This legislation has been repealed.
(1) An examiner at a mine, during the examiner's shift and subject to any instructions given by more senior mining officials:(a) has charge of all workers in the examiner's inspection area, and(b) must:(i) make such inspections as are required by the mine's inspection system to be made by the examiner, and(ii) carry out such other duties with regard to general safety and working conditions as are required by the Act, this Regulation, the Coal Mines (General) Regulation 1999 or any rules, schemes or systems.
(2) An examiner must, at the commencement of a shift, read and initial the report prepared by the previous examiner.
(3) An examiner must not, while workers remain in the examiner's inspection area, leave the area for any period that will affect the carrying out of inspections required by the mine's inspection system (unless with the consent of a more senior mining official).
(4) If consent is given by a more senior mining official for a period that will affect the carrying out of the inspections, the mining official must perform the duties of the examiner, or appoint another person holding similar qualifications to perform the duties, for so long as workers remain in the inspection area.