Queensland Subordinate Legislation as Made
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Part 1--Preliminary
Division 1--Introductory matters
1. Short title
2. Commencement
3. Main purpose of this regulation
4. Outline of the main features of this regulation
Division 2--Interpretation
5. Definitions
6. Who is a driver
7. Who is a party in the chain of responsibility
Division 3--Reasonable steps
Subdivision 1--Reasonable steps defence
8. What is the reasonable steps defence
Subdivision 2--Deciding whether person took reasonable steps
9. Matters court may consider for deciding whether person took all reasonable steps
10. When person regarded to have taken all reasonable steps—pt 2 duties
11. When person regarded to have taken all reasonable steps—reasonable steps defence
12. Application of s 57E of the Act to offences against this regulation
13. Application of s 57F of the Act to offences against this regulation
Subdivision 3--Other provisions about taking reasonable steps
14. Examples for how to take reasonable steps—identifying and assessing aspects of activities that may lead to contraventions
15. Examples for how to take reasonable steps—eliminating or minimising risks of contraventions
Part 2--Duties relating to fatigue
Division 1--Meaning of fatigue and impaired by fatigue
16. What is fatigue
17. Matters court may consider in deciding whether person is fatigued
18. What is impaired by fatigue
19. Matters court may consider in deciding whether person is impaired by fatigue
Division 2--Causation
20. Causing includes contributing to causing and encouraging
Division 3--Duty to avoid and prevent fatigue
21. Duty of driver to avoid driving while fatigued
22. Duty of party in the chain of responsibility to prevent driver driving while fatigued
Division 4--Additional duties of particular parties in the chain of responsibility
Subdivision 1--Employers, prime contractors and operators
23. Duty of employer, prime contractor or operator to ensure business practices will not cause driver to drive while fatigued etc.
24. Duty of employer not to cause driver to drive if particular requirements not complied with
25. Duty of prime contractor or operator not to cause driver to drive if particular requirements not complied with
Subdivision 2--Schedulers
26. Duty of scheduler to ensure driver's schedule will not cause driver to drive while fatigued etc.
27. Duty of scheduler not to cause driver to drive if particular requirements not complied with
Subdivision 3--Consignors and consignees
28. Duty of consignor or consignee to ensure terms of consignment will not cause driver to drive while fatigued etc.
29. Duty of consignor or consignee not to cause driver to drive if particular requirements not complied with
30. Duty of consignor or consignee not to make a demand that may result in driver driving while fatigued etc.
Subdivision 4--Loading managers
31. Duty of loading manager to ensure loading arrangements will not cause driver to drive while fatigued
32. Duty of loading manager to ensure drivers can take rest in particular circumstances
Division 5--Additional duties of particular persons for enabling other persons to comply with duties relating to fatigue
33. Duty of driver to ensure party in the chain of responsibility has relevant information
34. Duty of principal loading manager to ensure supervising loading manager aware of duties and responsibilities
Division 6--Particular requests etc. and contracts etc. prohibited
35. Particular requests etc. prohibited
36. Particular contracts etc. prohibited
Part 3--Requirements relating to work time and rest time
Division 1--Key concepts for this part
Subdivision 1--Concepts relating to work time and rest time
37. What is a driver's work and rest hours option
38. What is work time
39. What is rest time
40. What is a work and rest change
Subdivision 2--Counting time
41. Counting periods of less than 15 minutes
42. Time must be counted after rest time ends
43. Period must be counted by reference to time zone of driver's base
44. Counting time spent within participating zone
45. Counting time spent outside participating zone
Division 2--Standard work and rest arrangements
46. Purpose of div 2
47. Options about standard hours for solo driver of a bus
48. Standard hours—solo drivers
49. Standard hours—solo drivers of buses
50. Standard hours—two-up drivers
51. Defence relating to short rest breaks
Division 3--BFM work and rest arrangements
52. Purpose of div 3
53. BFM hours—solo drivers
54. Defence for solo drivers relating to split rest breaks
55. BFM hours—two-up drivers
Division 4--AFM hours
56. AFM hours
57. AFM outer limits
Division 5--Changing work and rest hours option
58. Driver may change work and rest hours option
59. Driving under new work and rest hours option after change
Part 4--Requirements about record keeping
Division 1--Key concepts for this part
60. What is 200km work and 200+km work
61. What is a driver's base in particular circumstances
62. Who is a driver's record keeper
63. Person engaged to undertake particular functions must be notified of offences
64. Person engaged to operate or maintain electronic work diary must have appropriate systems and procedures
65. What is a driver's record location
Division 2--Work diary requirements
Subdivision 1--Requirement to carry work diary
66. Application of sdiv 1
67. Meaning of work diary for sdiv 1
68. Driver of fatigue regulated heavy vehicle must carry work diary
Subdivision 2--Information required to be included in work diary
69. Purpose of sdiv 2
70. How information requirements apply to a day
71. Information to be recorded immediately after starting work
72. Information to be recorded immediately before or after work and rest change
73. Information to be recorded immediately after change of base or record location
74. Information to be recorded immediately before finishing work
Subdivision 3--How information must be recorded in work diary
75. Purpose of sdiv 3
76. Recording information in written work diary
77. Recording information in electronic work diary
78. Time zone of driver's base must be used
Subdivision 4--Requirements about work diaries that are filled up etc.
79. Application of sdiv 4
80. Driver must make supplementary records in particular circumstances
81. Driver must notify chief executive if work diary filled up etc.
82. What driver must do if lost or stolen written work diary found or returned
83. Driver must notify record keeper if electronic work diary filled up etc.
84. IAP reporting entity must notify record keeper if electronic work diary malfunctioning
85. What record keeper must do if electronic work diary filled up
86. What record keeper must do if electronic work diary destroyed, lost or stolen
87. What record keeper must do if electronic work diary malfunctioning
Subdivision 5--Requirements about odometers
88. Owner must maintain odometer
89. Driver must report malfunctioning odometer
90. What owner must do if odometer malfunctioning
91. What employer or operator must do if odometer malfunctioning
Subdivision 6--Operation and maintenance of electronic work diaries
92. How electronic work diary must be operated and maintained
93. Person who operates or maintains electronic work diary must ensure driver's compliance with s 92
94. Record keeper must ensure other person's compliance with s 92
Division 3--Records relating to drivers
95. Application of div 3
96. Records record keeper must have if driver engaging in 200km work under standard hours
97. Records record keeper must have if driver engaging in 200+km work under standard hours or working under an accreditation or exemption
98. Requirements about records record keeper must make or keep
99. General requirements about driver giving information to record keeper
100. Requirements about driver giving information to record keeper if driver changes record keeper
101. Record keeper must give printouts of information from electronic work diary
Division 4--Provisions about false representations relating to work records
102. False or misleading entries
103. Possessing or using false or misleading work records prohibited
104. Keeping 2 work diaries simultaneously prohibited
105. Possession of purported work records etc. prohibited
106. False representation about work records prohibited
Division 5--Interfering with work records
Subdivision 1--Work records generally
107. Defacing or changing work records etc. prohibited
108. Making entries in someone else's work records prohibited
109. Destruction of particular work records prohibited
Subdivision 2--Electronic work diaries
110. Meaning of tampers
111. Person must not tamper with electronic work diary
112. Person operating or maintaining electronic work diary must ensure it is not tampered with
113. Driver's record keeper must ensure electronic work diary is not tampered with
114. IAP reporting entity must ensure electronic work diary is not tampered with
Division 6--Obtaining written work diary
115. Form of written work diary
116. Application for written work diary
117. Issue of written work diary
Division 7--Electronic recording systems to become electronic work diary
Subdivision 1--Approval of electronic recording systems
118. Application for approval of electronic recording system
119. Deciding application for approval
120. Steps after decision to grant approval
121. Steps after decision to refuse application
122. Effect of approval
123. Requirement to notify users of conditions of approval
Subdivision 2--Provisions about electronic work diary labels
124. Placing electronic work diary label on device
125. Effect of electronic work diary label on device
126. Prohibition on using device as electronic work diary if it is not an approved electronic recording system
Subdivision 3--Amendment or cancellation of approval
127. Amendment or cancellation of approval on application
128. Amendment or cancellation of approval without application—grounds
129. Amendment or cancellation of approval without application—procedure
130. Alternative to cancelling approval
131. Requirements if approval amended
132. Requirements if approval cancelled
133. Requirements if effect of approval continued instead of cancelled
Part 5--Accreditation and exemptions
Division 1--Preliminary
134. Who is an associate of an operator of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle
Division 2--BFM accreditation
Subdivision 1--Obtaining BFM accreditation
135. Applying for BFM accreditation
136. Deciding application for BFM accreditation
137. Steps if BFM accreditation granted
138. Steps if BFM accreditation not granted
Subdivision 2--Operating under BFM accreditation
139. Chief executive must issue interception book for vehicle
140. Conditions of BFM accreditation
141. Driver must carry BFM accreditation details
142. General requirements applying to operator with BFM accreditation
143. Operator must give notice of amendment, suspension or ending of accreditation
Division 3--AFM accreditation
Subdivision 1--Obtaining AFM accreditation
144. Applying for AFM accreditation
145. Deciding application for AFM accreditation
146. Steps if AFM accreditation granted
147. Steps if AFM accreditation not granted
Subdivision 2--Operating under AFM accreditation
148. Chief executive must issue interception book for vehicle
149. Conditions of AFM accreditation
150. Driver must carry AFM accreditation details
151. General requirements applying to operator with AFM accreditation
152. Operator must give notice of amendment, suspension or ending of accreditation
Division 4--Exemption for emergency services
153. Emergency services exemption
Division 5--Exemption granted without an application
154. Grant of class work and rest hours exemption
155. Amendment, suspension or cancellation of class work and rest hours exemption
Division 6--Exemptions granted upon application
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
156. Definition for div 6
Subdivision 2--Exemptions that may be granted upon application
157. Chief executive may grant work and rest hours exemption
158. Chief executive may grant work diary exemption
Subdivision 3--Obtaining exemption
159. Applying for exemption generally
160. Additional requirement for application for work and rest hours exemption
161. Additional requirement for application for work diary exemption based upon driver's illiteracy
162. Additional requirement for application for work diary exemption based upon infrequency of 200+km work
163. Chief executive may request further information
164. Deciding application for exemption
165. Steps if exemption granted
166. Steps if exemption not granted
Subdivision 4--Operating under exemption
167. Compliance with conditions of exemption
168. Driver must carry copy of gazette notice or exemption notice
Division 7--Amendment or cancellation of accreditation or exemption upon application
169. Definition for div 7
170. Application for amendment or cancellation of accreditation or exemption
171. Steps if amendment or cancellation made
172. Steps if amendment or cancellation not made
Division 8--Other provisions about accreditations and exemptions
173. Return of accreditation certificate or exemption notice
174. Replacement of lost etc. accreditation certificate or exemption notice
175. Offence to falsely represent that accreditation or exemption is held
176. Offences relating to auditors
Part 6--Compliance and enforcement
177. Alternative ways of managing fatigue—Act, s 15
178. Information offences
Part 7--Provisions about decision making
Division 1--Referral of particular decisions to fatigue authorities panel
179. Fatigue authorities panel
180. Referral of decisions relating to accreditation or exemption
181. Referral of other decisions
Division 2--Mutual recognition of particular decisions
182. Mutual recognition of particular decisions
Division 3--Notification and recording of decisions
183. Notifying particular corresponding authorities of decisions
184. Register of decisions
Division 4--Review and appeal of decisions
185. Review of original decision
186. Appeal against reviewed decision
Part 8--Fees
187. Fees
Part 9--Repeal
188. Repeal of regulation
Part 10--Transitional provisions
Division 1--Preliminary
189. Definitions for pt 10
190. Acts Interpretation Act 1954, s 20 not limited
Division 2--Transitional provisions about work and rest hours option
Subdivision 1--Continuing particular work and rest hours arrangements
191. Exemption to apply to particular drivers
192. BFM hours apply to particular drivers
193. Hours under alternative compliance scheme continue to apply to particular drivers
Subdivision 2--Transferring to new work and rest hours arrangements
194. Transferring to new work and rest hours arrangements on commencement
195. Transferring to new work and rest hours arrangements after commencement
Division 3--Transitional provisions about driving records
Subdivision 1--Continuing existing record keeping requirements for a period
196. Existing logbook requirements continue to apply if using existing logbook or approved DSMD
197. Requirements under alternative compliance scheme continue to apply
Subdivision 2--Continuing particular requirements after new record keeping requirements start applying
198. Definition for sdiv 2
199. Particular information to be recorded by driver ceasing to engage in non-local area work
200. Particular information to be recorded by employer of employed driver
201. Particular information to be recorded by self-employed driver
202. Particular driving records to be given to employers
203. Non-local area work records to be kept
204. Local area work records to be kept
205. Requirements about destroyed etc. logbook
Subdivision 3--Other transitional provision about record keeping requirements
206. Driving records for non-local area work taken to be part of work diary
Division 4--Transitional provisions about registration for TFMS
Subdivision 1--Continuing effect of TFMS registration
207. Existing TFMS registration continues for 12 months
208. Existing applications for TFMS registration must be decided under repealed regulation
209. Application of repealed regulation to TFMS registration
210. Participant may end TFMS registration
Subdivision 2--Application of particular requirements after TFMS registration ends
211. Definitions for sdiv 2
212. Obligation to comply with particular notices continue after registration ends
213. Application for replacement driver certification manuals taken to be withdrawn
214. Requirement to return driver certification manual
215. Reports of review to be kept
Division 5--Transitional provisions about exemptions
216. Existing exemptions continue
217. Existing applications for exemption
Division 6--Transitional provisions about enforcement matters
218. Offences against repealed regulation continue as information offences
219. Limited jeopardy continues
220. Deferral on prohibition on driving continues
221. Requirement to give particular information continues
Division 7--Transitional provisions about review and appeal
Subdivision 1--Continuing review and appeal rights
222. Reviews about particular decisions
223. Appeals about particular decisions
Subdivision 2--Effect of decisions about refusal to register applicant in TFMS
224. Application of sdiv 2
225. Effect of review or appeal decision that person should be registered in TFMS
226. Effect of review or appeal decision that applicant should not be registered in TFMS
227. Effect of appeal decision returning matter to chief executive
Subdivision 3--Effect of decisions about refusal to cancel TFMS registration
228. Application of sdiv 3
229. Effect of review or appeal decision that person's TFMS registration be cancelled
230. Effect of review or appeal decision that person's TFMS registration not be cancelled
231. Effect of appeal decision returning matter to chief executive
Subdivision 4--Effect of decisions about refusal to grant exemption
232. Application of sdiv 4
233. Effect of review or appeal decision that person be given exemption
234. Effect of review or appeal decision that person not be given exemption
235. Effect of appeal decision returning matter to chief executive
Subdivision 5--Effect of decisions about imposition of condition on exemption
236. Application of sdiv 5
237. Effect of review or appeal decision that condition not be imposed on exemption
238. Effect of review or appeal decision that condition be imposed on exemption
239. Effect of appeal decision returning matter to chief executive
Division 8--Other transitional provisions
240. References to repealed regulation
Part 11--Amendment of other regulations
Division 1--Amendment of State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2000
241. Regulation amended in div 1
242. Amendment of sch 3 (Transport legislation)
Division 2 Amendment of Transport Operations (Road Use Management--Driver Licensing) Regulation 1999
243. Regulation amended in div 2
244. Insertion of new pt 10, div 6
245. Amendment of sch 3 (Demerit points)
246. Amendment of sch 7 (Dictionary)
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