A loading manager must take all reasonable steps to ensure the arrangements for loading and unloading fatigue regulated heavy vehicles at the premises in relation to which the person is the loading manager will not cause the driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle to--
(a) drive while impaired by fatigue; or
(b) drive while in breach of the driver's work and rest hours option; or
(c) drive in breach of another law in order to avoid driving while impaired by fatigue or while in breach of the driver's work and rest hours option.
Examples of reasonable steps to comply with this section--
providing for necessary rest to be taken with adequate facilities
providing for the reporting of travel delays and providing a mechanism for managing late arrivals
allowing loading and unloading to happen at an agreed time
having a system of setting and allocating loading and unloading times that the driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle can reasonably rely on to comply with the maximum work requirements and minimum rest requirements applying to the driver
Maximum penalty--60 penalty units.