This legislation has been repealed.
- As at 23 September 2020 - Act 106 of 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Act 2. Commencement 3. Definitions PART 2 - FUNCTIONS OF DESTINATION NSW 4. Functions of Destination NSW 5-11. (Repealed) PART 3 - CONDUCT OF MOTOR RACING Division 1 - Authorisations 12. Minister may declare racing area and racing period 13. Approval of person who may apply for authorisation to conduct race (the race promoter) 14. Provisions relating to Ministerial orders 15. Conduct of race requires authorisation by Destination NSW Division 2 - Carrying out works 16. Plans of proposed works 17. Authorisation to carry out works 18. Community and other consultation 19. Other authorisations to carry out works not permitted Division 3 - General provisions 20. Control of declared racing area during motor racing period 21. Control of parts of declared racing area outside motor racing period 22. Removal of unattended motor vehicles 23. Reinstatement of land 24. Co-ordination and co-operation of government agencies 25. Race promoter to comply with directions of Destination NSW PART 4 - APPLICATION OF OTHER LAWS 26. Application of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 27. Application of National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 28. Application of Local Government Act 1993 29. Application of Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 29A. Suspension and application of Roads Act 1993 30. Suspension of certain Acts 31. No liability in nuisance 32. Compensation not payable in respect of motor race-related matters 33. Compensation not payable by race promoter in certain circumstances 34. Protection of exercise of certain functions PART 5 - MISCELLANEOUS 35. Use of official title and official insignia 36. Race promoter may control and charge fee for filming 37. Prohibition of certain advertising on buildings and structures 38. Prohibition of certain aerial advertising 39. (Repealed) 40. Effect of Act on contracts, instruments and related matters 41. Offences by corporations 42. Proceedings for offences 43. Regulations 44. Savings, transitional and other provisions 45. (Repealed) 46. Review of Act Schedule 1 (Repealed) SCHEDULE 2