This legislation has been repealed.
- As at 1 February 2011 - Act 56 of 1971 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Act and commencement 2. (Repealed) 3. Repeal, savings and amendment 4. Definitions 5. (Repealed) 6. Person not to be deemed a pilot etc in certain instances PART 2 - LICENCES, PILOTAGE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES AND CERTIFICATES OF LOCAL KNOWLEDGE 7. Granting of licences and certificates 8. Imposition etc of restrictions on application of licence or certificate 9. Duration of licence or certificate 10. Suspension and withdrawal of licence or certificate 11. Removal of suspension 12. Production and delivery of licences and certificates 13. Offence to alter etc licence or certificate 14. Prohibition against acting as pilot PARTS 3-4A - (Repealed) None PART 5 - INVESTIGATIONS AND APPEALS 35. Meaning of "certificated person" and "default" 36. Investigation by the Director-General of default 37. Provisions relating to investigation of default 38. Director-General to have regard to findings of Court of Marine Inquiry 39. Procedure if Director-General finds pilot etc not guilty of a default 40. Procedure if Director-General finds pilot etc guilty of a default 41. Withdrawal of licence or certificate deemed to be suspension 42. Right of appeal to Board of Review 43. Procedure for making appeal 44. Appointment of Board of Review 45. Procedure before and powers of Board of Review 46. Decision of Board of Review 47. Effect and implementation of decision of Board of Review PART 6 - MISCELLANEOUS 48. Director-General may hear pilot etc before making certain decisions 49. No proceedings against Director-General etc in connection with an investigation 50. Disclosure of confidential information 50A. Delegation by Director-General 51. Recovery of penalties 52. Regulations 53. Exemption from compliance with regulations 54. Pilotage (Amendment) Act 1992 Schedule - (Repealed)