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South Australia
Parliamentary Committees (Foresight Committee) Amendment
Bill 2008
An Act to amend the Parliamentary Committees
Act 1991.
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short
2 Amendment provisions
Part 2—Amendment of Parliamentary Committees
Act 1991
3 Amendment of section
4 Insertion of new Part
Part 5E—Foresight Committee
Division 1—Establishment and membership of
15M Establishment of
15N Membership of Committee
Division 2—Functions of Foresight
15O Functions of Committee
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as
This Act may be cited as the Parliamentary Committees (Foresight
Committee) Amendment Act 2008.
In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a
specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment
of Parliamentary Committees
Act 1991
3—Amendment of
section 3—Interpretation
Section 3, definition of Committee—after paragraph (i)
(j) the Foresight Committee.
After Part 5D insert:
Part 5E—Foresight Committee
Division 1—Establishment and membership of
15M—Establishment of Committee
The Foresight Committee is established as a committee of the
15N—Membership of Committee
(1) The Committee is to consist of 6 members.
(2) 3 members of the Committee must be members of the House of Assembly
appointed by the House of Assembly and 3 must be members of the Legislative
Council appointed by the Legislative Council.
(3) A Minister of the Crown is not eligible for appointment to the
(4) The Committee must from time to time appoint 1 of its members to be
the Presiding Member of the Committee but if the members are at any time unable
to come to a decision on who is to be the Presiding Member, or on who is to
preside at a meeting of the Committee in the absence of the Presiding Member,
the matter is referred by force of this subsection to the House of Assembly and
that House will determine the matter.
Division 2—Functions of Foresight
15O—Functions of Committee
The functions of the Foresight Committee are—
(a) to inquire into, consider and report on any matter relating to medium
and long term planning for the State including—
(i) likely future challenges for society and the economy arising
(A) social and economic trends;
(B) population changes;
(C) developments in science and technology;
(ii) how best to influence the future and cope with changes that are
likely to emerge;
(b) to perform such other functions as are imposed on the Committee under
this or any other Act or by resolution of both Houses.