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South Australia
Parliamentary Committees (Natural Disasters Committee)
(No 2) Amendment Bill 2012
An Act to amend the Parliamentary
Committees Act 1991.
Part 1—Preliminary
2Amendment provisions
Part 2—Amendment of Parliamentary
Committees Act 1991
3Insertion of
Part 5E
Part 5E—Natural Disasters
Division 1—Establishment and
membership of Committee
15MEstablishment of
15NMembership of Committee
Division 2—Functions of
15OFunctions of
Schedule 1—Related amendment to
Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1990
1Amendment of
Schedule—Additional salary
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as
This Act may be cited as the Parliamentary Committees (Natural Disasters
Committee) (No 2) Amendment Act 2012.
In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a
specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment
of Parliamentary Committees
Act 1991
After Part 5D insert:
Part 5E—Natural Disasters
Division 1—Establishment and membership of
15M—Establishment of Committee
The Natural Disasters Committee is established as a committee of the
15N—Membership of Committee
(1) The Committee is to consist of 7 members.
(2) 4 members of the Committee must be members of the House of
Assembly appointed by the House of Assembly and 3 must be members of the
Legislative Council appointed by the Legislative Council.
(3) A Minister of the Crown is eligible to be a member of the Committee
(and section 21(2)(e) does not apply in relation to the members of the
(4) The Committee must from time to time appoint 1 of its House of
Assembly members to be the Presiding Member of the Committee but if the members
are at any time unable to come to a decision on who is to be the Presiding
Member, or on who is to preside at a meeting of the Committee in the absence of
the Presiding Member, the matter is referred by force of this subsection to the
House of Assembly and that House will determine the matter.
Division 2—Functions of
15O—Functions of Committee
The functions of the Committee are—
(a) to take an
interest in and keep under review—
(i) measures that have been taken, or could be taken, to protect life and
property from the effects of natural disasters; and
(ii) measures that have been taken, or could be taken, to reduce the
incidence of natural disasters; and
(iii) the operation of any Act that relates to natural disasters;
(b) to inquire into, consider and report on such matters concerned with
natural disasters as are referred to it under this Act; and
(c) to perform such other functions as are imposed on the Committee under
this or any other Act or by resolution of both Houses.
Schedule 1—Related
amendment to Parliamentary Remuneration
Act 1990
of Schedule—Additional salary
Schedule—after the entry relating to "Other members of the Natural
Resources Committee (unless a Minister)" insert: