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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
South Australia
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016)
Bill 2016
An Act to amend various Acts for the purposes of the 2016 State
Part 2—Amendment
of Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000
4Amendment of section
5Amendment of heading to Part 2
6Amendment of heading to Part 2 Division
7Amendment of section 7—Grant of
8Amendment of section 8—Eligibility to
hold licence
9Amendment of section 9—Authority
conferred by licence
10Amendment of section 10—Term and renewal
of licence
11Amendment of section 11—Conditions of
12Amendment of section 12—Approved
licensing agreements
13Amendment of section 13—Racing
distribution agreements
15Amendment of section
15—Approved licensing agreement to be tabled in Parliament
16Amendment of section 16—Transfer of
17Amendment of section 17—Dealings
affecting licensed business
18Amendment of section 18—Other
transactions under which outsiders may acquire control or
19Amendment of section 19—Surrender of
20Amendment of section 20—Approval of
designated persons
21Amendment of section
22Amendment of section 22—Determination of
23Amendment of section
24Amendment of section 24—Investigative
25Amendment of section 25—Costs of
26Amendment of section 26—Results of
27Amendment of section 27—Accounts and
28Amendment of section 28—Licensee to
supply Authority with copy of audited accounts
29Amendment of section 29—Duty of
31Amendment of section 33—Directions to
32Amendment of section 33A—Commissioner to
recover administration costs
34Amendment of section 40A—Authorisation
of interstate betting operators
Division 2—Betting operations
Administration Act
Division 3—Multi-jurisdictional
40ETreasurer may enter into
40FCommissioner of
State Taxation must implement agreements
36Amendment of section 41—Approval of
rules, systems, procedures and equipment
37Amendment of section 42—Location of
off-course totalisator offices, branches and agencies
38Amendment of section 43—Prevention of
betting by children
39Amendment of section 44—Prohibition of
lending or extension of credit
41Amendment of section 46—Player return
42Amendment of section 47—Systems and
procedures for dispute resolution
43Amendment of section 48—Advertising code
of practice
44Amendment of section 49—Responsible
gambling code of practice
45Amendment of section 51—Alteration of
approved rules, systems, procedures or equipment
46Amendment of section 67—Statutory
47Amendment of section 69—Compliance
48Amendment of section 70—Expiation
49Amendment of section 72—Disciplinary
action for taxation defaults
51Amendment of section 75—Powers of
52Amendment of section 76—Administrators,
controllers and liquidators
53Amendment of section 80—Lawfulness of
betting operations conducted in accordance with Act
54Amendment of section 81—Further trade
practices authorisations
55Amendment of section 84—Offences by
bodies corporate
56Amendment of section
57Amendment of section
58Amendment of section
Part 3—Amendment of Education
Act 1972
60Amendment of section 106B—Charges for
certain overseas and non-resident students
Part 4—Amendment of Education and
Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards)
Act 2011
61Amendment of section
Part 5—Amendment
of Environment Protection Act 1993
62Amendment of section 47—Criteria for
grant and conditions of environmental authorisations
63Amendment of section 57—Criteria for
grant and conditions of environmental authorisations
64Amendment of section
Part 6—Amendment
of Land Tax Act 1936
65Amendment of section 4—Imposition of
land tax
66Amendment of section 5—Exemption or
partial exemption of certain land from land tax
Part 7—Amendment of Mining
Act 1971
67Amendment of section
68Amendment of section
69Amendment of section 17A—Reduced royalty
for new mines
70Amendment of section 17B—Assessments by
71Amendment of section 17D—When royalty
falls due (general principles)
72Amendment of section 17DA—Special
principles relating to designated mining operators
73Amendment of section 17E—Penalty for
unpaid royalty
Part 8—Amendment
of Passenger Transport Act 1994
74Amendment of section
75Amendment of section 36—Disciplinary
Part 6A—Non-cash payment
payment surcharges
for non-cash payment surcharge
77Amendment of section 59—General
provisions relating to offences
62APoint to point
transport service transaction levy
79Amendment of Schedule
Schedule 2—Point to point transport
service transaction levy
3Transactions for
which levy is not payable
5Arrangements for payment of
6No statute of
limitation to apply
7Offences by persons involved
in management of corporations
Part 9—Amendment of Petroleum and
Geothermal Energy Act 2000
81Amendment of section
82Amendment of section 43—Royalty on
regulated resources
83Amendment of section 44—Penalty for
late payment
84Amendment of section 45—Recovery of
Part 10—Amendment
of Real Property Act 1886
85Amendment of section 13—Administration
of Act
87Amendment of section 21—Seal of
88Amendment of section 208—Proceedings
against the Registrar-General as nominal defendant
89Amendment of section
Part 11—Amendment of Stamp Duties
Act 1923
90Amendment of section 67—Computation of
duty where instruments are interrelated
91Amendment of section
71—Instruments chargeable as conveyances
92Amendment of section
71CC—Interfamilial transfer of farming property
93Amendment of section
71DB—Concessional duty on purchases of off-the-plan
94Amendment of section 71DC—Concessional
duty on designated real property transfers
95Amendment of section
96Amendment of section 99—Determination
of value
97Amendment of section 102A—Calculation
of duty
98Amendment of section 102B—Acquisition
99Amendment of section 102F—Exempt
transactions and related matters
102GAOperation of
Part as in force after 1 July 2016
101Amendment of heading to Part 4A Division
103Amendment of section 104B—Application
of Division
104Amendment of section 104C—Abolition of
duty on conveyance or transfer of property other than land
105Amendment of section 104D—Relevant
of Division as in force before 1 July 2016
107Amendment of Schedule
2—Stamp duties and exemptions
Part 12—Amendment
of Taxation Administration Act 1996
108Amendment of section 4—Meaning of
taxation laws
109Amendment of section 93—Appeal
prohibited unless tax paid
Part 13—Amendment
of Zero Waste SA Act 2004
111Amendment of section 1—Short
112Amendment of section
113Insertion of sections 3A and
114Substitution of heading to Part
115Amendment of section 4—Green
Industries SA
116Substitution of sections 5 and
objectives and principles of Green Industries SA
6Functions of
Green Industries SA
117Amendment of section 7—Powers of Green
Industries SA
118Amendment of section 7A—Application of
Public Finance and Audit Act 1987
119Amendment of section 8—Chief
120Amendment of section
9—Board of Green Industries SA
121Amendment of section 10—Terms and
conditions of office
122Amendment of section 12—Committees and
subcommittees of Board
123Amendment of section 13A—Delegations
by Green Industries SA
124Amendment of section 14—Business
125Amendment of section 15—Annual
126Amendment of section 16—Use and
protection of name
127Substitution of heading to Part
128Amendment of section 17—Green Industry
17ADelegation by
Minister of power under section 17
130Amendment of section 18—Development of
waste strategy
131Amendment of section 19—Green
Industries SA and EPA to co-ordinate activities
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as
This Act may be cited as the Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016)
Act 2016.
(1) Subject to this section, this Act will come into operation on the day
on which it is assented to by the Governor.
Part 2
Part 5
Part 12
Part 13
will come into operation on a day to be fixed by proclamation.
Part 6
will be taken to have come into operation at midnight on 30 June
Part 8
will be taken to have come into operation on 1 October 2016.
Section 93
will be taken to have come into operation on 20 June 2016.
Sections 91
(inclusive) will be taken to have come into operation on
1 July 2016.
In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a
specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment
of Authorised Betting Operations
Act 2000
of section 3—Interpretation
(1) Section 3(1)—after the definition of approved licensing
agreement insert:
authorised betting operator means—
(a) the holder of a licence under this Act; or
(b) an authorised interstate betting operator;
(2) Section 3(1)—after the definition of compliance
notice insert:
comprehensive licence means the comprehensive major betting
operations licence granted under section 7(1);
(3) Section 3(1), definitions of duty and duty
agreement—delete the definitions
(4) Section 3(1)—after the definition of licensing
authority insert:
limited licence means a limited major betting operations
licence granted under section 7(3);
(5) Section 3(1), definition of major betting operations
licence—delete "the licence" and substitute:
the comprehensive licence or a limited licence
of heading to Part 2
Heading to Part 2—delete "licence" and substitute:
of heading to Part 2 Division 1
Heading to Part 2 Division 1—delete "licence" and
of section 7—Grant of licences
(1) Section 7(1) and (2)—before "major" in each of subsections (1)
and (2) insert:
(2) Section 7—after subsection (2) insert:
(3) The Governor may grant any number of limited major betting operations
(3) Section 7(4)—delete "the licence" first occurring and
a licence
of section 8—Eligibility to hold licence
(1) Section 8—delete "the licence" and substitute:
a licence
(2) Section 8—after its present contents as amended by this section
(now to be designated as subsection (1)) insert:
(2) The Minister must be satisfied that the holder of a limited licence
has substantial business assets and infrastructure located in South
of section 9—Authority conferred by licence
(1) Section 9—delete "The licence" and substitute:
The comprehensive licence
(2) Section 9—after its present contents as amended by this section
(now to be designated as subsection (1)) insert:
(2) A limited licence may authorise the licensee—
(a) to conduct off-course totalisator betting on races held by licensed
racing clubs;
(b) to conduct off-course totalisator betting on approved
(c) to conduct other forms of betting on races held by licensed racing
clubs or on approved contingencies,
provided that the following requirements are complied with:
(d) the betting must be conducted only by telephone, Internet or other
electronic means and otherwise in accordance with this Act;
(e) the licensee must not directly or indirectly make available, or in any
way facilitate the provision of, a telephone, computer or other device capable
of being used for the conduct of betting by telephone, Internet or other
electronic means to a person in South Australia for the purpose of encouraging
or facilitating such betting.
of section 10—Term and renewal of licence
(1) Section 10(1)—delete "The licence" and substitute:
A licence
(2) Section 10(2)—delete "the licence has been granted or renewed a
new approved licensing agreement, a new racing distribution agreement and a new
duty agreement" and substitute:
a licence has been granted or renewed a new approved licensing agreement
and, in the case of the comprehensive licence, a new racing distribution
of section 11—Conditions of licence
Section 11(1)—delete "the licence" and substitute:
a licence
of section 12—Approved licensing agreements
(1) Section 12(1)—delete "the licensee" and substitute:
a licensee
(2) Section 12—delete "The agreement" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
An agreement
(3) Section 12(4)—delete "the agreement" first occurring and
an agreement
(4) Section 12(10) and (12)—delete "the agreement" wherever
occurring and substitute in each case:
an agreement
(5) Section 12(12)—delete "Trade Practices Act 1974" and
Competition and Consumer Act 2010
(6) Section 12(13), definition of giving effect—delete
"the agreement" first occurring and substitute:
an agreement
of section 13—Racing distribution agreements
(1) Section 13(1)—delete "the licence" and substitute:
the comprehensive licence
(2) Section 13(5)—delete "the licence" and substitute:
the comprehensive licence
(3) Section 13(8)—delete "Trade Practices Act 1974" and
Competition and Consumer Act 2010
Section 14—delete the section
of section 15—Approved licensing agreement to be tabled in
Section 15(2)—delete subsection (2)
of section 16—Transfer of licence
(1) Section 16(1)—delete "the licence" and substitute:
a licence
(2) Section 16(3)—delete "the licence" first occurring and
a licence
(3) Section 16(3)(a)—delete ", the racing distribution agreement and
the duty agreement" and substitute:
and, in the case of the comprehensive licence, the racing distribution
of section 17—Dealings affecting licensed business
Section 17(1)—delete "The licensee" and substitute:
A licensee
of section 18—Other transactions under which outsiders may acquire control
or influence
(1) Section 18(1)—delete "the licensee" and substitute:
a licensee
(2) Section 18(2) and (3)—delete "the licensee" first occurring in
each subsection and substitute in each case:
a licensee
of section 19—Surrender of licence
(1) Section 19(1)—delete "The licensee" and substitute:
A licensee
(2) Section 19(2)—delete "the licence" and substitute:
a licence
of section 20—Approval of designated persons
(1) Section 20(1) and (2)—delete "The licensee" wherever occurring
and substitute in each case:
A licensee
(2) Section 20(1)—after "designated person" insert:
in relation to the licensee
(3) Section 20(2)—after "designated person" first occurring
in relation to the licensee
(4) Section 20(3), (5) and (6)—delete "the licensee" wherever
occurring and substitute in each case:
a licensee
(5) Section 20(6), definition of designated
person—after "designated person" insert:
, in relation to a licensee,
of section 21—Applications
(1) Section 21—delete "the licence" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
a licence
(2) Section 21(1)(d)—delete "the licensee" and substitute:
a licensee
(3) Section 21(2)(c)(iii)—delete "the licensee" first occurring and
a licensee
of section 22—Determination of applications
(1) Section 22(1) and (2)—delete "the licence" wherever occurring
and substitute in each case:
a licence
(2) Section 22(3)(a) and (b)—delete "the licensed" wherever
occurring and substitute in each case:
a licensed
(3) Section 22(4)—delete "the licensee" first occurring and
a licensee
of section 23—Investigations
Section 23(2)—delete "the licensee and the licensee's" and
each licensee and each licensee's
of section 24—Investigative powers
Section 24(2)—delete "the licensed" and substitute:
a licensed
of section 25—Costs of investigation
(1) Section 25(1)(b)—delete "the licensee or the" and
a licensee or a
(2) Section 25(6)—delete "the licensee" and substitute:
a licensee
of section 26—Results of investigation
Section 26(c)—delete "the licensee or the" and substitute:
a licensee or a
of section 27—Accounts and audit
Section 27(1) and (3)—delete "The licensee" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
A licensee
of section 28—Licensee to supply Authority with copy of audited
Section 28(1) and (2)—delete "the licensee" first occurring in each
subsection and substitute in each case:
a licensee
of section 29—Duty of auditor
Section 29(1)—delete "the licensee is required" and
a licensee is required
of Part 2 Division 8
Part 2 Division 8—delete Division 8
of section 33—Directions to licensee
(1) Section 33(1)—delete "the licensee" and substitute:
a licensee
(2) Section 33(2)—delete "The licensee" and substitute:
A licensee
of section 33A—Commissioner to recover administration
(1) Section 33A(1) and (2)—delete "the licensee" wherever occurring
and substitute in each case:
each licensee
(2) Section 33A(3)—delete "the licensee" and substitute:
a licensee
(3) Section 33A(4) and (5)—delete "the licensee" first occurring in
each subsection and substitute in each case:
a licensee
(4) Section 33A(7), definition of administration
cost—delete "the licensee" and substitute:
a licensee
of Part 3 Division 2
Part 3 Division 2—delete Division 2
of section 40A—Authorisation of interstate betting
(1) Section 40A(4)(b)—delete paragraph (b) and substitute:
(b) the operator does not directly or indirectly make available, or in any
way facilitate the provision of, a telephone, computer or other device capable
of being used for the conduct of betting by telephone, Internet or other
electronic means to a person in South Australia for the purpose of encouraging
or facilitating such betting; and
(2) Section 40A—after subsection (5) insert:
(5a) An authorised interstate betting operator must, on or before
30 September in each year, lodge with the Authority an annual return
containing the information required by the Authority by written
of section 40B
Section 40B—delete the section and substitute:
Part 3B—Taxation
Division 1—Preliminary
In this Part—
betting operations tax—see
section 40D(1)
betting operator means—
(a) an authorised betting operator; and
(b) any person who earns revenue as a result of accepting bets from, or
providing a service through which bets are made by, persons who were located in
South Australia at the time of making the bet or using the service (not being a
person who is licensed or authorised to accept such bets, or provide such a
service, under a law of the State);
multi-jurisdictional agreement—see
section 40E(1)
net State wagering revenue—the net State wagering
revenue of a betting operator for a financial year is the sum
(a) the total amount of all bets made with, or using a service provided
by, the betting operator during the financial year by persons who were located
in South Australia at the time of making the bet or using the service;
(b) the total of any fees, commission or other amounts of a kind
prescribed by the regulations (in relation to betting operators generally or in
relation to particular betting operators or classes of betting operators)
associated with making the bets or using the service,
(c) the total amount of all winnings paid or payable in respect of those
bets; and
(d) the total of any other amounts of a kind prescribed by the regulations
(in relation to betting operators generally or in relation to particular betting
operators or classes of betting operators);
participating jurisdiction means South Australia and any
other Australian jurisdiction that enters, through the agency of a Minister of
the Crown, into a multi-jurisdictional agreement.
Division 2—Betting operations
40C—Taxation Administration
Subject to any regulations made under
section 40G(1)(f)
, this Part must be read together with the
Administration Act 1996
which makes provision for the administration and enforcement of this Part
and other taxation laws.
40D—Liability to pay tax
(1) A betting
operator is liable to pay tax (betting operations tax) to the
Commissioner of State Taxation on the operator's net State wagering revenue for
a financial year.
(2) Betting operations tax is payable in respect of a financial year as
(a) if the net State wagering revenue for the financial year is less than
$150 000—no tax is payable;
(b) if the net State wagering revenue for the financial year is $150 000
or more—tax is payable at the rate of 15% of the amount of net State
wagering revenue in excess of $150 000.
Division 3—Multi-jurisdictional
40E—Treasurer may enter into
(1) The Treasurer
may enter into an agreement (a multi-jurisdictional agreement)
with 1 or more other Australian jurisdictions to establish and implement
processes for achieving improvements in the assessment and collection of taxes,
interest and penalties imposed by the participating jurisdictions on betting
operations that are carried on in multiple jurisdictions.
(2) A multi-jurisdictional agreement may, for example—
(a) provide for collection of relevant taxes, interest and penalties by a
participating jurisdiction on behalf of other participating jurisdictions and
for the distribution of monies so collected;
(b) provide for each participating jurisdiction to collect, on behalf of
all jurisdictions, taxes, interest and penalties payable to those jurisdictions
by operators whose businesses are based in the collecting
(c) provide for a participating jurisdiction to undertake audits or
investigations in respect of taxes, interest and penalties payable by a betting
operator under the law of another participating jurisdiction;
(d) authorise the performance or exercise of any functions or powers under
this Act or the
Administration Act 1996
by a specified authority of a participating jurisdiction (subject to
subsection (4) and any other limitations specified in the agreement);
(e) authorise the performance or exercise of any functions or powers under
a specified law of another participating jurisdiction by the Commissioner of
State Taxation (subject to any law of that jurisdiction and any limitations
specified in the agreement);
(f) provide for participating jurisdictions to assist each other in making
timely and accurate determinations of relevant taxes, interest and penalties
payable by sharing information available to them (including the results of
audits and investigations and any other information of a kind specified by the
(g) make provision for any other measures or matters that the parties
consider necessary or expedient for achieving improvements in the assessment or
collection of relevant taxes, interest and penalties or for implementing the
processes established by the agreement for that purpose.
(3) A multi-jurisdictional agreement will operate for such period, and be
able to be varied or terminated in such a manner, as the participating
jurisdictions agree.
(4) A multi-jurisdictional agreement—
(a) must be consistent with the provisions of this Act and the
Administration Act 1996
(subject to any modifications prescribed by regulations made under
section 40G(1)(f)
); and
(b) cannot authorise a participating jurisdiction—
(i) to make a binding determination of the amount of tax, interest or
penalties payable by a betting operator under the laws of another participating
jurisdiction; or
(ii) to take enforcement action in respect of tax, interest or penalties
payable by a betting operator under the laws of another participating
40F—Commissioner of State Taxation must implement
The Commissioner of State Taxation must take such action as is necessary or
expedient for giving effect to a multi-jurisdictional agreement.
Division 4—Regulations
(1) Regulations
made for the purposes of this Part may—
(a) provide for the payment of betting operations tax (including for
payment of the tax by instalments payable after or during the financial year to
which the tax instalments relate); and
(b) impose requirements in relation to record keeping and the preparation
and lodgement of returns; and
(c) prescribe the form of any record or return; and
(d) prescribe consequences for failure to lodge a return or other document
required to be provided under the regulations (or for failure to lodge such a
return or document at the required time) including requiring the payment of
interest or a monetary penalty or prohibiting the conduct of betting operations,
or specified betting operations, until the failure is rectified; and
(e) make any provision that is necessary or expedient for giving effect to
a multi-jurisdictional agreement; and
(f) modify the
application of the
Administration Act 1996
in relation to this Part or any matter that is, or may be, provided for
under a multi-jurisdictional agreement; and
(g) prescribe exceptions to and exemptions from liability to betting
operations tax; and
(h) prescribe circumstances in which there is an entitlement to a refund
of betting operations tax paid; and
(i) provide for
revenue collected under this Part, or any portion of such revenue, to be paid
into a specified fund or funds and applied for prescribed purposes or in a
prescribed manner; and
(j) make any provision to regulate such a fund.
(2) Regulations made for the purposes of this Part may provide that a
matter or thing in respect of which regulations may be made is to be determined
according to the discretion of the Minister, the Authority, the Commissioner or
the Commissioner of State Taxation.
(3) A regulation providing for any revenue collected under this Part to be
paid into a specified fund or funds and applied for prescribed purposes or in a
prescribed manner is sufficient authority for the making of such payments
without further appropriation.
(4) This section has effect in addition to section 91.
of section 41—Approval of rules, systems, procedures and
Section 41(1) and (3)—delete "the major" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
a major
of section 42—Location of off-course totalisator offices, branches and
Section 42(1)—delete "major betting operations" and
of section 43—Prevention of betting by children
Section 43(1)—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 44—Prohibition of lending or extension of
Section 44—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 45—Cash facilities not to be in certain areas staffed and
managed by comprehensive licensee
Section 45—delete "major betting operations" and
of section 46—Player return information
(1) Section 46(1)—delete "major betting operations" and
(2) Section 46—after subsection (1) insert:
(1aa) It is a condition of a limited licence that the licensee must, in
accordance with determinations made from time to time by the Commissioner,
provide information relating to player returns on bets made with the licensee by
persons who were located in South Australia at the time of making the bet and
otherwise as required by the Commissioner.
(3) Section 46(1a)—after "The information" insert:
provided under subsection (1) or (1aa)
(4) Section 46(2)—delete "subsection (1)" and substitute:
this section
of section 47—Systems and procedures for dispute
Section 47—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 48—Advertising code of practice
Section 48—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 49—Responsible gambling code of practice
Section 49—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 51—Alteration of approved rules, systems, procedures or
Section 51(3)—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 67—Statutory default
(1) Section 67(1)(a)—after "the licence" insert:
(other than where the contravention or failure would constitute a taxation
default within the meaning of section 73A)
(2) Section 67(1)(d)—after "basis" insert:
(other than on the basis of a taxation default within the meaning of
section 73A)
(3) Section 67(1)(e)—after "contribution agreement"
(other than where the contravention or failure would constitute a taxation
default within the meaning of section 73A)
of section 69—Compliance notice
Section 69(2), penalty provision—delete "the major" and
a major
of section 70—Expiation notice
Section 70(1)(a)—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 72—Disciplinary action
Section 72—delete "the major" wherever occurring and substitute in
each case:
a major
After section 73 insert:
73A—Disciplinary action for taxation
(1) A taxation default occurs if an authorised betting
operator contravenes or fails to comply with—
(a) a provision of—
(i) Part 3B or regulations made for the purposes of Part 3B;
(ii) the
Administration Act 1996
as it applies in connection with Part 3B or regulations made for the
purposes of such provisions; or
(b) a condition of a licence, or an obligation under an agreement,
relating to compliance with such provisions.
(2) If the Commissioner of State Taxation believes on reasonable grounds
that a taxation default has occurred, the Commissioner of State Taxation may
give written notice to the operator—
(a) specifying the default; and
(b) requiring the operator to show cause, within a period specified in the
notice (which must be at least 14 days), why disciplinary action should not be
taken against the operator.
(3) The Commissioner of State Taxation must allow the operator a
reasonable opportunity to make submissions orally or in writing to the
Commissioner of State Taxation.
(4) After
considering the submissions (if any) made by the operator, the Commissioner of
State Taxation may, by notice in writing to the Authority, request that the
Authority take disciplinary action against the operator.
(5) If the
Authority receives a request from the Commissioner of State Taxation under
subsection (4)
, the Authority may, by order, take disciplinary action in 1 or more of the
ways specified in section 72(3)(a) to (d).
(6) Section 72(4), (5), (6) and (7) apply to an order made under
subsection (5)
as if the order were made under section 72(3).
(7) In taking disciplinary action in accordance with this section, the
Authority may act as the Authority thinks fit but is not required to consider
the submissions (if any) made by the operator or otherwise exercise an
independent discretion in relation to the matter.
of section 75—Powers of manager
Section 75(3)—delete "the approved licensing agreement may operate to
exclude or modify the provisions of subsection (2) in relation to the" and
an approved licensing agreement may operate to exclude or modify the
provisions of subsection (2) in relation to a
of section 76—Administrators, controllers and
Section 76(1)(b)—delete "the duty" and substitute:
tax payable under this Act
of section 80—Lawfulness of betting operations conducted in accordance
with Act
Section 80—delete "the major" and substitute:
a major
of section 81—Further trade practices authorisations
(1) Section 81(1)—delete "Trade Practices Act 1974" and
Competition and Consumer Act 2010
(2) Section 81(2), definition of prescribed agreement, arrangement
or instrument, (d)(iv)—delete "the major" and
a major
(3) Section 81(2), definition of prescribed agreement, arrangement
or instrument, (e)—delete "the major betting operations licence,
the" and substitute:
a major betting operations licence, an
of section 84—Offences by bodies corporate
Section 84(4)—delete "32, 33, 40" and substitute:
of section 88—Service
Section 88—after subsection (2) insert:
(3) This section does not apply to a notice or document required or
authorised by a provision of Part 3B, or a provision of the
Administration Act 1996
as it applies in connection with Part 3B, to be given to, served on or
lodged with the Commissioner of State Taxation or any other person.
Service of such notices or documents will be governed by the
Administration Act 1996
of section 89—Evidence
Section 89(1)—after "this Act" insert:
or the
Administration Act 1996
as it applies in connection with Part 3B
of section 91—Regulations
(1) Section 91(2)—after paragraph (ab) insert:
(ac) require licensed racing clubs or licensed bookmakers to pay unclaimed
winnings or totalisator fractions (or both) to the Treasurer;
(2) Section 91(2)(c)—delete "$5 000" and substitute:
$20 000
(3) Section 91—after subsection (3) insert:
(4) The Governor
may, by regulation, make provisions of a saving or transitional nature
consequent on the enactment of Part 2 of the
Amendment (Budget 2016) Act 2016
(5) A provision of
a regulation referred to in
subsection (4)
may, if the regulation so provides, take effect from the commencement of
Part 2 of the
Amendment (Budget 2016) Act 2016
or from a later day.
(6) To the extent to which a provision takes effect under
subsection (5)
from a day earlier than the day of the regulation's publication in the
Gazette, the provision does not operate to the disadvantage of a person
(a) decreasing the person's rights; or
(b) imposing liabilities on the person.
(1) In this section—
principal Act means the
Betting Operations Act 2000
(2) Despite the amendments to the principal Act enacted by this Part,
until the prescribed day the duty agreement in force under the principal Act
immediately before the commencement of
sections 14
continues in force and continues to bind the parties to the agreement (the
parties) as if those sections had not been enacted (subject to any
supplementary agreement entered into under
subsection (3)
and any transitional regulations made in accordance with section 91(4) of
the principal Act as amended by this Act).
(3) The parties may
enter into a supplementary agreement or vary the terms of the duty agreement for
the purpose of transitioning from the arrangements applicable under the duty
agreement to the taxation arrangements prescribed under the principal Act as
amended by this Act.
(4) For the avoidance of doubt, the requirements relating to the duty
agreement under section 15 of the principal Act as in force immediately before
the commencement of
section 15
of this Act do not apply to any agreement or variation of an agreement
subsection (3)
(5) In this clause—
prescribed day means a day fixed by agreement between the
parties as the day on which the duty agreement will terminate.
Part 3—Amendment
of Education
Act 1972
of section 106B—Charges for certain overseas and non-resident
(1) Section 106B(1)(a)—delete "(within the meaning of Part
5—see section 72I)"
(2) Section 106B(1)—after paragraph (b) insert:
(c) a student of a Government school who is a dependant of a person who is
the subject of—
(i) a temporary work (skilled) visa (subclass 457) issued under the
Migration Act 1958 of the Commonwealth; or
(ii) any other visa of a kind declared by the regulations to be included
in the ambit of this paragraph.
(3) Section 106B(7)—before the definition of student
full fee paying overseas student—a student will be
taken to be a full fee paying overseas student if—
(a) the student holds a temporary visa in force under the Migration
Act 1958 of the Commonwealth; and
(b) the Commonwealth and the State disregard the student (or a class of
students to which that student belongs) when calculating the amount of any
assistance to the school at which the student is enrolled;
Part 4—Amendment
of Education and Early Childhood Services
(Registration and Standards) Act 2011
of section 3—Interpretation
Section 3(3)(a)(i)—delete "entry permit" and substitute:
Part 5—Amendment
of Environment Protection
Act 1993
of section 47—Criteria for grant and conditions of environmental
Section 47(1)(ea)—delete "
Waste SA Act 2004
" and substitute:
of section 57—Criteria for grant and conditions of environmental
Section 57—delete "
Waste SA Act 2004
" and substitute:
of section 121—Confidentiality
Section 121(a)—after "this Act" insert "or the
Industries SA Act 2004
Part 6—Amendment
of Land Tax
Act 1936
of section 4—Imposition of land tax
(1) Section 4(1)(j)—after "an association" insert:
, or on behalf of a trust,
(2) Section 4(1)(k)(i) and (ii)—delete subparagraphs (i) and (ii)
and substitute:
(i) an association established for the purpose of playing cricket,
football, tennis, golf or bowling or other athletic sports or exercises (other
than vacant land or land used for residential purposes); or
(ii) an association established for the purpose of horse racing, trotting,
dog racing, motor racing or other similar contests (other than vacant land or
land used for residential purposes); or
of section 5—Exemption or partial exemption of certain land from land
(1) Section 5(10)—after paragraph (ab) insert:
(ac) subject to this section, land may be wholly exempted from land tax
(i) the land is owned by a natural person (whether or not he or she is the
sole owner of the land) who has ceased to occupy the land; and
(ii) the buildings on the land immediately before the person ceased to
occupy the land had a predominantly residential character; and
(iii) no part of the land is used for a business or commercial purpose
(other than the business of primary production) or the part of the land so used
is less than 25% of the total floor area of all buildings on the land;
(iv) the Commissioner is satisfied—
(A) that the person has ceased to occupy the land as his or her principal
place of residence because a building on the land is being renovated or rebuilt;
(B) that the buildings on the land will, after the completion of the
renovation or rebuilding, have a predominantly residential character;
(C) that the person intends to resume occupation of the land as his or her
principal place of residence when the renovation or rebuilding work is complete
(or is completed to a suitable stage); and
(v) the person is not receiving an exemption from land tax under another
provision of this subsection in relation to other land that constitutes the
person's principal place of residence;
(ad) subject to this section, land may be wholly exempted from land tax
(i) the land is owned by a natural person (whether or not he or she is the
sole owner of the land); and
(ii) no part of the land is used for a business or commercial purpose
(other than the business of primary production) or the part of the land so used
is less than 25% of the total floor area of all buildings on the land;
(iii) the Commissioner is satisfied—
(A) that the person is, or will be, renovating or constructing a building
or buildings on the land; and
(B) that the buildings on the land will, after the completion of the
renovation or construction work, have a predominantly residential character;
(C) that the person intends to occupy the land as his or her principal
place of residence when the renovation or construction work is completed (or is
completed to a suitable stage); and
(iv) the person is not receiving an exemption from land tax under another
provision of this subsection in relation to other land that constitutes the
person's principal place of residence;
(2) Section 5—after subsection (10) insert:
(10a) Land is not exempt from land tax during a financial year under
subsection (10)(ac) or (ad) unless—
(a) the
Commissioner is satisfied that—
(i) the owner who
applied for the exemption occupies the property as his or her principal place of
residence for a period of at least 12 months after completion (or
completion to a suitable stage) of the renovation, rebuilding or construction
work to which the application related; or
(ii) the owner who applied for the exemption intended to so occupy the
property when applying for the exemption but there were good reasons why the
owner was unable to do so; and
(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that no rent or other consideration is
paid or payable for occupation by some other person, during the financial year
or, in a case where
paragraph (a)(i)
applies, during the period referred to in
paragraph (a)(i)
(10b) Land may not be exempted from land tax under
subsection (10)(ac) or (ad) for a period that exceeds 2 years
unless there are, in the Commissioner's opinion, good reasons to exempt the land
for a longer period.
(10c) The Commissioner may, on application under this subsection, grant a
waiver or refund of land tax paid or payable by or on behalf of an owner of land
for a financial year if—
(a) proper grounds for exempting the land from land tax under
subsection (10)(ac) or (ad) existed for that financial year;
(b) the application is made not more than 5 years after the
assessment of the liability to the tax to which the application
Part 7—Amendment
of Mining Act 1971
of section 12—Delegation
Section 12—after subsection (1) insert:
(1a) The Treasurer may delegate any power or function vested in or
conferred on the Treasurer under this Act.
of section 17—Royalty
(1) Section 17(1)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
(2) Section 17(6)—delete "Minister" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
Treasurer after consultation with the Minister
(3) Section 17(9)—delete "Minister may, under an agreement between
the Minister" and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister and under an agreement
between the Treasurer
(4) Section 17(10)—delete "Minister may," and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister and
(5) Section 17(13)—delete "Minister may," and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister,
(6) Section 17(14)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
of section 17A—Reduced royalty for new mines
(1) Section 17A(1)—delete "Minister may," and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister and
(2) Section 17A(3)—delete "Minister may," and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister and
(3) Section 17A(4)—before "Minister" insert:
Treasurer after consultation with the
(4) Section 17A(5)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
(5) Section 17A(6)—delete "Minister" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
of section 17B—Assessments by Treasurer
(1) Section 17B(1)—delete "Minister may make an assessment of
royalty under this Act if the Minister" and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister, make an assessment of
royalty under this Act if the Treasurer
(2) Section 17B(2)—delete "Minister may, on application or on the
Minister's own initiative," and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister, on application or on
the Treasurer's own initiative after consultation with the Minister,
(3) Section 17B(3)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
(4) Section 17B(5)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
of section 17D—When royalty falls due (general
(1) Section 17D(1)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister,
(2) Section 17D(3)—delete "Minister may, on application by a person
liable to pay royalty or of his or her own motion, exempt (on such conditions as
the Minister thinks fit) a person from the operation of subsection (1) or (2) if
the Minister" and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister, on application by a
person liable to pay royalty or of his or her own motion, exempt (on such
conditions as the Treasurer thinks fit) a person from the operation of
subsection (1) or (2) if the Treasurer
of section 17DA—Special principles relating to designated mining
(1) Section 17DA(2)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
Treasurer after consultation with the Minister
(2) Section 17DA(3)—delete "Minister" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
(3) Section 17DA(4)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
(4) Section 17DA(6)(a)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
(5) Section 17DA(7)—delete "Minister" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
(6) Section 17DA(9)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
(7) Section 17DA(9)—delete "Minister's" and substitute:
(8) Section 17DA(10)—delete "Minister may" and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister
(9) Section 17DA(10)(a)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
of section 17E—Penalty for unpaid royalty
Section 17E(2)—delete "Minister may, at the Minister's discretion"
and substitute:
Treasurer may, at the Treasurer's discretion and after consultation with
the Minister
Part 8—Amendment
of Passenger Transport
Act 1994
of section 4—Interpretation
(1) Section 4(1)—after the definition of centralised booking
service insert:
chauffeured vehicle service means a passenger transport
service defined as a chauffeured vehicle service by the regulations;
(2) Section 4(1)—after the definition of passenger transport
service insert:
point to point transport service means a chauffeured vehicle
service or taxi service;
(3) Section 4(1)—after the definition of taxi-meter
taxi service means a passenger transport service defined as a
taxi service by the regulations;
of section 36—Disciplinary powers
Section 36(2)—after paragraph (a) insert:
(ab) the respondent has failed to pay amounts required by a notice under
clause 2(6) of Schedule 2 within the period specified in the notice (or such
other period as may have been allowed by the Minister in accordance with clause
5 of that Schedule); or
After section 52 insert:
Part 6A—Non-cash payment
In this Part—
non-cash payment surcharge means a fee or charge (however
(a) added to the amount otherwise payable by the hirer of a point to point
transport service because the amount payable for the hire is paid wholly or
partly by the use of a debit, credit, pre-paid or charge card; or
(b) payable by a person in connection with the operation of a point to
point transport service because an amount payable for the service is paid wholly
or partly by the use of a debit, credit, pre-paid or charge card.
52B—Non-cash payment
(1) The regulations
may specify the maximum amount payable for a non-cash payment surcharge or
surcharges for the same hiring of a point to point transport service.
(2) Without limiting
subsection (1)
, a fee or charge may be a non-cash payment surcharge whether or not it is
payable for accepting or processing payment made by the use of a debit, credit,
pre-paid or charge card and whether or not the fee or charge is based on the
amount payable for a hire.
(3) A non-cash payment surcharge does not include a fee or charge imposed
in respect of the use of a debit, credit, pre-paid or charge card
(a) a participant in a designated payment system within the meaning of the
Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998 of the Commonwealth; or
(b) a person consistently with a voluntary undertaking given by the person
to, and accepted by, the Reserve Bank of Australia.
(4) This section does not limit the operation of any regulation specifying
a maximum fare for the hire of a point to point transport service.
52C—Overcharging for non-cash payment
(1) If a non-cash payment surcharge that contravenes regulations made for
the purposes of this Part is imposed, the following persons are guilty of an
(a) the person who imposed the surcharge;
(b) the owner or driver of the vehicle used to provide the point to point
transport service;
(c) in the case of a point to point transport service that is operated
pursuant to a licence under Part 6—the holder of the licence;
(d) any person who provided or maintains any equipment installed in the
vehicle used to provide the point to point transport service that enabled the
surcharge to be imposed;
(e) any person who manages or administers the whole or any part of the
system under which the amounts due for the hiring concerned may be paid by the
use of a debit, credit, pre-paid or charge card;
(f) a person of a class prescribed by the regulations.
Maximum penalty: Division 4 fine.
(2) A person must not, in a vehicle used to provide a point to point
transport service, collect or initiate the collection of a non-cash payment
surcharge that contravenes regulations made for the purposes of this Part.
Maximum penalty: Division 4 fine.
(3) A person must not collect, for the purposes of or while providing a
centralised booking service, a non-cash payment surcharge that contravenes
regulations made for the purposes of this Part.
Maximum penalty: Division 4 fine.
(4) It is a defence to an offence under this section if the defendant
establishes that—
(a) the non-cash payment surcharge was imposed or collected, or its
collection was initiated, by another person; and
(b) the defendant did not know, and could not reasonably be expected to
know, that the other person had charged or collected, or would initiate the
charge or collection of, a non-cash payment surcharge in respect of that
(5) The maximum penalty that a court may impose for an offence against
this section that is committed by a corporation is 5 times the maximum penalty
that the court could, but for this subsection, impose as a penalty for the
of section 59—General provisions relating to offences
(1) Section 59(2)—delete "A prosecution" and substitute:
Subject to subsection (2a), a prosecution
(2) Section 59—after subsection (2) insert:
(2a) A prosecution for an offence against Schedule 2 may be commenced at
any time within 5 years after the date of the alleged commission of the offence
or, with the authorisation of the Attorney-General, at any later time.
After section 62 insert:
62A—Point to point transport service transaction
A point to point transport service transaction levy is payable as provided
in Schedule 2.
of Schedule 1—Regulations
Schedule 1, item 50—delete item 50 and substitute:
50 The
imposition of fines, not exceeding a division 4 fine, for offences against the
After Schedule 1 insert:
Schedule 2—Point to point transport service
transaction levy
In this Schedule—
assessment period means a period of 3 calendar months
determined by the Minister or such other period as the Minister may determine
for the purposes of this Schedule;
booking service means—
(a) a centralised booking service; or
(b) a booking office approved by the Minister under this Act to take
bookings for point to point transport services;
point to point transport service transaction
(a) the taking of a booking for a point to point transport service;
(b) the provision of a taxi service by a hiring made other than by use of
a booking service;
point to point transport service transaction levy or
clause 2
relevant provider of a point to point transport service
(a) in the case of a point to point transport service booked by use of a
booking service—the operator of the booking service; or
(b) in any other case—the operator of the point to point transport
2—Liability to levy
(1) A person who is a relevant provider during an assessment period is
liable to pay the point to point transport service transaction levy for that
assessment period calculated in accordance with this clause.
(2) The amount of the levy is $1 for each point to point transport service
transaction that occurred in the assessment period for which the levy is
(3) The levy for an
assessment period must be paid at such times and in such manner as the Minister,
by notice in the Gazette, directs.
(4) The Minister may, by further notice in the Gazette, vary or revoke a
notice under
subclause (3)
(5) If, in the opinion of the Minister, it is not reasonably practicable
to determine the whole or part of the amount of the levy payable based on actual
point to point transport service transactions during an assessment period, the
amount payable may be calculated on an estimated basis in accordance with the
(6) If a person
fails to pay a levy as required under this clause, the Minister may, by notice
in writing, require the person to make good the default and, in addition, to pay
to the Crown any interest or penalty amounts payable in accordance with the
(7) A notice under
subclause (6)
must specify the period within which the amounts to which the notice
relates must be paid.
(8) A levy (including any interest or penalty amounts referred to in
subclause (6)
) payable by a person under this clause is recoverable by the Minister as a
debt due to the Crown.
3—Transactions for which levy is not
(1) A person is not liable to pay the levy for taking a booking for a
point to point transport service if—
(a) the booking is for a service that is to be provided by a taxi for
which a licence under Part 6 is not required; or
(b) the booking is for a journey that commences outside Metropolitan
Adelaide; or
(c) the service is not provided for any reason; or
(d) another person is already liable to pay the levy for taking a booking
to provide the service.
(2) The taking of a booking for a point to point transport service to
transport more than 1 passenger in a vehicle, or that results in the
passengers being transported to different destinations, is to be taken to be 1
point to point transport service transaction.
(3) A person is not liable to pay the levy for providing a taxi service
(a) the service is provided by a taxi for which a licence under Part 6 is
not required; or
(b) the service is for a journey that commences outside Metropolitan
(1) A person must not, by a deliberate act or omission, evade or attempt
to evade a payment required under this Schedule.
Maximum penalty: Division 4 fine or imprisonment for 2 years.
(2) A person who is
a relevant provider during an assessment period must keep—
(a) any records required by the regulations; and
(b) any records necessary for an accurate assessment of the person's
liability under this Schedule.
Maximum penalty: Division 4 fine.
(3) A person must not deliberately damage or destroy a record required to
be kept under
subclause (2)
Maximum penalty: Division 4 fine.
5—Arrangements for payment of
(1) The Minister may extend the time for payment of an amount required
under this Schedule and may accept payment by instalments (whether or not such
payment is permitted in accordance with the regulations).
(2) A decision of the Minister under this clause may be made subject to
conditions (for example, as to the payment of interest) determined by the
6—No statute of limitation to
No statute of limitation bars or affects any action or remedy for recovery
by the Minister of an amount liable to be paid under this Schedule.
7—Offences by persons involved in management of
(1) If a corporation is guilty of an offence against this Schedule, a
person who is concerned in, or takes part in, the management of the corporation
is guilty of an offence and liable to the same penalty as may be imposed for the
principal offence when committed by a natural person unless the person proves
that he or she could not by the exercise of due diligence have prevented the
commission of the offence.
(2) A person may be convicted of a contravention of a provision of this
Schedule whether or not the corporation has been convicted of its
(3) This clause does not affect a liability imposed on a corporation for
an offence committed by it against this Schedule.
(4) For the purposes of this clause, the following are persons who are
concerned in, or take part in, the management of a corporation:
(a) a director of the corporation;
(b) a secretary of the corporation;
(c) a receiver and manager of property of the corporation;
(d) an official manager or deputy official manager of the
(e) a liquidator of the corporation appointed in a voluntary winding up of
the corporation;
(f) a trustee or other person administering a compromise or arrangement
made between the corporation and another person or other persons.
(5) The regulations may make provision in relation to the criminal
liability of a person who is concerned in, or takes part in, the management of a
corporation that is guilty of an offence against the regulations.
8—Penalties for corporations
The maximum penalty that a court may impose for an offence against this
Schedule, or regulations made for the purposes of this Schedule, that is
committed by a corporation is 5 times the maximum penalty that the court
could, but for this clause, impose as a penalty for the offence.
9—Continuing offences
(1) A person may be convicted of a second or subsequent offence for a
failure to do an act (where the failure constitutes an offence against this
Schedule or regulations made for the purposes of this Schedule) if the failure
continues beyond the period or date in respect of which the person is convicted
for the failure.
(2) The maximum penalty for the offence is the same whether it is a second
or subsequent offence.
(1) Regulations made for the purposes of this Schedule
(a) provide for the payment of the levy (including for payment of the levy
by instalments in respect of any assessment period); and
(b) impose requirements in relation to record keeping and the preparation
and lodgment of returns; and
(c) prescribe the form of any record or return; and
(d) prescribe consequences for failure to lodge a return or other document
required to be provided under the regulations (or for failure to lodge such a
return or document at the required time) including requiring the payment of
interest or a monetary penalty until the failure is rectified; and
(e) prescribe exceptions to and exemptions from liability to the levy;
(f) provide for the making of assessments of liability; and
(g) prescribe circumstances in which there is an entitlement to a refund
of the levy paid; and
(h) provide for
revenue collected under this Schedule, or any portion of such revenue, to be
paid into a specified fund or funds and applied for prescribed purposes or in a
prescribed manner; and
(i) make any provision to regulate such a fund; and
(j) provide for evidentiary certificates relating to anything done under
this Schedule or the regulations; and
(k) make any other provision that is necessary or expedient for the
purposes of this Schedule.
(2) A regulation providing for any revenue collected under this Part to be
paid into a specified fund or funds and applied for prescribed purposes or in a
prescribed manner is sufficient authority for the making of such payments
without further appropriation.
(3) This clause has effect in addition to section 64.
Part 9—Amendment
of Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
Act 2000
of section 7—Delegation
Section 7—after subsection (1) insert:
(1a) The Treasurer may—
(a) delegate any of the Treasurer's powers or functions under this Act to
a specified person, or a person holding or acting in a specified office or
position; or
(b) vary or revoke a delegation under this section.
of section 43—Royalty on regulated resources
(1) Section 43(4)(c)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
Treasurer after consultation with the Minister
(2) Section 43(5a)—delete "Minister may—" and
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister—
(3) Section 43(5b)—delete "Minister may" and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister
(4) Section 43(8)—delete "Minister" and substitute:
Treasurer after consultation with the Minister
(5) Section 43(9)—delete "Minister may, on application by the
producer, or on the Minister's own initiative," and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister, on application by the
producer or on the Treasurer's own initiative after consultation with the
(6) Section 43(10)—delete "Minister's" and substitute:
(7) Section 43(11)—delete "Minister's" and substitute:
of section 44—Penalty for late payment
(1) Section 44(1)—delete "Minister" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
(2) Section 44(2)—delete "Minister may" and substitute:
Treasurer may, after consultation with the Minister,
of section 45—Recovery of royalty
Section 45—delete "Minister" and substitute:
Part 10—Amendment
of Real Property
Act 1886
of section 13—Administration of Act
(1) Section 13(1)—delete "shall be" and substitute:
is to be
(2) Section 13(2)—delete "shall be" and substitute:
(3) Section 13(3)—delete "shall be" and substitute:
are to be
(4) Section 13(4) and (5)—delete subsections (4) and (5) and
(4) There are to be such other persons engaged in the administration of
this Act as the Registrar-General thinks fit.
(5) The Registrar-General and the deputies of the Registrar-General are to
be Public Service employees.
of section 18A
Section 18A—delete the section and substitute:
(1) The Registrar-General may delegate to a person (including a person for
the time being performing particular duties or holding or acting in a particular
position) a function or power under this or any other Act (except a prescribed
function or power).
(2) A delegation—
(a) must be by instrument in writing; and
(b) may be absolute or conditional; and
(c) does not derogate from the power of the delegator to act in a matter;
(d) is revocable at will.
(3) A delegated function or power may, if the instrument of delegation so
provides, be further delegated in accordance with that instrument.
of section 21—Seal of office
Section 21—delete "section 18A" and substitute:
section 17
of section 208—Proceedings against the Registrar-General as nominal
Section 208—delete "any of his officers or clerks in the execution of
their respective duties under the provisions of" and substitute:
a person engaged in the administration of
of section 229—Offences
Section 229(b)(ii)—delete "an officer in any case where the officer"
and substitute:
a person engaged in the administration of this Act in any case where the
Part 11—Amendment
of Stamp Duties
Act 1923
of section 67—Computation of duty where instruments are
Section 67(2)—after paragraph (a) insert:
(ab) a conveyance that relates to land that is being conveyed as part of a
series of separate conveyances of land by different persons to the same person
(whether that person takes alone or with the same or different persons) where
the Commissioner is satisfied that the land is being conveyed by persons acting
separately and independently from each other;
of section 71—Instruments chargeable as conveyances
Section 71(5)(j)—delete paragraph (j)
of section 71CC—Interfamilial transfer of farming
(1) Section 71CC(1)—delete ", or land and goods, referred to in
subsection (1a)" and substitute:
used for the business of primary production
(2) Section 71CC(1a)—delete subsection (1a)
of section 71DB—Concessional duty on purchases of off-the-plan
(1) Section 71DB(3)—delete "30 June 2016" and substitute:
30 June 2017
(2) Section 71DB(6)—delete subsection (6) and substitute:
(6) This section does not apply in relation to—
(a) a contract
entered into before 20 June 2016 if the Commissioner is satisfied that the
contract replaces a contract made before the prescribed date for the purchase of
the same apartment; or
(b) a contract entered into on or after 20 June 2016 if the Commissioner
is satisfied that the contract replaces a contract made before that date for the
purchase of the same apartment, unless the replaced contract—
(i) was for the purchase of an apartment that is (or is to be) situated in
Area A or Area B and was entered into after the prescribed date; and
(ii) is not a contract referred to in
paragraph (a)
(3) Section 71DB(7), definition of prescribed
date—after "particular contract" insert:
entered into before 20 June 2016
(4) Section 71DB(7), definition of qualifying
apartment—delete the definition and substitute:
qualifying apartment means—
(a) in the case of an apartment purchased under a contract entered into
before 20 June 2016—an apartment that is (or is to be) situated
in Area A or Area B; and
(b) in the case of an apartment purchased under a contract entered into on
or after 20 June 2016—an apartment that is (or is to be)
situated anywhere in the State;
(5) Section 71DB(7), definition of qualifying off-the-plan
contract—delete "30 June 2016 (both dates inclusive)"
and substitute:
19 June 2016 (both dates inclusive) or between 20 June 2016 and
30 June 2017 (both dates inclusive)
of section 71DC—Concessional duty on designated real property
(1) Section 71DC(4)—delete "1 July 2016" and substitute:
7 December 2015
(2) Section 71DC(5)—delete "1 July 2016" and substitute:
7 December 2015
of section 91—Interpretation
(1) Section 91(1), definition of goods—delete the
(2) Section 91(1), definition of South Australian
goods—delete the definition
(3) Section 91(11) and (12)—delete subsections (11) and
of section 99—Determination of value
(1) Section 99(1)—delete subsection (1)
(2) Section 99(2)—delete "any relevant asset" and
underlying land assets
(3) Section 99(2)—delete "the relevant asset" and
the asset
(4) Section 99(3)—delete "a relevant asset" and
an underlying land asset
(5) Section 99(4)—delete "relevant asset" and substitute:
underlying land asset
of section 102A—Calculation of duty
(1) Section 102A(1)(a) and (b)—delete paragraphs (a) and (b) and
(a) in the case of an entity that is a private company or a private unit
trust—the duty payable on a conveyance of land with an unencumbered value
equivalent to the value of the acquirer's notional interest in the entity's
underlying local land assets; and
(b) in the case of an entity that is a listed company or a public unit
trust scheme—10% of the duty payable on a conveyance of land with an
unencumbered value equivalent to the value of the acquirer's notional interest
in the entity's underlying local land assets.
(2) Section 102A(3)—delete subsection (3)
(3) Section 102A(7), (8) and (9)—delete subsections (7), (8) and (9)
and substitute:
(7) If a person or
group acquires or increases a prescribed interest in a land holding entity and
duty has been paid under this Act in respect of the transaction for the
acquisition of, or increase in, the interest, the duty calculated under this
section is to be reduced by the amount of duty paid under this Act.
of section 102B—Acquisition statement
Section 102B(2)(c)(v)—delete subparagraph (v)
of section 102F—Exempt transactions and related
Section 102F(3)—delete subsection (3)
of section 102GA
After section 102G insert:
102GA—Operation of Part as in force after 1 July
This Part as in force after 1 July 2016 does not apply in relation to an
acquisition of a prescribed interest, or an increase of a prescribed interest,
in a land holding entity that occurred before that date.
of heading to Part 4A Division 3
Heading to Part 4A Division 3—delete "certain property" and
property other than land
Section 104A—delete the section
of section 104B—Application of Division
(1) Section 104B(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) Subject to this
section, this Division applies to all property other than land.
(2) Section 104B(2)—delete "or prescribed goods"
(3) Section 104B(2)—delete "or any prescribed goods"
(4) Section 104B(4) and (5)—delete subsections (4) and (5)
of section 104C—Abolition of duty on conveyance or transfer of property
other than land
(1) Section 104C(1)—delete "18 June 2015" and substitute:
1 July 2016
(2) Section 104C(2)—delete "18 June 2015" and substitute:
1 July 2016
(3) Section 104C(2)—after "calculated" insert:
, subject to section 104EA,
of section 104D—Relevant rates
(1) Section 104D—delete "18 June 2015" and substitute:
1 July 2016
(2) Section 104D—after "that date will" insert:
, subject to section 104EA,
of section 104EA
After section 104E insert:
104EA—Application of Division as in force before 1
July 2016
This Division as in force immediately before 1 July 2016 continues to apply
in relation to a conveyance or transfer of property executed on or after 18 June
2015 and before 1 July 2016.
of Schedule 2—Stamp duties and exemptions
Schedule 2, Part 2, clause 16—after item 32 insert:
33 A
conveyance or transfer of property to a body established wholly for charitable
or religious purposes, or to a person who acquires the property in the person's
capacity as trustee for a body established wholly for charitable or religious
purposes, where the Commissioner is satisfied that the property will not be used
(wholly or predominantly) for commercial or business purposes (including on the
basis that this exemption will not apply even if any revenue, income or other
benefit arising from the use of the property for commercial or business purposes
will be applied towards the charitable or religious purposes of the
Part 12—Amendment
of Taxation Administration
Act 1996
of section 4—Meaning of taxation laws
Section 4—after paragraph (f) insert:
(g) Part 3B of the
Betting Operations Act 2000
and the regulations under that Part.
of section 93—Appeal prohibited unless tax paid
Section 93(1)—after "whole of the tax" insert:
(not including interest and penalty tax under Part 5)
Part 13—Amendment
of Zero Waste SA
Act 2004
of long title
Long title—delete the long title and substitute:
An Act to continue the statutory corporation Zero Waste SA as Green
Industries SA, to build on the waste management reforms effected by Zero Waste
SA, to promote innovation and business activity in the waste management,
resource recovery and green industry sectors in the State; and for other
of section 1—Short title
Section 1—delete "Zero Waste SA" and substitute:
Green Industries SA
of section 3—Interpretation
(1) Section 3(1), definition of Board—delete the
definition and substitute:
Board means the Board of Green Industries SA—see
section 9;
business includes a business not carried on for profit or
Green Industries SA—see Part 2;
green industry—see section 3B;
Green Industry Fund—see Part 3;
resource recovery, in relation to waste,
(a) reusing the waste; or
(b) recycling the waste; or
(c) recovering energy or other resources from the waste;
(2) Section 3(1), definition of waste management
hierarchy—delete the definition
(3) Section 3(1), definitions of Waste to Resources Fund and
Zero Waste SA—delete the definitions
(4) Section 3(2)—delete subsection (2)
of sections 3A and 3B
After section 3 insert:
3A—Guiding principles
(1) The following are the guiding principles for the
purposes of this Act:
(a) the principles of the circular economy;
(b) the waste management hierarchy;
(c) the principles of ecologically sustainable development;
(d) that best practice methods and standards should be pursued
(i) waste management; and
(ii) the efficient use of resources.
(2) In this section—
(a) a reference to the principles of the circular economy is
a reference to an economic model that contemplates the production of goods and
(i) by a reduced reliance on virgin materials; and
(ii) on the basis of continuously functioning utility and an extended
lifecycle; and
(iii) in a manner that eliminates, as far as is reasonably practicable,
waste or pollution, or harm to the environment;
(b) a reference to the waste management hierarchy is a
reference to an order of priority for the management of waste in
(i) avoidance of the production of waste; and
(ii) minimisation of the production of waste; and
(iii) reuse of waste; and
(iv) recycling of waste; and
(v) recovery of energy and other resources from waste; and
(vi) treatment of waste to reduce potentially degrading impacts;
(vii) disposal of waste in an environmentally sound manner,
are pursued in order with, first, avoidance of the production of waste, and
second, to the extent that avoidance is not reasonably practicable, minimisation
of the production of waste, and third, to the extent that minimisation is not
reasonably practicable, reuse of waste, and so on;
(c) a reference to the principles of ecologically sustainable
development is a reference to principles that maintain—
(i) that the use, development and protection of the environment should be
managed in a way, and at a rate, that will enable people and communities to
provide for their economic, social and physical wellbeing and for their health
and safety while—
(A) sustaining the potential of natural and physical resources to meet the
reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations; and
(B) safeguarding the life-supporting capacity of air, water, land and
ecosystems; and
(C) avoiding, remedying or mitigating any adverse effects of activities on
the environment; and
(ii) that proper weight should be given to both long and short term
economic, environmental, social and equity considerations in deciding all
matters relating to environmental protection, restoration and
3B—Green industry
In this Act, a reference to green industry is a reference
(a) any business activity for the production of goods or services that
demonstrates, as far as is reasonably practicable, the application of the
guiding principles set out in section 3A in the manner of production and the
goods or services themselves; or
(b) any business activity carried on in support of, or in connection with,
an activity referred to in paragraph (a), including research and development,
education and marketing.
of heading to Part 2
Heading to Part 2—delete the heading and substitute:
Part 2—Green Industries SA
of section 4—Green Industries SA
(1) Section 4(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) Zero Waste SA continues as Green Industries
(2) Section 4(2) to (5) inclusive—delete "Zero Waste SA" wherever
occurring and substitute in each case:
Green Industries SA
(3) Section 4(2)(c)—delete "or dealing with" and
, dealing with or disposing of
(4) Section 4—after subsection (5) insert:
(6) In this section—
personal property includes intellectual property.
of sections 5 and 6
Sections 5 and 6—delete the sections and substitute:
5—Primary objectives and principles of Green
Industries SA
(1) The primary objectives of Green Industries SA are—
(a) to promote waste management practices that, as far as possible,
eliminate waste or its consignment to landfill; and
(b) to promote innovation and business activity in the waste management,
resource recovery and green industry sectors, recognising that these areas
present a valuable opportunity to contribute to the State's economic
(2) Green Industries SA should, in furthering its objectives and in the
exercise of its functions, have regard to—
(a) the guiding principles set out in section 3A; and
(b) the principle that government policies relating to waste management,
resource recovery and green industry should be developed through a process of
open dialogue with local government, industry and the community in which local
government, industry and the community are encouraged to contribute to decision
6—Functions of Green Industries
(1) The functions
of Green Industries SA are—
(a) to develop, co-ordinate and contribute to the implementation of
government policy objectives in respect of—
(a) waste management for regions, industry sectors and material types;
(b) programs for the prevention of litter and illegal dumping;
(c) market development (both local and overseas) for waste management,
resource recovery and green industry; and
(d) public and industry awareness and education in relation to waste
management, resource recovery and green industry practices and systems;
(e) innovation in waste management, resource recovery and green industry;
(b) to develop, adopt and administer the waste strategy for the State;
(c) to monitor and assess the adequacy and implementation of the waste
strategy; and
(d) to commission,
collaborate with, and provide assistance to, business in—
(i) improving efficiencies in the use of resources (eg. waste, energy and
water) and reducing the adverse effects of waste on the environment;
(ii) identifying business opportunities (including export opportunities)
in waste management, resource recovery and green industry; and
(iii) research and development in relation to infrastructure,
technologies, systems and practices for waste management, resource recovery and
green industry; and
(iv) raising public and industry awareness of innovations or best practice
in waste management, resource recovery and green industry; and
(e) to develop and promote collaborative partnerships between industry,
non-government organisations, the research sector, government agencies and all
levels of government in connection with its other functions; and
(f) to advise the Minister about any matter referred to it by the Minister
or any matter it sees fit to advise the Minister on in connection with its
responsibilities under this Act; and
(g) such other functions as may be conferred on it by this Act or any
other Act, or as may be assigned to it by the Minister.
(2) Green Industries SA may carry out the functions referred to in
subsection (1)(d)
(a) directly with particular businesses that carry out the activities
referred to in that provision; or
(b) indirectly via an agent that funds, administers, represents or
otherwise supports other businesses in carrying out those activities.
of section 7—Powers of Green Industries SA
(1) Section 7—delete "Zero Waste SA may" and substitute:
Green Industries SA may, in addition to any other powers conferred on it by
or under this Act,
(2) Section 7—after paragraph (b) insert:
(c) may make use of information obtained by the Environment Protection
Authority in the administration or enforcement of the
Protection Act 1993
(or the regulations or environment protection policies made under that
Act), provided that the information is not, without the consent of a particular
person or body, used in such a way as to divulge trade processes or financial
information in a way that identifies, or would or might tend to identify or in
any way be relatable to, that person or body.
of section 7A—Application of Public
Finance and Audit Act 1987
(1) Section 7A—delete "Zero Waste SA" and substitute:
Green Industries SA
(2) Section 7A—delete "Waste to Resources Fund" and
Green Industry Fund
of section 8—Chief Executive
(1) Section 8(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) The office of Chief Executive of Zero Waste SA continues as the office
of the Chief Executive of Green Industries SA.
(2) Section 8(4)—delete "Zero Waste SA" and substitute:
Green Industries SA
of section 9—Board of Green Industries SA
(1) Section 9(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) The Board of Zero Waste SA continues as the Board of Green Industries
(1a) The Board is the governing body of Green Industries SA.
(2) Section 9(3)—delete "Zero Waste SA" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
Green Industries SA
(3) Section 9(4) and (5)—delete subsections (4) and (5)
(4) Section 9(6)—delete subsection (6) and substitute:
(6) The Board's membership must include persons who together have, in the
Governor's opinion, practical knowledge of, and experience in, the following
areas (gained through involvement in business or government):
(a) waste management, resource recovery or green industry;
(b) ecological sustainability;
(c) commercialisation of goods or services, entrepreneurship or other
business development;
(d) corporate governance;
(e) community engagement;
(f) marketing.
of section 10—Terms and conditions of office
Section 10(1)—delete "2 years, specified in the instrument of
appointment and is, on the expiration of a term of office, eligible for
re-appointment" and substitute:
3 years, specified in the instrument of appointment and is, on the
expiration of a term of office, eligible for re-appointment (subject to the
qualification that a person cannot serve as a member for more than 9 consecutive
of section 12—Committees and subcommittees of Board
Section 12(1)—delete "Zero Waste SA" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
Green Industries SA
of section 13A—Delegations by Green Industries SA
Section 13A(1)—delete "Zero Waste SA" and substitute:
Green Industries SA
of section 14—Business plan
(1) Section 14—delete "Zero Waste SA" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
Green Industries SA
(2) Section 14(7)—delete subsection (7)
of section 15—Annual report
(1) Section 15(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) Green Industries SA must, on or before 30 September in each year,
present a report to the Minister on the operations carried out under the Act
during the previous financial year.
(2) Section 15(2)(a)—delete "Waste to Resources Fund, together with
details of the items of income and expenditure of the Fund," and
Green Industry Fund, together with details of the items of income and
expenditure of the Fund (including the amounts applied by Green Industries SA
and by the Minister respectively),
(3) Section 15(2)(b) and (c)—delete "Zero Waste SA" wherever
occurring and substitute in each case:
Green Industries SA
(4) Section 15(2)(d)—delete "waste strategy" and
waste strategy
of section 16—Use and protection of name
(1) Section 16(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) Green Industries SA has a proprietary interest in the following
(a) Green Industries SA;
(b) Zero Waste SA;
(c) Zero Waste;
(d) any other name prescribed by regulation for the purposes of this
(2) Section 16(2) to (6) inclusive—delete "Zero Waste SA" wherever
occurring and substitute in each case:
Green Industries SA
of heading to Part 3
Heading to Part 3—delete the heading and substitute:
Part 3—Green Industry Fund
of section 17—Green Industry Fund
(1) Section 17(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) The Waste to Resources Fund continues as the Green Industry
(2) Section 17(5)—delete subsection (5) and substitute:
(5) Subject to this
section, the Fund may be applied (without further appropriation than this
(a) by Green Industries SA—
(i) in accordance with the business plan; or
(ii) in any other manner authorised by the Minister for the purposes of
this Act; or
(b) by the Minister—
(i) towards the payment of costs of climate change initiatives, including
research and development, education, innovation or business activity, in
relation to initiatives for mitigating the effects of climate change, minimising
carbon emissions and adapting to climate change; or
(ii) towards the payment of costs of managing waste or debris, or harm to
the environment, following an identified major incident, a major emergency or a
disaster, declared under Part 4 Division 3 of the
Management Act 2004
(5a) Without
limiting the form that payment of amounts from the Fund may take for the
purposes of
subsection (5)
, such payments may take the form of—
(a) a grant of an amount to a person or body; or
(b) with the
approval of the Treasurer—
(i) forming, or acquiring, holding, dealing with or disposing of, shares,
units in a unit trust, interests in such shares or units or other interests in
or securities issued by, bodies corporate; or
(ii) entering into a partnership, joint venture or other profit sharing
(3) Section 17—after subsection (6) insert:
(7) An approval given by the Treasurer under this section may
(a) specific or general; and
(b) conditional or unconditional.
(8) An approval given by the Treasurer may be varied or revoked by the
Treasurer at any time.
After section 17 insert:
17A—Delegation by Minister of power under section
(1) The Minister may delegate his or her power under section 17(5)(b) to
any other Minister or to any person for the time being performing particular
duties or holding or acting in a particular position in an administrative unit
of the Public Service.
(2) A delegation—
(a) must be by instrument in writing; and
(b) may be absolute or conditional; and
(c) does not derogate from the power of the delegator to act in a matter;
(d) is revocable at will.
(3) A delegated function or power may, if the instrument of delegation so
provides, be further delegated in accordance with that instrument.
of section 18—Development of waste strategy
(1) Section 18(1)—delete "Zero Waste SA" and substitute:
Green Industries SA
(2) Section 18(2)—delete subsection (2) and substitute:
(2) A waste strategy—
(a) is to include objectives, principles and priorities of Green
Industries SA for—
(i) the management of waste generated or disposed of in the State;
(ii) public and industry awareness of, and participation in, resource
recovery and green industry; and
(b) is to include an analysis of levels of waste generation and waste
management practices; and
(c) is, as a result of the analysis, to identify targets or goals
(i) waste reduction; and
(ii) the diversion of waste from landfill; and
(iii) waste collection, transport and disposal; and
(iv) resource recovery development; and
(v) green industry development,
(including targets or goals relating to research and development and public
and industry awareness and education); and
(d) is to identify—
(i) the means of implementation of the targets or goals; and
(ii) any obstacles or potential obstacles to the implementation of the
targets or goals; and
(iii) any significant risks associated with the implementation of the
targets or goals; and
(e) is to establish criteria and methods for assessing the adequacy of the
strategy and its implementation.
(3) Section 18(3) and (4)—delete "Zero Waste SA" wherever occurring
and substitute in each case:
Green Industries SA
(4) Section 18(5) and (6)—delete subsections (5) and (6) and
(6) Each waste strategy must be replaced by a new waste strategy at least
once every 5 years, or at a time directed by the Minister.
of section 19—Green Industries SA and EPA to co-ordinate
Section 19—delete "Zero Waste SA" and substitute:
Green Industries SA
(1) In this section—
principal Act means the
Waste SA Act 2004
as in force immediately before the commencement of this Part.
(2) A member of the Board of Zero Waste SA holding office immediately
before the commencement of this section ceases to hold office on that
(3) The person holding office as Chief Executive of Zero Waste SA
immediately before the commencement of this section continues to hold office as
Chief Executive of Green Industries SA on and from that commencement.
(4) The business plan approved and in effect immediately before the
commencement of this section continues, on that commencement, as the current
business plan under section 14 of the principal Act as amended by this
(5) The waste strategy adopted and in effect immediately before the
commencement of this section continues, on that commencement, as the current
waste strategy under section 18 of the principal Act as amended by this Act,
despite the fact that, until the next waste strategy is adopted after that
commencement, it may not comply with the requirements under that
(6) A reference in any instrument or contract, agreement or other document
to Zero Waste SA will, on the commencement of this section, have effect
as if it were a reference to Green Industries SA.