(1) Schedule 1, entry for the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, entries for sections 346H, 346J(2), 346K(6) and 346L(4)—
(2) Schedule 1, entry for the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, authorised person for service of infringement notices entry, paragraph (d)—
(3) Schedule 1, entry for the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, authorised person for service of infringement notices entry, paragraph (e)—
renumber as paragraph (d).
(4) Schedule 1, entry for the Transport Infrastructure (Busway) Regulation 2002—
(5) Schedule 1, entry for the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994, entry for s 143ADB(3), 's 143ADB(3)'—
omit, insert—
(6) Schedule 1, entry for the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994, entry for s 143AF—
(7) Schedule 1, entry for the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Regulation 2005—
s 96AJ(2) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 4 |
s 133D(1) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133D(2) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133D(4) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133D(5) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133E(2) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133F | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133H(1) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133I | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 1 |
s 133J | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133K(2) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133L(1) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 1 |
s 133M(1) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 1 |
s 133O | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 2 |
s 133P(1) | 1 " COLSPAN="1"> 4 |