(1) Each of the following persons is a party in the chain of responsibility for a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle--
(a) an employer of the driver of the vehicle;
(b) a prime contractor for the driver of the vehicle;
(c) an operator of the vehicle;
(d) a scheduler for the vehicle;
(e) a consignor of goods transported or to be transported by the vehicle;
(f) a consignee of goods transported or to be transported by the vehicle;
(g) a loading manager for goods in the vehicle;
(h) a loader of goods in the vehicle;
(i) an unloader of goods in the vehicle.
(2) A person may be a party in the chain of responsibility in more than 1 capacity.
A person may be a driver's employer, operator and consignor of goods at the same time in relation to a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle and be subject to duties in each of the capacities.