Northern Territory Numbered Acts
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RAIL SAFETY ACT 2010 (NO 10 OF 2010)
Long Title
Division 1-- Preliminary matters
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Objects of Act
Division 2--Application of Act
4. Railways to which Act does not apply
5. Crown to be bound
Division 3--Interpretation
6. Definitions
7. Railway
8. Railway premises
9. Rail infrastructure
10. Railway operations
11. Rail safety work
12. Ensuring safety
13. Notes and other matters for corresponding laws
14. Application of Criminal Code
15. Act adds to protection provided by OHS legislation
16. OHS legislation prevails
17. Compliance with Act no defence to prosecution under OHS legislation
18. Relationship between duties under Act and OHS legislation
19. No double jeopardy
Division 1--General safety duties
20. Duty of rail transport operator to ensure safety
21. Duty of designer, manufacturer, supplier and others
22. Duty when decommissioning
Division 2--Accreditation
23. Purpose of accreditation
24. Accreditation required for railway operations
25. Purpose for which accreditation may be granted
26. Application for accreditation
27. What applicant for accreditation must demonstrate
28. Director may direct applicants to coordinate applications
29. Coordination between Rail Safety Regulators
30. Determination of application
31. Prescribed conditions and restrictions
32. Penalty for breach of condition or restriction
33. Annual fees
34. Late payment of fees
35. Waiver of fees
36. Surrender of accreditation
37. Suspension or revocation of accreditation
38. Immediate suspension of accreditation
39. Documents available for public inspection
40. Application for variation of accreditation
41. Application relating to cooperative railway operations or operations in another jurisdiction
42. Determination of application for variation
43. Prescribed conditions and restrictions
44. Variation of conditions and restrictions
45. Director may change conditions or restrictions
46. Accreditation cannot be transferred or assigned
47. Sale or transfer of railway operations by accredited person
Division 3--Private sidings
48. Exemption from accreditation and registration
49. Offences relating to private siding
Division 4--Safety management
50. Safety management system
51. Director may direct amendment of safety management system
52. Compliance with safety management system
53. Review of safety management system
54. Safety performance reports
55. Interface coordination – rail transport operators
56. Interface coordination – rail infrastructure manager – public roads
57. Interface coordination – rail infrastructure manager – other roads
58. Interface coordination – road manager – public roads and other roads
59. Identification and assessment of risks
60. Interface agreement
61. Director may give directions
62. Register of interface agreements
63. Security management plan
64. Emergency management plan
65. Competence to carry out rail safety work
66. Identification for rail safety workers
67. Duty of rail safety worker
68. Alcohol or prohibited drug
69. Impairment
70. Testing for presence of alcohol or drugs
71. Contractors to comply with safety management system
Division 5--Information about rail safety
72. Rail transport operators to provide information
Division 6--Investigating and reporting by rail transport operators
73. Report of notifiable occurrences
74. Investigation of notifiable occurrences
75. Director may release information from report
Division 7--Audit by Director
76. Audit of railway operations by Director
Division 1--Entry to places by rail safety officers
77. Power to enter places
78. Limitation on entry powers – places used for residential purposes
79. Notice of entry
Division 2--General enforcement powers
80. General powers after entry
81. Other powers after entry
82. Use of assistants and equipment
83. Use of electronic equipment
84. Use of equipment to examine or process things
85. Securing a site
Division 3--Search warrants
86. Search warrant
87. Seizure of things not mentioned in warrant
Division 4--Seizure of things
88. Directions relating to seizure
89. Rail safety officer may direct return of thing
90. Receipt for seized thing
91. Access to seized thing
92. Embargo notice
93. Return of seized thing
Division 5--Forfeiture
94. Forfeiture
95. Forfeiture on conviction
96. Dealing with forfeited sample or thing
97. Acquisition on just terms
Division 6--Directions
98. Rail safety officers may direct certain persons to give assistance
99. Power to direct name and address be given
100. Power to direct production of documents
Division 7--Improvement notices
101. Improvement notice
102. Contravention of improvement notice
103. Withdrawal or amendment of improvement notice
104. Proceedings for offence not affected by improvement notice
105. Director to arrange for rail safety work required by improvement notice to be carried out
Division 8--Prohibition notice
106. Prohibition notice
107. Contravention of prohibition notice
108. Oral direction before prohibition notice served
109. Withdrawal or amendment of prohibition notice
110. Power to have remedial work done
111. Power to enter land
112. Proceedings for offence not affected by prohibition notice
Division 9--Miscellaneous matters
113. Direction may be given under more than one provision
114. Temporary closure of railway crossing, bridge or other structure
115. Restoring items to original condition after action taken
116. Use of force
117. Force against persons only by police officers
118. Protection from incrimination
119. Reviewable decisions
120. Review by Director
121. Application to Local Court
122. Appointment of investigator
123. Functions of investigator
124. Persons appointed to assist investigator
125. Conduct of investigation
126. Powers of investigator
127. Power to enter and take control of place or building
128. Report by investigator
129. Withholding of information contained in report
130. Director may take action as consequence of report
131. Immunity
132. Offences
Division 1--General matters
133. Time for offence proceedings to be commenced
134. Authority to take proceedings
135. Records and evidence from records
136. Certificate evidence
137. Proof of appointments and signatures unnecessary
138. Multiple offences
139. Conduct of representative
140. Criminal liability of partner in partnership
141. Criminal liability of manager of unincorporated association
142. Criminal liability of executive officer of body corporate
143. Sections 140 to 142 do not apply to volunteer
Division 2--Discrimination against employees
144. Victimisation of employee
145. Order for damages or reinstatement
Division 3--Offences
146. Definitions
147. Misleading information
148. Obstructing official
149. Abusive, threatening or insulting language to official
150. Impersonating rail safety officer
151. Interference with equipment, infrastructure or rolling stock
152. Carrying out works near railway
Division 4--Enforceable voluntary undertakings
153. Director may accept undertaking
154. Enforcement of undertaking
Division 5--Court-based sanctions
155. Continuing offences
156. Commercial benefits order
157. Supervisory intervention order
158. Contravention of supervisory intervention order
159. Exclusion order
160. Contravention of exclusion order
Division 1--Confidentiality
161. Confidentiality
Division 2--Civil liability
162. Civil liability not affected
163. Act done in good faith
164. Immunity for reporting unfit rail safety worker
Division 3--Compliance codes and guidelines
165. Approval of compliance codes and guidelines
166. Effect of compliance code
167. Effect of complying with a compliance code
Division 4--Miscellaneous matters
168. Recovery of certain costs
169. Recovery of amounts due
170. Compliance with conditions of accreditation
171. Contracting out prohibited
Division 1--Director of Rail Safety
172. Director of Rail Safety
173. Functions of Director
174. Annual report
175. Delegation
176. Director may exercise functions of rail safety officer
Division 2--Rail safety officers
177. Appointment of rail safety officers
178. Reciprocal powers of rail safety officers
179. Identification cards for rail safety officers
180. Exercise of functions without identification card
181. Display and production of identification card
182. Return of identification card
Division 3--Miscellaneous administrative provisions
183. Forms
184. Exemption from application of Act
185. Effect of contravention of condition of exemption
186. Regulations
Division 1--Repeal
187. Repeal
Division 2--Transitional matters for Rail Safety Act 2010
188. Definitions
189. Continuation of appointments
190. Application for accreditation under repealed Act
191. Accreditation under repealed Act
192. Refusal to grant accreditation under repealed Act
193. Variation of accreditation
194. Variation, suspension and cancellation of accreditation
195. Immediate variation or suspension of accreditation
196. Registration of private siding
197. Directions under repealed Act for remedial safety work
198. Power to require works to stop
199. Reports on notifiable occurrences
200. Investigation not completed
201. Search warrant
202. Offences
203. Condition of accreditation or registration
204. Seized things
205. Non-disclosure of information
206. References to repealed Act
207. Interpretation Act not limited
208. Transitional regulations
209. Amendments of AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Act
210. Expiry of Part
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