South Australian Bills

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evidence (reporting on sexual offences) amendment bill 2020

South Australia

Evidence (Reporting on Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill 2019


An Act to amend the Evidence Act 1929



Part 1—Preliminary

1Short title


3Amendment provisions

Part 2—Amendment of Evidence Act 1929

4Amendment of section 71A—Restriction on reporting on sexual offences

The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows:

Part 1—Preliminary

1—Short title

This Act may be cited as the Evidence (Reporting on Sexual Offences) Amendment Act 2019.


This Act will come into operation on a day to be fixed by proclamation.

3—Amendment provisions

In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a specified Act amends the Act so specified.

Part 2—Amendment of Evidence Act 1929

4—Amendment of section 71A—Restriction on reporting on sexual offences

(1) Section 71A(1)—delete subsection (1)

(2) Section 71A(2)—delete "Subject to this section, a person must not, before the relevant date," and substitute:

A person must not, before the relevant time,

(3) Section 71A(3) to (3e)—delete subsections (3) to (3e) (inclusive)

(4) Section 71A(5), definition of relevant date—delete the definition and substitute:

relevant time, in relation to a charge of an offence, means the time at which the accused person's first appearance in a court (whether personally or by counsel or solicitor) in relation to the charge is concluded.


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