(1) The accreditation certificate for an AFM accreditation sets out the maximum work requirements and minimum rest requirements applying to the driver of a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle operating under and complying with the accreditation (the AFM hours).
(2) In any period stated in the AFM accreditation, the driver--
(a) must not work for more than the maximum work time stated in the AFM hours; and
(b) must have at least the minimum rest time stated in the AFM hours.
Maximum penalty--
(a) for a minor risk breach--20 penalty units; or
(b) for a substantial risk breach--40 penalty units; or
(c) for a severe risk breach--60 penalty units; or
(d) for a critical risk breach--80 penalty units.
(3) A contravention of subsection (2) for any period stated in the AFM accreditation and stated in schedule 3, part 2, table 1, column 1 is a breach of the risk category stated in schedule 3, part 2, table 1, column 2 for the circumstances of the contravention.
(4) In a proceeding for an offence against subsection (2), the person charged has the benefit of the reasonable steps defence for the offence.
See part 1, division 3 for the reasonable steps defence.