South Australian Bills

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statutes amendment (repeal of sex work offences) bill 2020

South Australia

Statutes Amendment (Repeal of Sex Work Offences) Bill 2020


An Act to amend the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935

and the Summary Offences Act 1953



Part 1—Preliminary

1Short title


3Amendment provisions

Part 2—Amendment of Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935

4Amendment of section 5—Interpretation

5Amendment of section 270—Punishment for certain offences

6Variation of Schedule 11—Abolition of certain offences

Part 3—Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1953

7Amendment of section 4—Interpretation

8Amendment of section 21—Permitting premises to be frequented by thieves etc

9Repeal of sections 25, 25A and 26

10Repeal of Part 6

The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows:

Part 1—Preliminary

1—Short title

This Act may be cited as the Statutes Amendment (Repeal of Sex Work Offences) Act 2020.


This Act comes into operation—

(a) on 1 July 2021; or

(b) on a day to be fixed by proclamation,

whichever is the earlier.

3—Amendment provisions

In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a specified Act amends the Act so specified.

Part 2—Amendment of Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935

4—Amendment of section 5—Interpretation

Section 5(1), definition of common prostitute—delete the definition

5—Amendment of section 270—Punishment for certain offences

Section 270(1)(b)—delete paragraph (b)

6—Variation of Schedule 11—Abolition of certain offences

Schedule 11, clause 1—after paragraph (29) insert:


(30) offences relating to prostitution.

Part 3—Amendment of Summary Offences Act 1953

7—Amendment of section 4—Interpretation

Section 4(1), definition of prostitute—delete the definition

8—Amendment of section 21—Permitting premises to be frequented by thieves etc

Section 21—delete ", prostitutes" wherever occurring

9—Repeal of sections 25, 25A and 26

Sections 25, 25A and 26—delete the sections

10—Repeal of Part 6

Part 6—delete the Part


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