(1) An incident is an event involving a relevant vehicle, or the driver of, or a passenger in, a relevant vehicle, and a relevant service if the event--
(a) disrupts the provision of the relevant service for more than 30 minutes after the scheduled or agreed time for the provision of the relevant service; or
(b) prevents the provision of the relevant service.
(2) An incident includes any of the following--
(a) an event involving the relevant vehicle in which a person is injured or killed;
(b) the breakdown of, or an accident involving, the relevant vehicle;
(c) a fire in the relevant vehicle;
(d) unsafe road conditions for the relevant vehicle;
(e) a terrorist act or terrorism, within the meaning of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000, section 211, involving the relevant vehicle or the driver of, or a passenger in, the relevant vehicle;
(f) the use, or attempted or threatened use, of a chemical, explosive or weapon by a person in a way that involves the relevant vehicle or the driver of, or a passenger in, the relevant vehicle;
(g) an assault or threat to the driver of, or a passenger in, the relevant vehicle;
(h) a medical emergency involving the driver of, or a passenger in, the relevant vehicle.
(3) In this section--
weapon see the Weapons Act 1990, schedule 2.