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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
South Australia
Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation)
Bill 2007
An Act to amend the Police Superannuation Act 1990 and the
Southern State Superannuation Act 1994.
Part 1—Preliminary
1 Short
2 Commencement
3 Amendment provisions
Part 2—Amendment of Police Superannuation
Act 1990
4 Amendment of section
5 Insertion of section
9A Delegation by the Board
6 Amendment of section
10—The Fund
7 Substitution of heading to Part 2 Division 3
Subdivision 1—Contributors' accounts
8 Amendment of section
13—Contributors' accounts
9 Insertion of Part 2 Division 3 Subdivision
Subdivision 2—Investment option, rollover payments and
13A Investment
13B Rollover
13C Co-contribution
10 Amendment of section 14—Payment of
11 Amendment of section 16—Contributors
12 Amendment of
section 17—Contribution rates
13 Repeal of Part 4
14 Amendment of
heading to Part 5
15 Amendment of section 27—Application of Part to
police cadets
16 Amendment of section 31—Invalidity
17 Amendment of
section 34—Resignation and preservation of benefits
18 Repeal of Part
19 Repeal of heading to Part 5B Division 1
20 Amendment of section
38J—Reduction in contributor's entitlement
21 Repeal of Part 5B
Division 2
22 Repeal of heading to Part 5B Division 3
23 Repeal of section
24 Repeal of heading to Part 5B Division 4
25 Repeal of sections 47
and 47A
26 Amendment of section 49—Confidentiality
27 Amendment of
section 50—Resolution of difficulties
28 Amendment of Schedule
1—Transitional provisions
29 Repeal of Schedule 2
Part 3—Amendment of Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994
30 Amendment of section
31 Amendment of section 4—The
32 Amendment of section 7—Contribution, co-contribution and
rollover accounts
33 Amendment of section 9—The Southern State
Superannuation (Employers) Fund
34 Amendment of section
35 Insertion of section 15C
15C Salary
sacrifice and voluntary contributions by members of Police Superannuation
36 Amendment of section 16—Duration of
37 Insertion of section
20 Interpretation
38 Amendment of section
21—Basic invalidity/death insurance
39 Amendment of section
22—Application for voluntary invalidity/death insurance
40 Amendment of
section 23—Variation of voluntary insurance
41 Insertion of sections
23A and 23B
23A Voluntary invalidity/death
insurance—prescribed members
23B Variation of
voluntary insurance—prescribed members
42 Amendment of section
43 Amendment of section
44 Amendment of section 26J—Benefits for
spouse members
45 Amendment of section 27—Employer contribution
46 Amendment of section 31—Retirement
47 Amendment of
section 32—Resignation
48 Amendment of section 33A—Disability
49 Amendment of section 34—Termination of employment on
50 Amendment of section 35—Death of member
51 Amendment
of section 36—Information to be given to certain members
52 Amendment
of Schedule 3—Transitional provisions
Schedule 1—Statute law revision amendment of Police
Superannuation Act 1990
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as
This Act may be cited as the Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation)
Act 2007.
This Act will come into operation on a day to be fixed by
In this Act, a provision under a heading referring to the amendment of a
specified Act amends the Act so specified.
Part 2—Amendment
of Police Superannuation
Act 1990
4—Amendment of
section 4—Interpretation
(1) Section 4(1), definition of contribution period,
(a)—delete "in the case of an old scheme contributor,"
(2) Section 4(1), definition of contributor—delete the
definition and substitute:
contributor means a person who has made contributions
pursuant to this Act or a corresponding previous enactment and includes a police
officer or former police officer who has ceased making contributions unless his
or her rights in relation to superannuation have been exhausted and no
derivative rights exist in relation to that person under this Act, but does not
include a police officer who is a police member or former police member of the
Triple S scheme;
(3) Section 4(1), definition of new scheme
contributor—delete the definition
(4) Section 4(1), definition of old scheme
contributor—delete the definition
(5) Section 4(1), definition of retrenchment
pension—delete "an old scheme contributor" and
a contributor
(6) Section 4(1), definition of rollover
account—delete the definition
(7) Section 4(1)—after the definition of surcharge
notice insert:
Triple S scheme means the Southern State Superannuation
Scheme established by the Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994.
(8) Section 4(6b)—after paragraph (d) insert:
(da) however, if—
(i) paragraph (d) applies to and in relation to the calculation of
benefits under subsection (3); but
(ii) the contributor is not, on the date on which his or her benefits are
to be calculated, employed in another police force,
Y in the formula in paragraph (d)(ii) is the salary payable
to the contributor on the last day of his or her employment in another police
force, indexed by reference to movements in the Consumer Price Index between the
date on which the contributor ceased that employment and the date on which the
benefits are payable to the contributor;
(9) Section 4(7a)—delete "An old scheme contributor" and
A contributor
(10) Section 4(8)—delete subsection (8)
(11) Section 4(8a)—delete "an old scheme contributor" and
a contributor
After section 9 insert:
9A—Delegation by the Board
(1) The Board may delegate any of the Board's powers or functions under
this Act (except this power of delegation) to any person or body.
(2) A delegation under this section—
(a) must be by instrument in writing; and
(b) may be conditional or unconditional; and
(c) does not derogate from the power of the Board to act in any matter;
(d) is revocable at will by the Board.
6—Amendment of
section 10—The Fund
(1) Section 10(6)—delete "three" and substitute:
(2) Section 10(6)(a)—delete "old scheme" wherever
(3) Section 10(6)(b) and (c)—delete paragraphs (b) and (c) and
(b) 1 proportioned to the aggregate balance of co-contribution accounts to
the extent that they hold the amount of any co-contributions that have been paid
to the Board.
7—Substitution of
heading to Part 2 Division 3
Heading to Part 2 Division 3—delete the heading and
Division 3—Accounts and
Subdivision 1—Contributors'
8—Amendment of
section 13—Contributors' accounts
Section 13(3)—delete subsection (3) and substitute:
(3) At the end of each financial year, each contributor's account that has
a credit balance will be adjusted to reflect a rate of return determined by the
Board in relation to contribution accounts for the relevant financial
9—Insertion of
Part 2 Division 3 Subdivision 2
After section 13 insert:
Subdivision 2—Investment option, rollover payments
and co-contributions
13A—Investment option
(1) The Treasurer may, in accordance with this section, accept monetary
payments that are not contributions under section 17 from a contributor whose
employment as a police officer has not terminated.
(2) If a monetary payment under subsection (1) consists of an amount
sacrificed by the contributor from his or her salary in accordance with a
contract, an award or an enterprise agreement that entitles the person to
sacrifice all or part of his or her salary—
(a) the Treasurer must pay into the Southern State Superannuation
(Employers) Fund from the Consolidated Account (which is appropriated to the
necessary extent), or from a special deposit account established for the
purpose, an amount equivalent to the payment; and
(b) if the contributor is not already a member of the Triple S
scheme—the contributor will be taken to have elected to become a member of
that scheme under section 15C(1)(a) of the Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994.
Under section 27 of the Southern State Superannuation Act 1994,
an employer contribution account maintained by the South Australian
Superannuation Board in the name of a contributor who is taken under this
subsection to have elected to become a member of the Triple S scheme will be
credited with any amount sacrificed by the contributor from his or her
(3) If a monetary payment under subsection (1) consists of any other
amount paid from the contributor's salary—
(a) the Treasurer must pay into the Southern State Superannuation Fund
from the Consolidated Account (which is appropriated to the necessary extent),
or from a special deposit account established for the purpose, an amount
equivalent to the payment; and
(b) if the contributor is not already a member of the Triple S
scheme—the contributor will be taken to have elected to become a member of
that scheme under section 15C(1)(b) of the Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994.
Under section 7(1) of the Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994, a contribution account maintained by the South Australian
Superannuation Board in the name of a contributor who is taken under this
subsection to have elected to become a member of the Triple S scheme will be
credited with the amount of any monetary payment made by the contributor and
referred to in this subsection.
13B—Rollover payments
(1) The Board may accept the payment of money for a contributor from
another fund or scheme.
(2) Money that is rolled over to the Scheme from another fund or scheme
must be paid to the Treasurer.
(3) The Treasurer must pay into the Southern State Superannuation Fund
from the Consolidated Account (which is appropriated to the necessary extent),
or from a special deposit account established for the purpose, an amount
equivalent to the amount of any money rolled over from another fund or
Under section 7(2) of the Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994, a rollover account maintained by the South Australian
Superannuation Board in the name of a contributor for whom money has been rolled
over from another fund or scheme and paid to the Treasurer under this section
will be credited with the amount of the money.
13C—Co-contribution accounts
The Board must—
(a) establish a co-contribution account in the name of a contributor for
whom a co-contribution has been paid to the Board; and
(b) credit the account with the amount of any co-contribution paid to the
Board in respect of the contributor; and
(c) immediately on a co-contribution account being credited with the
amount of a co-contribution—transfer the amount to the South Australian
Superannuation Board for the purpose of being credited to a co-contribution
account maintained by that Board in the name of the contributor.
Under section 7(2c) of the Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994, a co-contribution account maintained by the South Australian
Superannuation Board in the name of a contributor in respect of whom a
co-contribution has been paid to the Police Superannuation Board will be
credited with the amount of the co-contribution.
10—Amendment of
section 14—Payment of benefits
(1) Section 14(2)—delete "Part 5A" and substitute:
Division 3 Subdivision 2
(2) Section 14(3)—delete subsection (3) and substitute:
(3) The proportion for the purposes of subsection (2) will be
equivalent to the proportion of the benefits payable in the future under
Part 5 that can, in the opinion of the Board, be met from the division of
the Fund relating to contribution accounts.
(3) Section 14(3b)—delete "an amount paid under Part 5A" and
the transfer of an amount to the South Australian Superannuation Board
under section 13C
11—Amendment of
section 16—Contributors
Section 16(1) and (1a)—delete subsections (1) and (1a) and
(1) Subject to this Act, a police officer who became a contributor to the
Police Pensions Fund before the commencement of this Act (including a person who
was a cadet immediately before that commencement and who subsequently became a
police officer) must contribute to the Scheme.
12—Amendment of
section 17—Contribution rates
(1) Section 17(1)—delete subsection (1) and substitute:
(1) Subject to subsection (1a), a contributor must make contributions
to the Treasurer at the rate at which he or she was contributing immediately
before the commencement of this Act.
(1a) A police officer who was a police cadet immediately before the
commencement of this Act must make contributions to the Treasurer at the rate at
which he or she would have been contributing to the Police Pensions Fund
immediately before the commencement of this Act if he or she had been a police
officer at that time.
(2) Section 17(5)—delete "An old scheme contributor" and
A contributor
(3) Section 17(6)—delete subsection (6)
Part 4—delete the Part
14—Amendment of
heading to Part 5
Heading to Part 5—delete "—old scheme contributors"
15—Amendment of
section 27—Application of Part to police cadets
(1) Section 27(1)—delete subsection (1)
(2) Section 27(2)—delete "also"
(3) Section 27(3)—delete subsection (3)
16—Amendment of
section 31—Invalidity
Section 31(1)—after "ground of invalidity" insert:
before he or she reaches the age of 60 years
17—Amendment of
section 34—Resignation and preservation of benefits
(1) Section 34(1a)(a)—delete paragraph (a)
(2) Section 34(1a)(b)—delete "if the amount of the payment is $200
or more"
(3) Section 34(1a)(c)—delete paragraph (c) and substitute:
(c) if the contributor elects to preserve the payment—
(i) the payment will be transferred to the credit of the contributor in an
account in the name of the contributor in the Triple S scheme; and
(ii) the amount of the payment to be transferred under
subparagraph (i) will be determined in accordance with the provisions of
this section as if the payment were to be made to the contributor on the day
that the transfer takes place; and
(iii) the payment will be taken to be a preserved employer component under
section 32 of the Southern State Superannuation Act 1994;
(iv) the contributor will not be entitled to any other payment or benefit
under this subsection;
(d) if the contributor fails to inform the Board in writing of his or her
election under paragraph (b) within 3 months after resignation, he or
she will be taken to have elected to preserve the payment.
(4) Section 34(1b)(a)—after "date of resignation" insert:
to the date on which the payment is, according to the contributor's
election, carried over to another fund or scheme or transferred under
subsection (1a)(c)(i)
(5) Section 34(1c) and (1d)—delete subsections (1c) and (1d) and
(1c) The rate of interest referred to in subsection (1b)(a) will be
determined by the Board in respect of the relevant financial year in accordance
with section 13.
Part 5A—delete the Part
19—Repeal of
heading to Part 5B Division 1
Heading to Part 5B Division 1—delete the heading
20—Amendment of
section 38J—Reduction in contributor's entitlement
Section 38J(2)(a)—delete ", and any rollover account or
co-contribution account,"
21—Repeal of Part
5B Division 2
Part 5B Division 2—delete Division 2
22—Repeal of
heading to Part 5B Division 3
Heading to Part 5B Division 3—delete the heading
Section 38O—delete the section
24—Repeal of
heading to Part 5B Division 4
Heading to Part 5B Division 4—delete the heading
25—Repeal of
sections 47 and 47A
Sections 47 and 47A—delete the sections
26—Amendment of
section 49—Confidentiality
Section 49(1)—after "must not divulge" insert:
information of a personal or private nature, or
27—Amendment of
section 50—Resolution of difficulties
(1) Section 50—after "particular circumstances"
or the provisions of this Act do not address particular circumstances that
have arisen
(2) Section 50—delete "and this Act will apply subject to a
direction given by the Board under this section" and substitute:
or to address the circumstances (but only insofar as the Board determines
it to be fair and reasonable in the circumstances) and any such direction will
have effect according to its terms
(3) Section 50—after its present contents as amended by this
section (now to be designated as subsection (1)) insert:
(2) If, in the opinion of the Board—
(a) a time limit under this Act should be extended in particular
circumstances; or
(b) a procedural step under this Act should be waived in particular
the Board may extend the time limit (even if it has already expired) or
waive compliance with the procedural step.
(3) In determining whether to take action under subsection (2), the
Board should have regard to—
(a) in a case under subsection (2)(a)—
(i) the length of delay that has occurred; and
(ii) the explanation for the delay; and
(iii) any hardship that will occur if the time limit is not extended;
(iv) the extent to which it will cause any unfairness if the time limit is
not extended; and
(v) any other relevant factor;
(b) in a case under subsection (2)(b)—
(i) the conduct of the person who would benefit from the action;
(ii) any hardship that will occur if the procedural step is not waived;
(iii) the extent to which it will cause any unfairness if the procedural
step is not waived; and
(iv) any other relevant factor.
(4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not derogate from any other provision
of this Act or the regulations that makes specific provision for the extension
of time.
(5) If the Board gives a direction under subsection (1), or extends a
time limit or waives compliance with a procedural step under
subsection (2), the Board's report to the Minister in respect of the
financial year in which the Board takes that action must include details of the
28—Amendment of
Schedule 1—Transitional provisions
(1) Schedule 1—before clause 1 insert:
In this Schedule—
old scheme contributor means a person who was an old scheme
contributor on the commencement of this Act.
(2) Schedule 1, clause 10—delete the clause
Schedule 2—delete the Schedule
Part 3—Amendment
of Southern State Superannuation
Act 1994
30—Amendment of
section 3—Interpretation
(1) Section 3(1)—after the definition of police cadet
police member means a police officer or police cadet who is a
member of the scheme other than by virtue of section 14(10a) or
Police Superannuation Scheme means the scheme of
superannuation established by the Police Superannuation
Act 1990;
(2) Section 3(1)—after the definition of the PSESS
Scheme insert:
retirement age means—
(a) in the case of a member who is a police officer—the age of
50 years; and
(b) in the case of any other member or a spouse member—the age of
55 years;
31—Amendment of
section 4—The Fund
Section 4(4b)—after "paid" insert:
or transferred
32—Amendment of
section 7—Contribution, co-contribution and rollover
(1) Section 7(1) to (2b) (inclusive)—delete subsections (1) to
(2b) and substitute:
(1) The Board must—
(a) maintain a contribution account in the name of—
(i) a member of the Triple S scheme who is making or has made
contributions to the scheme; and
(ii) a member of the Police Superannuation Scheme for whom a monetary
payment has been made to the Treasurer under section 13A(3) of the
Police Superannuation Act 1990 or section 15C(3) of this Act;
(b) credit the account with the amount of contributions or payments made
by or for the person; and
(c) debit the account with any payment that is to be charged against the
account under this Act.
(2) The Board must—
(a) maintain a rollover account in the name of—
(i) a member of the Triple S scheme for whom an amount of money has
been rolled over from another fund or scheme to the Triple S scheme;
(ii) a member of the Police Superannuation Scheme in respect of whom an
amount of money rolled over from another fund or scheme has been accepted by the
Police Superannuation Board and paid to the Treasurer under section 13B of the
Police Superannuation Act 1990; and
(b) credit the account with the money referred to in paragraph (a);
(c) debit the account with any payment that is to be charged against the
account under this Act.
(2) Section 7(2c)(a) and (b)—delete paragraphs (a) and (b) and
(a) maintain a co-contribution account in the name of—
(i) a member of the Triple S scheme or a member of the State Scheme
in respect of whom a co-contribution has been paid to the Board; and
(ii) a member of the Police Superannuation Scheme in respect of whom the
amount of a co-contribution has been transferred from that scheme to the Board;
(b) credit the account with the amount of any co-contribution paid to the
Board, or amount transferred to the Board, in respect of the member;
33—Amendment of
section 9—The Southern State Superannuation (Employers)
(1) Section 9(2)(aaa)—after "section 15B" insert:
or 15C(2)
(2) Section 9(2)(ab)—delete paragraph (ab)
34—Amendment of
section 14—Membership
(1) Section 14—after subsection (2) insert:
(2a) A person who was a new scheme contributor within the meaning of the
Police Superannuation Act 1990 immediately before the repeal of
Part 4 of that Act by the Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation)
Act 2007 is a member of the Triple S scheme.
(2) Section 14(9)—after "section 15B(1)" insert:
or 15C(1), or is taken to have made an election under section
(3) Section 14(10a)—delete subsection (10a) and
(10a) If a co-contribution or benefit rolled over from another
superannuation fund or scheme is paid to the Board for a person who is a member
of the State Scheme or the Police Superannuation Scheme but not, at the time of
the payment, a member of the Triple S scheme, the person becomes a member
of the Triple S scheme by virtue of this subsection when the payment is
received by the Board.
After section 15B insert:
15C—Salary sacrifice and voluntary contributions by
members of Police Superannuation Scheme
(1) A police officer who is a contributor to the Police Superannuation
Scheme may elect, by notice in writing to the Board, to become a member of the
Triple S scheme—
(a) in order to establish an entitlement to the employer component of
benefits under Part 5 by sacrificing part of his or her salary in accordance
with a contract, an award or an enterprise agreement that entitles the person to
sacrifice all or part of his or her salary; or
(b) in order to establish an entitlement to the employee component of
benefits under Part 5 by making monetary contributions from his or her salary
under section 25.
(2) If a person has elected, or is taken to have elected, to become a
member of the Triple S scheme under subsection (1)(a), the employer must,
within 7 days after salary is paid to the member, pay to the Treasurer an
amount (or arrange for the payment within that period to the Treasurer of an
amount) equivalent to the member's non-monetary salary that is allocated for the
purposes of the employer component of benefits under Part 5 in accordance with
the contract, award or enterprise agreement.
(3) If a person has elected, or is taken to have elected, to become a
member of the Triple S scheme under subsection (1)(b), the employer must,
within 7 days after salary is paid to the member, pay to the Treasurer an
amount (or arrange for the payment within that period to the Treasurer of an
amount) equivalent to the member's voluntary contributions.
(4) The amount of the charge percentage in respect of a person who has
elected, or is taken to have elected, to become a member of the Triple S scheme
under subsection (1) is zero.
(5) A person who has elected, or is taken to have elected, to become a
member of the Triple S scheme under subsection (1) is entitled
(a) payment, in accordance with Part 5, of the balance of each account
maintained for the person by the Board under section 7 or 27; and
(b) in the case of a person who has elected, or is taken to have elected,
to become a member under subsection (1)(a)—voluntary invalidity/death
insurance taken out under section 22 (if any),
but is not entitled to any other benefits under this Act in his or her
capacity as a member under this section.
36—Amendment of
section 16—Duration of membership
Section 16—after subsection (6) insert:
(7) If—
(a) a person is a member of the scheme solely by virtue of being a member
of the Police Superannuation Scheme—
(i) in respect of whom a co-contribution or a benefit rolled over from
another fund or scheme has been paid to the Board; or
(ii) who has made an election, or is taken to have made an election, under
section 15C; and
(b) the person becomes entitled to the payment of benefits under the
Police Superannuation Act 1990 and Part 5 of this Act,
then the person ceases to be a member of the Triple S scheme on the
payment of the balance of each account maintained by the Board in his or her
Part 3 Division 2—before section 21 insert:
In this Division—
prescribed member means—
(a) a police member; or
(b) a member prescribed, or of a class prescribed, by regulation for the
purposes of this definition.
38—Amendment of
section 21—Basic invalidity/death insurance
Section 21(2)(a)—delete "or section 15B" and substitute:
, section 15B or section 15C
39—Amendment of
section 22—Application for voluntary invalidity/death
(1) Section 22(1)—after "member" insert:
(other than a prescribed member)
(2) Section 22(1)—after "insurance" insert:
under this section
(3) Section 22(3)—delete subsection (3)
40—Amendment of
section 23—Variation of voluntary insurance
(1) Section 23(1)—after "voluntary invalidity/death insurance"
under section 22
(2) Section 23(2)—delete subsection (2)
41—Insertion of
sections 23A and 23B
After section 23 insert:
23A—Voluntary invalidity/death
insurance—prescribed members
(1) All prescribed members have such voluntary invalidity/death insurance
as is prescribed by regulation and are liable for premiums in respect of that
insurance fixed by or under the regulations.
(2) Subject to this section, a prescribed member may apply to the Board
for additional voluntary invalidity/death insurance under this
(3) An application must be made in a manner approved by the Board and must
specify the voluntary invalidity/death insurance that the member is applying
(4) The applicant must provide the Board with prescribed information as to
the applicant's state of health and the Board may require an applicant to
provide satisfactory evidence of the state of the applicant's health.
(5) The cost of any medical examination to which an applicant is required
to submit for the purposes of subsection (4) must be paid by the
(6) If it appears to the Board—
(a) that an applicant's state of health is such as to create a risk of
invalidity or premature death; or
(b) that an applicant has in the past engaged in an activity of a
prescribed kind that increases the risk of invalidity or premature death;
(c) that an applicant is likely in the future to engage in an activity of
a kind referred to in paragraph (b),
the Board may refuse the application or may grant it on conditions (being
conditions authorised by the regulations).
(7) If it appears to the Board that an applicant withheld information
required in relation to his or her application under this section, the Board may
withhold or reduce voluntary invalidity/death insurance benefits that the
applicant would otherwise have been entitled to.
(8) If the Board grants an application for voluntary invalidity/death
insurance or for an increase or decrease in the level of voluntary insurance,
the Board must fix the date for the commencement of the insurance or of the
increase or decrease in the level of insurance.
(9) Regulations made for the purposes of this section may make different
provision according to the various classes of members, matters or circumstances
to which they are expressed to apply.
23B—Variation of voluntary
insurance—prescribed members
(1) A prescribed member may apply to the Board, in a manner approved by
the Board, to increase or decrease the level of his or her voluntary
invalidity/death insurance.
(2) However, a prescribed member cannot apply to reduce his or her
voluntary invalidity/death insurance below the level applicable to the member
prescribed by regulation under section 23A(1).
42—Amendment of
section 25—Contributions
(1) Section 25(3)—delete "police officer" and substitute:
police member
(2) Section 25(3a)—delete subsection (3a) and substitute:
(3a) Subsection (3) does not apply to—
(a) a police cadet; or
(b) a police officer who is employed on a contract having a fixed
43—Amendment of
section 26A—Interpretation
Section 26A, definition of eligible member—after
"section 15B" insert:
, 15C
44—Amendment of
section 26J—Benefits for spouse members
Section 26J—delete "55 years of age" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
the retirement age
45—Amendment of
section 27—Employer contribution accounts
(1) Section 27(2b)—after "section 15B" insert:
or section 15C(1)(a), or is taken to have elected to become a member under
section 15C(1)(a),
(2) Section 27(2b)—after "section 15B(2)" insert:
or 15C(2)
(3) Section 27(7a)—after "section 15B" insert:
or 15C(1)(a) or are taken to have elected to become members under
section 15C(1)(a),
(4) Section 27(11)—delete "by virtue of section 14(10)" and
by virtue only of section 14(10) or (10a) or section 15C(1)(b) (or any
combination of these provisions)
46—Amendment of
section 31—Retirement
Section 31(2)(a)—delete "the age of 55 years" and
the retirement age
47—Amendment of
section 32—Resignation
Section 32—delete "the age of 55 years" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case:
the retirement age
48—Amendment of
section 33A—Disability pension
(1) Section 33A(5)(b)—delete "police officer or police cadet" and
police member
(2) Section 33A—after subsection (22) insert:
(23) The Board must consult with the Police Superannuation Board before
authorising the payment of a disability pension to a police officer.
49—Amendment of
section 34—Termination of employment on invalidity
(1) Section 34—after subsection (6a) insert:
(6b) Subsection (6) does not apply to a police officer who is a member of
the scheme by virtue only of section 14(10a) or 15C (or both).
(2) Section 34—after subsection (9) insert:
(10) The Board must consult with the Police Superannuation Board before
authorising the payment of a benefit to a police officer under this
50—Amendment of
section 35—Death of member
Section 35—after subsection (7a) insert:
(7b) Subsection (7) does not apply to a police officer who is a member of
the scheme by virtue only of section 14(10a) or 15C (or both).
51—Amendment of
section 36—Information to be given to certain members
Section 36—after its present contents (now to be designated as
subsection (1)) insert:
(2) When a person becomes a member of the Triple S scheme by virtue of
section 14(10a) or 15C, the Board must advise the person in writing of his or
her membership of the scheme and provide the person with information, including
such information as may be prescribed, as to the management and investment of
his or her payments and the benefits to which he or she is entitled under this
52—Amendment of
Schedule 3—Transitional provisions
(1) Schedule 3—before clause 2 insert:
Part 1—General provisions
(2) Schedule 3—after clause 13 insert:
Part 2—Provisions relating to Statutes Amendment
(Police Superannuation) Act 2007
In this Part—
amending Act means the Statutes Amendment (Police
Superannuation) Act 2007;
investment account means an account established and
maintained by the Police Superannuation Board in accordance with section 38D of
the Police Superannuation Act 1990;
prescribed date means the date on which Part 4 of the
Police Superannuation Act 1990 is repealed by the amending
15—Accounts for certain police
(1) This clause applies to a person who becomes a member of the
Triple S scheme by virtue of section 14(2a).
(2) The Board will establish a member's contribution account and an
employer contribution account in the name of the member.
(3) The balance of the member's contribution account, on the establishment
of the account under this clause, will be an amount equivalent to the amount
standing to the credit of the account maintained in the name of the member by
the Police Superannuation Board under section 13 of the Police
Superannuation Act 1990 immediately before the prescribed
(4) The balance of the member's employer contribution account, on the
establishment of the account under this clause, will be an amount determined
(a) in the case of a member who has not reached 60 years of age on the
prescribed date—
(i) calculating the benefit to which the member would have been entitled
under section 21 of the Police Superannuation Act 1990
(A) that section were in force; and
(B) the member had retired at the age of 60 years,
on the prescribed date; and
(ii) determining the present value of the benefit calculated under
subparagraph (i) by applying to the period falling between the prescribed
date and the date on which the member is to reach the age of 60 years a
discount rate equivalent to the actuarial earnings assumption underlying the
most recent report prepared by an actuary under section 15(4) of the
Police Superannuation Act 1990; and
(iii) deducting from the present value of the benefit (as determined under
subparagraph (ii)) the amount that is to be the balance of the member's
contribution account (as determined under subclause (3)); and
(b) in the case of a member who has reached 60 years of age on the
prescribed date—
(i) calculating the benefit to which the member would have been entitled
under section 21 of the Police Superannuation Act 1990
(A) that section were in force; and
(B) the member had retired,
on the prescribed date; and
(ii) deducting from the benefit calculated under subparagraph (i) the
amount that is to be the balance of the member's contribution account (as
determined under subclause (3)).
(5) If the Police Superannuation Board is maintaining an investment
account, a rollover account or a co-contribution account in the name of the
member, the following provisions apply:
(a) the Board will establish a rollover account in the name of the
(b) the balance of the rollover account, on the establishment of the
account under this clause, will be an amount equivalent to the aggregate balance
of the amount standing to the credit of the member's investment account (if
any), rollover account (if any) and co-contribution account (if any) immediately
before the prescribed date.
(6) If the member's accrued superannuation benefits, or a superannuation
payment to which the member is entitled, have been preserved under a provision
of Part 4 of the Police Superannuation Act 1990, the following
provisions apply:
(a) the Board will establish a rollover account in the name of the
(b) the balance of the rollover account, on the establishment of the
account under this clause, will be an amount equivalent to the amount of the
superannuation payment to which the member would be entitled, in accordance with
the provision of the Police Superannuation Act 1990 pursuant to
which the benefits or payment were preserved, if the payment were to be made to
the member immediately before the prescribed date;
(c) the provisions of section 32(6) will apply in relation to the amount
(subject to section 32(6a)) as if the amount were a component preserved by the
member under section 32.
(7) If the member has, before he or she becomes a member of the
Triple S scheme, made application for a disability pension under
section 24 of the Police Superannuation Act 1990, the
application will be taken to be an application for a disability pension under
section 33A of this Act.
(8) The member is entitled, on his or her retirement from employment
(within the meaning of section 31), to—
(a) the benefits to which he or she would, but for this subclause, be
entitled under section 31; or
(b) benefits determined in accordance with the method prescribed by
whichever is the greater.
(9) If benefits are to be paid to the member under subclause (8)(b),
the Treasurer must pay into the Southern State Superannuation (Employers) Fund
from the Consolidated Account (which is appropriated to the necessary extent)
the amount by which the amount of benefits payable to the member under that
subclause exceed the amount of benefits to which he or she would have been
entitled under section 31 if subclause (8) did not apply.
16—Police officers in receipt of disability
(1) If a member to whom clause 15 applies is, immediately before the
prescribed date, temporarily or permanently incapacitated for work and in
receipt of a disability pension under section 24 of the Police
Superannuation Act 1990—
(a) that section (other than subsection (8)) will be taken to
continue in force in relation to the pension as if the member were a contributor
within the meaning of the section (but the member will not be required to make
contributions under the Police Superannuation Act 1990);
(b) the member will not be entitled to a disability pension under
section 33A of this Act in respect of the incapacity.
(2) However, if the member is, immediately before the prescribed
(a) temporarily or permanently incapacitated for work; and
(b) entitled to a disability pension under section 24 of the
Police Superannuation Act 1990 that is suspended under
section 24(3) because the member is in receipt of paid leave or weekly
payments of workers compensation,
the following provisions apply in relation to the member:
(c) clause 15(2) to (9) will operate in relation to the member on and
from (but not before) the commencement day as if the prescribed date were the
commencement day;
(d) the Police Superannuation Act 1990 will be taken to
continue in force in relation to the member until the commencement day as
(i) the member continued to be a contributor within the meaning of that
Act; and
(ii) that Act had not been amended by the amending Act.
(3) In subclause (2)—
commencement day, in relation to a member, means the day on
which the member ceases to be entitled to—
(a) paid leave or weekly payments of workers compensation; or
(b) a disability pension,
whichever occurs first.
17—Accounts for certain contributors to Police
Superannuation Scheme
(1) If, immediately before the repeal of Part 5A of the Police
Superannuation Act 1990, the Police Superannuation Board is maintaining
an investment account, a rollover account or a co-contribution account in
the name of a person who is a Police Superannuation Scheme contributor, the
following provisions apply:
(a) the Board will establish a rollover account in the name of the
(b) the balance of the rollover account, on the establishment of the
account under this clause, will be an amount equivalent to the aggregate balance
of the amount standing to the credit of the person's investment account (if
any), rollover account (if any) and co-contribution account (if any) immediately
before the prescribed date;
(c) if the Police Superannuation Board is maintaining a rollover account
or a co-contribution account in the name of the person, the person will be taken
to be a member of the Triple S Scheme by virtue of
section 14(10a);
(d) if the Police Superannuation Board is maintaining an investment
account in the name of the person, the person will be taken to have elected to
become a member of the Triple S Scheme under section 15C(1).
(2) In this clause—
Police Superannuation Scheme contributor means a member of
the Police Superannuation Scheme who was an old scheme contributor within the
meaning of the Police Superannuation Act 1990 immediately before the
repeal of Part 4 of that Act by the amending Act.
18—Amounts preserved for certain contributors to
Police Superannuation Scheme
(1) The following provisions apply in relation to a payment preserved by a
person under section 34(1a) of the Police Superannuation
Act 1990 immediately before the prescribed date:
(a) the Board will establish a rollover account in the name of the
(b) the balance of the rollover account, on the establishment of the
account under this clause, will be an amount equivalent to the amount of the
superannuation payment to which the person would be entitled under section
34(1a) of the Police Superannuation Act 1990 if the payment were to
be made to the person on the prescribed date;
(c) the provisions of section 32(6) will apply in relation to the amount
(subject to section 32(6a)) as if the amount were a component preserved by
the person under section 32;
(d) the person will be taken to be a member of the Triple S Scheme by
virtue of section 14(10a).
(2) The following provisions apply to accrued superannuation benefits
preserved by a person under section 34(1)(b) of the Police Superannuation
Act 1990 immediately before the prescribed date if the person resigned
after a contribution period of less than 120 months:
(a) the Board will establish a rollover account in the name of the
(b) the balance of the rollover account, on the establishment of the
account under this clause, will be an amount equivalent to the amount of the
superannuation payment to which the person would be entitled under section 34(2)
of the Police Superannuation Act 1990 if the payment were to be made
to the person on the prescribed date;
(c) the provisions of section 32(6) will apply (in lieu of section 34(2)
of the Police Superannuation Act 1990) in relation to the amount
(subject to section 32(6a)) as if the amount were a component preserved by the
person under section 32;
(d) the person will be taken to be a member of the Triple S Scheme by
virtue of section 14(10a).
19—Balances of accounts
(1) If the Board is required under this Part to establish a member's
contribution account or a rollover account in the name of a
(a) the amount that is to be the balance of the account on the
establishment of the account is to be paid to the Southern State Superannuation
Fund by the Treasurer out of the Consolidated Account (which is appropriated to
the necessary extent) or out of a special deposit account established by the
Treasurer for the purpose of making payments required under the Police
Superannuation Act 1990; and
(b) if the amount that is to be the balance of the account includes an
amount equivalent to—
(i) the balance of a contribution account, investment account, rollover
account or co-contribution account maintained by the Police Superannuation Board
(a police superannuation account); or
(ii) the aggregate balance of a number of police superannuation
(the equivalent amount), then,
(iii) the Treasurer will reimburse the Consolidated Account or special
deposit account by charging the equivalent amount against the relevant division
of the Police Superannuation Fund; and
(iv) the balance of each police superannuation account referred to in
subparagraphs (i) and (ii) will, on the establishment of the person’s
contribution account or rollover account in the Triple S scheme, be taken to be
(2) If the Board is required under this Part to establish an employer
contribution account in the name of a person, the amount that is to be the
balance of the account on the establishment of the account is to be paid to the
Southern State Superannuation (Employers) Fund by the Treasurer out of the
Consolidated Account (which is appropriated to the necessary extent) or out of a
special deposit account established by the Treasurer for the purpose of making
payments required under the Police Superannuation
Act 1990.
(3) If—
(a) the Board is required under this Part to establish a rollover account
in the name of a person for whom a superannuation benefit or payment has been
preserved in the Police Superannuation Scheme; and
(b) the balance of the account, on the establishment of the account, is to
be an amount equivalent to the amount of a superannuation payment to which the
person would be entitled under the Police Superannuation Act 1990 if
the superannuation payment were to be made to the person, in accordance with the
provision of that Act pursuant to which the benefit or payment was preserved, on
or immediately before the prescribed date,
the preserved benefit or payment will be taken, on the establishment of the
rollover account in the Triple S Scheme, to have been transferred from the
Police Superannuation Scheme to the Triple S Scheme (and the person will have no
further entitlement to a benefit or payment under the provision of the Police
Superannuation Act 1990 pursuant to which the benefit or payment was
(4) The Police Superannuation Board may, at a time determined by the Board
to be appropriate in the circumstances, close an account that is no longer
required for the purposes of the Police Superannuation
Act 1990.
(5) For the avoidance of doubt, section 13(6) of the Police
Superannuation Act 1990 applies where it is necessary for the Police
Superannuation Board to determine, for the purposes of this Part, the balance of
any account maintained by the Board under that Act.
20—Other provisions
(1) The Governor may, by regulation, make provisions of a saving or
transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the amending Act.
(2) A provision of a regulation made under subclause (1) may, if the
regulation so provides, take effect from the commencement of the amending Act or
from a later day.
(3) To the extent to which a provision takes effect under
subclause (2) from a day earlier than the day of the regulation's
publication in the Gazette, the provision does not operate to the disadvantage
of a person by—
(a) decreasing the person's rights; or
(b) imposing liabilities on the person.
(4) The Acts Interpretation Act 1915 will, except to the
extent of any inconsistency with the provisions of this Schedule (or regulations
made under this Schedule), apply to any amendment or repeal effected by the
amending Act.
Schedule 1—Statute
law revision amendment of Police Superannuation
Act 1990
Provision amended |
How amended |
Long title |
Delete "members of the police force" and substitute: police officers |
Section 4(1), definition of member of the police
force |
Delete the definition |
Section 4(3) |
Delete "the police force" and substitute: South Australia Police |
Section 4(3a), definition of permanent position in the police
force |
Delete "the police force" and substitute: South Australia Police |
Section 4(6) |
Delete "the police force" and substitute: South Australia Police |
Section 4(6b) |
Delete "the South Australian police force" wherever occurring and
substitute in each case: South Australia Police |
Section 4(9) |
Delete "the police force" and substitute: South Australia Police |
Section 7(1)(a) |
Delete "member of the police force" and substitute: police officer |
Section 7(1)(b) |
Delete "members of the police force" and substitute: police officers |
Section 8(2) |
Delete "notwithstanding" and substitute: despite |
Section 16(2) |
Delete "A member's" and substitute: An officer's |
Section 18(3)(b) |
Delete "the police force" and substitute: South Australia Police |
Section 27(2) |
Delete "member of the police force" and substitute: police officer |
Section 29(1)(c) |
Delete "the police force" and substitute: South Australia Police |
Section 30(2) |
Delete "the police force" and substitute: South Australia Police |
Section 31 |
Delete "the police force" wherever occurring and substitute in each
case: South Australia Police |
Section 34(1b)(b) |
Delete "member of the police force" and substitute: police officer |
Section 37 |
Delete "the police force" wherever occurring and substitute in each
case: South Australia Police |
Schedule 1, clause 4 |
Delete "the police force" wherever occurring and substitute in each
case: South Australia Police |
Schedule 1, clause 9 |
Delete "member of the police force" and substitute: police officer |