This legislation has been repealed.
- As at 1 September 2008 - Act 75 of 1901 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Commencement, name of Act and application of Act 2. (Repealed) 3. Repeal 4. Definitions 4A. Definition of "mine" 4B. Proclamations 4C. Act to bind the Crown PART 2 - GENERAL MANAGERS, PRODUCTION MANAGERS, ENGINE-DRIVERS AND SHOTFIRERS Division 1 - General managers and production managers 5. Appointment of general manager of mine 5A. Appointment of temporary general manager 5B. Production operations to be supervised by qualified person 5C. Chief Inspector may grant production managers' permits 5D. Delegation by general manager 6. Board of examiners for production managers 7. Grant of certificates of competency 8. Grant of certificate of service as production manager of above ground mine 9. Certificates granted outside New South Wales 10. Form of certificates 11. Register of certificates Division 2 - Engine-drivers 12. Penalty on unqualified person taking charge of machinery 13. Board of examiners for engine-drivers 14. Grant of certificates to applicants on passing examination 15. (Repealed) 16. Certificates granted outside of New South Wales 17. Certificates to contain particulars 18. Register of certificates 18A. Medical examination of holders of certificates Division 2A - Maintenance of competencies by holders of certificates of competency as production manager 18C. Production manager to provide evidence of competencies after absence 18D. Exemptions Division 2B - Shotfirers 18E. Blasting operations to be undertaken by qualified persons 18F. Board of examiners for shotfirers 18G. Grant of certificates of competency as shotfirers 18H. Certificates granted outside New South Wales 18I. Form of certificates 18J. Inspector may grant shotfirers' permits 18K. Register of certificates Division 3 - General managers, production managers, engine-drivers and shotfirers 19. Inquiry into conduct of general manager, production manager, engine-driver or shotfirer 20. Costs and expenses of inquiry 21. Record of cancellation of certificate and restoration in certain cases 22. Copy of certificate in case of loss 23. Expenses in relation to certificates and permits and application of fees 24. Penalty for forgery or false declaration PART 3 - EMPLOYEES Division 1 - (Repealed) None Division 2 - Restriction on employment 26. Persons who must not be employed in mines 27. (Repealed) 28. Records of employment 29. Hours of work and associated working arrangements below ground 30. Chief Inspector may require alteration of hours of work etc 30A. Display of shift roster regimes 30B. Recording of hours worked 31. Penalty for contravention of this Division PART 4 - INSPECTION AND MANAGEMENT Division 1 - Inspection 32. Appointment of inspectors 32A. Delegation by Chief Inspector 33. (Repealed) 34. Disqualification of persons as inspectors 35. Appointment and functions of mine safety officers 36. Powers of inspectors and mine safety officers 36A. Supplementary powers of inspectors and mine safety officers 36B. Inspector or mine safety officer to inform mine management of certain matters 36C. Offences 37. Notice to be given of cause of danger 37A. Order to withdraw persons from mine 38. Notice and directions of inspector to be entered in book 39. (Repealed) 40. Annual reports Division 2 - Plans, returns, notices, and abandonment 41. Plans to be furnished 42. Where mine abandoned, plans to be deposited with Minister 42A. Furnishing of statistics, returns etc 42B. Drillholes 43. (Repealed) 44. Notice to be given of opening and abandonment of mine 45. Abandoned mine to be protected Division 3 - Risk management strategies 46. Risk management strategies Division 4 - Serious accidents, dangerous incidents and certain diseases 47. Notification of serious accidents or dangerous incidents 47A. Serious accident or dangerous incident site not to be disturbed 47B. Inspection of serious accident or dangerous incident 47C. Notification of certain diseases 47D. Notification of death resulting from serious accident or disease 47E. Records to be kept of certain accidents 47F. Determinations as to investigations 47G. Investigations by inspectors 47H. Functions of investigators 47I. Reports by investigators 47J. Other persons who may be investigators 47K. Special reports 47L. Boards of Inquiry 47M. Witnesses and evidence at special inquiries 47N. Additional functions of Boards of Inquiry 47O. Report by Board of Inquiry 47P. No appeals against exercise of functions by Boards of Inquiry 48. (Repealed) PART 4A - TOURIST AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES 48A. Definitions 48B. Tourist and educational activities in certain mines to be authorised by permit 48C. Issue of permits 48D. Revocation of permits etc PART 5 - (Repealed) None PART 6 - RULES Division 1 - General rules 55. (Repealed) 56. General rules 57. Non-compliance with rules Division 2 - Special rules 58. Special rules for certain mines 59-64. (Repealed) Division 3 - Publication of rules 65. Publication of abstract of Act and general rules and copy of special rules 66. Pulling down or defacing notices PART 7 - LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AND MISCELLANEOUS Division 1 - Legal proceedings 67. Penalty for offences against Act 68. Imprisonment for wilful neglect, endangering life or limb 69. Proceedings for offences 70. (Repealed) 71. Prosecution of owners, general managers and others 72. Report of result of proceedings against workmen 73. Saving for proceedings under other Acts 74. Application of fines 75. Service of notices Division 2 - Miscellaneous 76. Decision of question whether a mine is under this Act 76A. Delegation of functions by Director-General 77. Government Geologist and Geological Surveyors may enter mines 77A. Exercise of inspector's powers under Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 78. Powers of Minister as to making and revoking orders 79. Regulations 80. Entry to ascertain if encroachment exists 81. Disclosure of information 82. Savings and transitional provisions Schedule 2 (Repealed) SCHEDULE 3