for termination of employment
(1) A NSW Police Force senior executive whose employment is terminated under section 40 is entitled to such compensation (if any) as may be provided in the contract of employment of the executive (and to no other compensation or entitlement for the termination of employment). This subsection does not affect the operation of the Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906 or the State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987 or prevent the payment of any other benefit provided under a superannuation scheme.
(2) A NSW Police Force senior executive whose employment is so terminated is not to be employed in the public sector during the period specified in the contract of employment to which any such compensation relates unless arrangements have been made for a refund of the proportionate amount of the compensation.
(3) The regulations under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 may make provision relating to the calculation of the proportionate amount of a payment to be refunded under subsection (2).
(4) For the purposes of this section,
"employment" of a former executive in the public sector and
"public sector" have the same meanings as in section 41 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 .
42 Industrial or legal proceedings excluded
(1) The employment of a NSW Police Force senior executive, or any matter, question or dispute relating to any such employment, is not an industrial matter for the purposes of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 .
(2) Parts 6, 7 and 9 of Chapter 2 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 do not apply to or in respect of the employment of a NSW Police Force senior executive.
(3) Any State industrial instrument (whether made before or after the commencement of this section) does not have effect in so far as it relates to the employment of NSW Police Force senior executives. This subsection does not prevent the provisions of any such industrial instrument being adopted by reference in the conditions of employment of any such executive.
(4) No proceedings for an order in the nature of prohibition, certiorari or mandamus or for a declaration or injunction or for any other relief, lie in respect of:
(a) the engagement of, or failure to engage, a person as such a NSW Police Force senior executive, or
(b) the assignment or re-assignment of a NSW Police Force senior executive to a role in a band.
(5) In this section, a reference to the
"employment" of a NSW Police Force senior executive is a reference to:
(a) the engagement of, or failure to engage, a person as such an executive, or
(b) the assignment or re-assignment of the executive to a role in a band, or
(c) the removal, retirement, termination of employment or other cessation of employment of the executive, or
(d) any disciplinary proceedings or action taken against the executive, or
(e) the remuneration or other conditions of employment of the executive.

[19] Section 62 Officers to whom Part applies

Omit "members of the NSW Police Force Senior Executive Service".
Insert instead "NSW Police Force senior executives".

[20] Section 65 Filling non-executive positions by either police officers or non-executive administrative employees

Omit section 65 (1). Insert instead:

(1) If the Commissioner is satisfied that a position is suitable for either a police officer or a non-executive administrative employee, the position may, for the purpose of the selection process, be designated as a position available to both police officers and non-executive administrative employees.

[21] Section 65 (2)

Omit "an administrative officer".
Insert instead "a non-executive administrative employee".

[22] Section 67 Temporary appointments

Omit "Without limiting section 90, the" from section 67 (2). Insert instead "The".

[23] Section 67 (4)

Omit "administrative officer". Insert instead "administrative employee".

[24] Section 69 Transfer of non-executive police officers

Omit "non-executive administrative officer" in section 69 (1) and (5) wherever occurring.
Insert instead "non-executive administrative employee".

[25] Section 72 Vacation of non-executive police officer positions

Omit section 72 (2).

[26] Section 72A Incapable non-executive police officer may be retired

Omit the section.

[27] Section 73 Approval to engage in other paid employment

Omit the section.

[28] Part 6A

Omit the Part. Insert instead:

Part 6A - Non-executive administrative employees

81 Application of Part This Part applies to non-executive administrative employees.
81A Kinds of employment
(1) Employment in the NSW Police Force as a non-executive administrative employee may be any one of the following kinds of employment:
(a) ongoing employment,
(b) temporary employment,
(c) casual employment.
(2) Ongoing employment is employment that continues until the employee resigns or his or her employment is terminated.
(3) Temporary employment is employment for a temporary purpose.
(4) Casual employment is employment to carry out irregular, intermittent, short-term, urgent or other work as and when required.
81B Integrity matters
(1) It is the duty of the Commissioner before employing a non-executive administrative employee, to make inquiries (from any person or body the Commissioner thinks appropriate), as to the person's integrity.
(2) It is the duty of the Commissioner to have regard to any information that comes to the Commissioner's attention (whether as a result of inquiries under subsection (1) or otherwise) as to the integrity of a person referred to in that subsection.
(3) The Police Integrity Commission is authorised (but not required) to furnish a report to the Commissioner on any person the subject of an inquiry under this section.
(4) The Commissioner is required to notify the Police Integrity Commission of the identity of each person employed as a non-executive administrative employee as soon as practicable after the person is so employed.
81C Employment in classifications of work
(1) Non-executive administrative employees are to be employed in a classification of work determined by the Commissioner in which the person is employed in accordance with this and any other Act or law.
(2) A classification of work extends to any kind of work and any grade of that work.
81D Assignment of roles in work classifications
(1) In this section:

"assign" to a role includes assign to a different role.
(2) The Commissioner may from time to time assign non-executive administrative employees to roles in the NSW Police Force in the classification of work in which the employees are employed.
(3) Non-executive administrative employees may be assigned to roles to enable the flexible deployment of staff resources within the NSW Police Force and to develop the capabilities of staff.
(4) A non-executive administrative employee is not to be assigned to a different role unless the employee has been consulted. The remuneration payable to the employee is not to be reduced because of the assignment to the different role without the consent of the employee.
(5) The Commissioner may also transfer a non-executive administrative employee to a non-executive police officer position.
81E Termination of employment
(1) The Commissioner may, by instrument in writing, terminate the employment of a non-executive administrative employee on any of the following grounds if the employment is ongoing employment:
(a) the employee has failed to meet a condition of engagement as an employee imposed under Part 8,
(b) the employee lacks, or has lost, an essential qualification for performing the duties of the role assigned to the employee,
(c) the performance of the employee is determined under section 68 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 to be unsatisfactory,
(d) the employee is unable to perform the duties of the role assigned to the employee because of physical or mental incapacity,
(e) the employee is retired on medical grounds under section 94B,
(f) the employee has refused to perform duties to which the employee has been duly assigned,
(g) the employee has abandoned his or her employment,
(h) a finding of misconduct has been made against the employee under section 69 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 ,
(i) the employee is determined in accordance with the government sector employment rules under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 or the regulations under that Act to be excess to the requirements of the NSW Police Force,
(j) on any other ground prescribed by the regulations under this Act or by the regulations under section 47 (1) (k) of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 .
The instrument is to set out the ground or grounds on which the employment is terminated.
(2) The Commissioner may, by instrument in writing, terminate the employment of a non-executive administrative employee at any time if the employment is not ongoing employment.
81F Government sector employment rules relating to employment of non-executive administrative employees
(1) The Public Service Commissioner may make government sector employment rules under section 12 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 on any matter relating to the employment of NSW Police Force non-executive administrative employees (including, without limitation, matters of the kind referred to in section 48 of that Act).
(2) The Public Service Commissioner must consult the Commissioner of Police before making any such rules.
(3) This section does not limit any direction that the Commissioner is otherwise authorised to give in relation to the management or control of the NSW Police Force (including employment arrangements). The Commissioner is to consult with the Public Service Commissioner on any inconsistency between directions given and applicable government sector employment rules.
81G Employment of special constables
(1) The Commissioner may employ a person under this Part as a non-executive administrative employee (special constable). A person so employed is a
"special constable" .
(2) Employment as a special constable may be made subject to such conditions as the Commissioner determines, including (but not limited to) conditions as to the kinds of functions conferred or imposed and the purposes for and circumstances in which such functions may be exercised.
(3) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), the Commissioner may confer or impose on a special constable any of the functions of a police officer of the rank of constable, including any of the functions of a police officer that are specified in the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 .
Note : Accordingly, section 13 of this Act, for example, would apply to any such special constable.
(4) Sections 207A and 211A-211AB apply to a special constable who is authorised to exercise functions of a police officer in the same way as those sections apply to a police officer.
(5) Part 15 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (Safeguards relating to powers) applies to a special constable who is authorised to exercise functions of a police officer in the same way as that Part applies to a police officer.
(6) Part 4 of the Law Reform (Vicarious Liability) Act 1983 applies to a special constable who is authorised to exercise functions of a police officer in the same way as that Part applies to a police officer.

[29] Section 84 Application of Part

Omit ", members of the NSW Police Force Senior Executive Service and temporary employees" from section 84 (1).
Insert instead "or NSW Police Force senior executives".

[30] Section 88

Omit the section. Insert instead:

88 Industrial or legal proceedings excluded
(1) The engagement of, or the failure to engage, a person as a non-executive officer, or any matter, question or dispute relating to any such engagement (or failure to engage), is not an industrial matter for the purposes of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 .
(2) No proceedings for an order in the nature of prohibition, certiorari or mandamus or for a declaration or injunction or for any other relief, lie in respect of a matter that is declared by this section not to be an industrial matter for the purposes of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 .
(3) The failure of a non-executive commissioned police officer to be appointed for a further term of office as provided by section 75 is, for the purposes of this section, taken to be a failure to engage the person as a non-executive officer.
(4) Nothing in this section prevents any of the following proceedings from being brought by a member of the NSW Police Force in relation to the employment of another member of the NSW Police Force:
(a) proceedings under Part 9 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 in relation to a complaint under that Part,
(b) proceedings under section 213 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 to enforce the provisions of section 210 (Freedom from victimisation) of that Act.

[31] Part 7 Temporary employees of NSW Police Force

Omit the Part.

[32] Section 93A

Insert before section 94:

93A Conditions of engagement of administrative employees
(1) The engagement of an administrative employee may be made subject to conditions notified to the employee on his or her engagement.
(2) The conditions may include (without limitation) conditions dealing with any of the following matters:
(a) probation,
(b) citizenship or residency requirements,
(c) formal qualifications,
(d) security and other clearances,
(e) health clearances.
(3) The imposition of conditions of engagement is subject to the government sector employment rules under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 and the regulations under this Act.
(4) The contract of employment of a NSW Police Force senior executive may include conditions of engagement.

[33] Section 94 Requirements as to citizenship

Omit section 94 (4).

[34] Sections 94B-94D

Insert before section 95:

94B Retirement on medical grounds The Commissioner may retire a member of the NSW Police Force if:
(a) the person is found on medical grounds to be unfit to perform or incapable of discharging the duties of the person's position, and
(b) the person's unfitness or incapacity:
(i) appears likely to be of a permanent nature, and
(ii) has not arisen from actual misconduct on the part of the person, or from causes within the person's control.
94C Resignation or retirement
(1) A member of the NSW Police Force may resign from the NSW Police Force by written notice to the Commissioner.
(2) The resignation of a member of the NSW Police Force does not take effect until:
(a) the Commissioner accepts the resignation, or
(b) the member has given the Commissioner at least 4 weeks' notice in writing of the day on which the member intends to resign and the member is not under suspension from duty on that day.
(3) In this section,
"resignation" includes retirement and
"member of the NSW Police Force" does not include the Commissioner.
94D Approval to engage in other paid employment A member of the NSW Police Force (other than the Commissioner) must not engage in any paid employment outside his or her duties as such a member without the approval of the Commissioner.

[35] Section 184 Conduct and performance of administrative officers

Omit the section.

[36] Section 185 Disciplinary appeals to Industrial Relations Commission by non-executive administrative employees

Omit "administrative officers (not being members of the NSW Police Force Senior Executive Service) as if those officers".
Insert instead "non-executive administrative employees as if those employees".

[37] Section 203 Wearing or possession of police uniforms by others

Omit "appointed under section 82L" from section 203 (1).
Insert instead "employed under section 81G".

[38] Section 218 Industrial Relations Act 1996 not affected

Omit "section 44" from section 218 (2). Insert instead "section 42".

[39] Schedule 4 Savings, transitional and other provisions

Insert after Part 31:

Part 32 - Provisions consequent on enactment of Government Sector Employment Legislation Amendment Act 2016

88 Definitions In this Part:

"amending Act" means the Government Sector Employment Legislation Amendment Act 2016 .

"former senior executive provisions" means:
(a) the provisions of Part 5 of this Act (and any other provisions of this Act that relate to the operation of that Part) as in force immediately before the substitution of that Part by the amending Act, and
(b) the provisions of Part 3A of the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 as in force immediately before the commencement of the amendments made by the amending Act to that Part.

"implementation date" for a transitional police senior executive or transitional administrative senior executive--see clause 90.

"new senior executive provisions" means the provisions of Part 5 of this Act (and any other provisions of this Act that relate to the operation of that Part), as substituted by the amending Act, and the provisions of Part 3B of the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act 1975 .

"senior executive bands determination" has the same meaning as in the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 .

"transitional administrative senior executive" means a person (other than a police officer):
(a) who, immediately before the substitution of Part 5 of this Act by the amending Act, was employed as an executive officer under the former senior executive provisions (such a person is referred to in this Part as a
"transitional administrative SES executive" ), or
(b) who, immediately before the substitution of Part 6A of this Act by the amending Act, was employed under that Part in the NSW Police Force as an administrative officer in the classification or grade of senior officer (or in any equivalent classification or grade determined by the Commissioner for the purposes of this definition) and whose salary was more than the maximum salary for a clerk (Grade 12) in the Public Service (such a person is referred to in this Part as a
"transitional administrative SO executive" ).

"transitional police senior executive" means a police officer who, immediately before the substitution of Part 5 of this Act by the amending Act, was employed as an executive officer under the former senior executive provisions.
89 Existing Police Commissioner
(1) The person holding office as Commissioner on the commencement of the amendment made to section 27 of this Act by the amending Act continues in office as Commissioner for the balance of the person's existing term of office. However, the person ceases to hold office as Commissioner under this clause if the person vacates that office in accordance with Part 4 of this Act or if the person is subsequently appointed as Commissioner under Part 4 of this Act (as amended by the amending Act).
(2) A person who continues in office as Commissioner under this clause:
(a) is taken to be employed in accordance with this Act (as amended by the amending Act) in the Public Service senior executive band determined in respect of that office, and
(b) is not required to enter into a contract of employment under the new senior executive provisions for the purposes of the period of continued employment, and
(c) has a remuneration package that is equivalent to the remuneration package of the person immediately before the commencement of this clause (unless the remuneration package is increased in accordance with the former senior executive provisions or as a result of progression within the applicable remuneration range), and
(d) is, if the person is removed from office under this Act (as amended by the amending Act) on or after the commencement of this clause, entitled to the compensation (if any) provided under and in accordance with section 28 (7) of this Act (as in force immediately before the repeal of that subsection by the amending Act).
90 Review of senior executive structure for implementation of new senior executive provisions
(1) The Commissioner is to review the senior executive structure of the NSW Police Force in order to transition senior executive employment in the NSW Police Force to the arrangements under the new senior executive provisions.
(2) The Commissioner is, in consultation with the Public Service Commissioner, to prepare an implementation schedule for the staged implementation of the new senior executive provisions to the extent they relate to transitional police senior executives and transitional administrative senior executives.
(3) The implementation schedule is to set out the date on which the new senior executive provisions will apply to transitional police senior executives and transitional administrative senior executives. Different dates may be set for different transitional senior executives.
(4) The date so set is the
"implementation date" for the transitional senior executive concerned.
(5) The implementation date for a transitional police senior executive or transitional administrative senior executive may be changed by the Commissioner in consultation with the Public Service Commissioner.
(6) The implementation date for a transitional police senior executive cannot be earlier than the end of the person's term of office under the former senior executive provisions.
91 Police senior executives--transitional arrangements
(1) Until the implementation date for a transitional police senior executive, the new senior executive provisions apply to the executive subject to the following:
(a) the executive is employed under the new senior executive provisions in term employment in the band under the senior executive bands determination that includes the remuneration package to which the executive continues to be entitled under this subclause,
(b) the term for which the executive is taken to be so employed is (subject to this subclause):
(i) the balance of the person's term of office as a transitional police senior executive, and
(ii) any additional period before the implementation date that the Commissioner may approve,
(c) the executive is not required to enter into a contract of employment under the new senior executive provisions for the purposes of that period of continued employment,
(d) the executive has a remuneration package that is equivalent to the remuneration package of the person under the former senior executive provisions (unless the remuneration package is increased in accordance with those provisions or as a result of progression within the applicable remuneration range),
(e) if the executive's employment is terminated under section 40 of this Act (as inserted by the amending Act), the executive is entitled to the compensation provided under the former senior executive provisions (and is subject to any requirements under those provisions relating to the refund of that compensation) as if the termination had been a removal of the executive from office under those former provisions.
(2) On the implementation date for a transitional police senior executive, the person:
(a) ceases to be a transitional police senior executive, and
(b) is employed as a NSW Police Force senior executive under the new senior executive provisions.
92 Administrative senior executives--transitional arrangements
(1) Until the implementation date for a transitional administrative SES executive, the new senior executive provisions apply to the executive subject to the following:
(a) the executive is taken to be employed in the band under the Public Service senior executive bands determination that the Commissioner considers appropriate for the role of the executive,
(b) the term for which the executive is taken to be so employed is (subject to this clause):
(i) the balance of the person's term of office as a transitional administrative SES executive, and
(ii) any additional period before the implementation date that the Commissioner may approve,
(c) the executive is not required to enter into a contract of employment under the new senior executive provisions for the purposes of that period of continued employment,
(d) the executive has a remuneration package that is equivalent to the remuneration package of the person under the former senior executive provisions even if it exceeds the band in which the executive is employed,
(e) if the executive's employment is terminated under section 40 of this Act (as inserted by the amending Act), the executive is entitled to the compensation provided under the former senior executive provisions (and is subject to any requirements under those provisions relating to the refund of that compensation) as if the termination had been a removal of the executive from office under the former senior executive provisions.
(2) The following provisions apply in relation to a person who is a transitional administrative SO executive until the person's implementation date:
(a) the person is employed under Part 6A of this Act (as substituted by the amending Act) in ongoing employment,
(b) the person is not employed in a band under the senior executive bands determination,
(c) the conditions of employment applying to the person immediately before the commencement of this clause continue to apply to the person, subject to this clause,
(d) if the person's employment is terminated under section 81E of this Act (as inserted by the amending Act), the person is entitled to the compensation that the person would have received had the person's employment been terminated immediately before the commencement of this clause.
(3) If a transitional administrative senior executive is assigned to a different role in the NSW Police Force:
(a) the person does not cease to be a transitional administrative senior executive, and
(b) the remuneration package of the transitional administrative senior executive is, despite subclause (1) (d) and subject to section 36 (7) of this Act, the remuneration package for the role to which the executive has been so assigned.
Note : See also subclause (7) for consequences of temporary assignments outside the NSW Police Force.
(4) On the implementation date for a transitional administrative senior executive:
(a) the person ceases to be a transitional administrative senior executive, and
(b) the employment of the person in the NSW Police Force is terminated unless the person is employed in the NSW Police Force on and from the implementation date in accordance with this Act (whether as a NSW Police Force senior executive or as a non-executive administrative employee, and whether following recruitment action or, in the case of a transitional administrative SO executive, following redeployment as an excess employee), and
(c) any such termination of the employment of a person who was a transitional administrative SES executive is taken to be a termination under section 40 of this Act to which subclause (1) (e) applies, and
(d) any such termination of the employment of a person who was a transitional administrative SO executive is taken to be a termination under section 81E of this Act to which this Act (including the conditions of employment preserved by this clause) applies, and
(e) section 42 of this Act applies to any such termination of employment of a person (whether an existing administrative SES executive or an existing administrative SO executive) on the basis that the person is an executive employee for the purposes of that section.
(5) The following applies to the creation of a role within the new senior executive structure of the NSW Police Force (to the extent that it relates to administrative employees) and to the initial recruitment action under this Act to fill that role:
(a) the work level and other employment arrangements relating to a new role within that new structure are to be determined under this Act and are not determined by the work level and other arrangements that applied to roles in the former executive structure of the NSW Police Force,
(b) transitional administrative senior executives may be recruited to any such new role before or at the end of the period of their continued employment as transitional administrative senior executives,
(c) the initial recruitment action to fill any such role is to be limited to the following candidates (having regard to the type and level of the role and any other relevant matter):
(i) any transitional administrative senior executives who occupy a similar role in the NSW Police Force,
(ii) any NSW Police Force senior executives employed in a similar role after the substitution of Part 5 of this Act by the amending Act,
(iii) any other persons employed in the NSW Police Force whom the Commissioner considers appropriate.
(6) Initial recruitment action to fill a role within the new senior executive structure of the NSW Police Force Public Service agency (to the extent that it relates to administrative employees) is not required to be limited as referred to in subclause (5) (c) if:
(a) there are no candidates of the kind referred to in subclause (5) (c) (i) or (ii) for the recruitment action concerned, or
(b) the role is not similar to any role in the former executive structure of the NSW Police Force.
(7) If a transitional administrative senior executive is temporarily assigned to work outside the NSW Police Force:
(a) the person does not cease to be a transitional administrative senior executive, and the implementation date for the executive does not change, because of that temporary assignment, and
(b) the person retains his or her eligibility under subclause (5) as a candidate for initial recruitment action in the NSW Police Force, and
(c) the person is also eligible under subclause (5) as a candidate for initial recruitment action in relation to a similar role in the other government sector agency to which the person is temporarily assigned.
93 Transitional provisions relating to remuneration of senior executives
(1) For the purposes of clauses 91 and 92, the remuneration package of a person under the former senior executive provisions includes any of the following determined by the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal and payable to the person under those provisions:
(a) a remuneration package that is payable to the person as the holder of the relevant position under the former senior executive provisions that exceeds the remuneration package otherwise determined for the senior executive level of the person,
(b) an additional amount payable as a recruitment allowance.
(2) If a person referred to in subclause (1) to whom a recruitment allowance is payable is subsequently employed in accordance with the new senior executive provisions as a NSW Police Force senior executive, the person continues to be entitled to so much of that former recruitment allowance as will ensure that the remuneration payable after that subsequent employment is not less than the remuneration payable before that subsequent employment. Any general increase in remuneration packages to account for an annual determination of the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal is to be excluded and does not operate to reduce the amount of recruitment allowance payable.
(3) This subclause applies to a transitional administrative SES executive who is subsequently employed in accordance with the new senior executive provisions as a NSW Police Force senior executive and who is assigned to a new role (or subsequently assigned to a different role) that is of equivalent work value as the person's former position, office or role. The remuneration package of the person in any such new or different role is to be not less than the remuneration package of the person immediately before the person was so subsequently employed.
(4) This subclause applies to a transitional administrative SO executive who is subsequently employed in accordance with the new senior executive provisions as a NSW Police Force senior executive and who is assigned to a role (when first so employed) that is of equivalent work value as the person's position immediately before the commencement of this clause. The person may be paid an allowance, determined by the Commissioner in accordance with guidance provided by the Public Service Commissioner, to avoid any financial disadvantage as a NSW Police Force senior executive in that role (or any other assigned role of equivalent work value) compared to the remuneration payable immediately before the person was so subsequently employed.
(5) A retention allowance payable under the former senior executive provisions to a person to whom clause 91 or 92 applies is payable for completed years of service (or pro rata for completed parts of years of service) on the date the person ceases to be a person to whom that clause applies (otherwise than by resignation).
94 Existing non-executive administrative officers
(1) A person (other than a transitional administrative SO executive) who was employed in the NSW Police Force as a non-executive administrative officer immediately before the substitution of Part 6A of this Act by the amending Act is, on that substitution, taken to be employed in ongoing employment as a non-executive administrative employee under that Part.
(2) The application of the provisions of this Act, the regulations and the government sector employment rules to any such person is subject to the provisions of this Schedule.
(3) The substitution of Part 6A of this Act does not affect the continuity of service of a person taken to be employed under this clause, any accrued rights to leave under the former Part 6A or any accrual of rights to leave under this Act.
(4) A person who is taken to be employed under this clause is taken to be employed in a role or classification of work that corresponds to the kind and grade of work of the person's position or work on the substitution of Part 6A.
95 Existing temporary employees
(1) A person who was employed in the NSW Police Force as a temporary employee immediately before the repeal of Part 7 of this Act by the amending Act (an
"existing temporary employee" ) is, on that repeal, taken to be employed in temporary employment as a non-executive administrative employee under Part 6A of this Act (as substituted by the amending Act).
(2) The application of the provisions of this Act, the regulations and the government sector employment rules to an existing temporary employee is subject to the provisions of this Schedule.
(3) The repeal of Part 7 of this Act (the
"repealed Part" ) does not affect the continuity of service of an existing temporary employee, any accrued rights to leave under the repealed Part or any accrual of rights to leave under this Act (as amended by the amending Act).
(4) A person who is taken to be employed under this clause is taken to be employed in a role or classification of work that corresponds to the kind and grade of the person's work on the repeal of Part 7.
(5) The Commissioner is to determine a date for the purposes of this clause in respect of each existing temporary employee (the
"determined date" ).
(6) If the term of employment of an existing temporary employee is due to expire before the determined date, the person's temporary employment may be extended before it expires in accordance with the repealed Part as if that Part had not been repealed. However, if the temporary employment is to be extended beyond the determined date, the extension of the existing temporary employee's employment must satisfy the requirements of the government sector employment rules relating to temporary employment.
(7) On and from the determined date, any extension of the temporary employee's employment must be made in accordance with the provisions of the government sector employment rules relating to temporary employment.
(8) Despite its repeal, section 91A of this Act continues to apply, until the determined date, in relation to an existing temporary employee who is a long-term temporary employee within the meaning of that section. Any appointment of the employee under that section as so continued by this clause is taken to be employment in ongoing employment under this Act in a relevant role.
(9) On and from the determined date, any conversion of an existing temporary employee's employment to ongoing employment must be made in accordance with the provisions of the government sector employment rules.
96 Continuation of eligibility lists for senior executive positions An eligibility list that was current under section 39A (as in force immediately before its repeal by the amending Act) may continue to be used in relation to a position in respect of which the list was applicable under that section, but only until such time as the list would otherwise cease to have effect under that section.
97 Preservation of status as police officer for purposes of applying for benefits under Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906 A person who is removed from office as Commissioner under section 28 or whose appointment as Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner is terminated under section 40 is, on that removal or termination, taken to be a police officer for the purposes only of enabling the person to make an application for benefits under the Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906 as a police officer and enabling matters in connection with that application to be dealt with.
98 Continuation of merit appointment and eligibility lists for senior executive positions The provisions of section 39 (1)-(2A) and (6) and section 39A (as in force immediately before their repeal by the amending Act) continue to apply in relation to the appointment of a person to a position as a NSW Police Force senior executive until such time as government sector employment rules are made under section 12 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 that relate to the employment of NSW Police Force senior executives.
99 References to special constables In any other Act, in any statutory or other instrument, or in any contract or agreement, a reference to a special constable within the meaning of section 82L of this Act is to be construed as a reference to a special constable within the meaning of section 81G of this Act.
100 Savings and transitional regulations
(1) The provisions of any regulation made under Part 1 of this Schedule consequent on the enactment of the amending Act have effect despite anything to the contrary in this Part.
(2) The regulations made under Part 1 of this Schedule consequent on the enactment of the amending Act may make separate savings and transitional provisions or amend this Part to consolidate the savings and transitional provisions.
101 Review of certain amendments made by amending Act
(1) The Minister is to review the following provisions of this Act to determine whether the policy objectives of the provision remain valid and whether the terms of the provision remain appropriate for securing those objectives:
(a) section 28 (as amended by the amending Act),
(b) sections 28A, 33 (3), 40 and 41 (as inserted by the amending Act).
(2) The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the end of the period of 2 years following the commencement of this clause.
(3) A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of Parliament as soon as practicable after the review is completed.

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