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statutes amendment (electricity and gas) (energy productivity) bill 2020

South Australia

Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Bill 2020


An Act to amend the Electricity Act 1996

and the Gas Act 1997



Part 1—Preliminary

1Short title


3Amendment provisions

Part 2—Amendment of Electricity Act 1996

4Amendment of section 63AB—Compliance with certain code provisions under Essential Services Commission Act 2002 and requirements of regulations

5Amendment of section 94B—Energy productivity shortfalls

Part 3—Amendment of Gas Act 1997

6Amendment of section 59A—Compliance with certain code provisions under Essential Services Commission Act 2002 and requirements of regulations

7Amendment of section 91A—Energy productivity shortfalls

The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows:

Part 1—Preliminary

1—Short title

This Act may be cited as the Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Act 2020.


This Act comes into operation on a day to be fixed by proclamation.

3—Amendment provisions

In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a specified Act amends the Act so specified.

Part 2—Amendment of Electricity Act 1996

4—Amendment of section 63AB—Compliance with certain code provisions under Essential Services Commission Act 2002 and requirements of regulations

Section 63AB(1)(d)—delete "efficiency" and substitute:


5—Amendment of section 94B—Energy productivity shortfalls

(1) Section 94B(1)—delete "energy efficiency shortfall (or REES shortfall)" and substitute:

energy productivity shortfall (or relevant shortfall)

(2) Section 94B(2)—delete "REES" and substitute:


(3) Section 94B(3)(a)—delete "REES" and substitute:


(4) Section 94B(12)(a) and (b)—delete "efficiency" wherever occurring and substitute in each case:


(5) Section 94B(13)(a) and (b)—delete "efficiency" wherever occurring and substitute in each case:


Part 3—Amendment of Gas Act 1997

6—Amendment of section 59A—Compliance with certain code provisions under Essential Services Commission Act 2002 and requirements of regulations

Section 59A(1)(f)—delete "efficiency" and substitute:


7—Amendment of section 91A—Energy productivity shortfalls

(1) Section 91A(1)—delete "energy efficiency shortfall (or REES shortfall)" and substitute:

energy productivity shortfall (or relevant shortfall)

(2) Section 91A(2)—delete "REES" and substitute:


(3) Section 91A(3)(a)—delete "REES" and substitute:


(4) Section 91A(12)(a) and (b)—delete "efficiency" wherever occurring and substitute in each case:


(5) Section 91A(13)(a) and (b)—delete "efficiency" wherever occurring and substitute in each case:



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