South Australian Current Acts
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Long Title
PART 1--Preliminary
1. Short title
3. Objects and guiding principles
4. Interpretation
4A. Appointment of officers of Department
5. Victims Register
6. Criminal intelligence
PART 2--Correctional services
Division 1--Administration
7. Power of Minister and CE to delegate
8. Use of volunteers in the administration of this Act
9. CE's annual report
Division 3--Visiting Tribunals
17. Establishment of Visiting Tribunals
Division 4--Community service administration
17A. Establishment of community service centres
17D. Insurance cover to be provided by Minister
Division 5--Probation hostels
17E. Establishment of probation hostels
PART 3--Correctional institutions
Division 1--Establishment of correctional institutions
18. Governor may proclaim premises to be a prison or police prison
19. Correctional institutions to be under the control of the Minister
Division 2--Official visitors
19A. Preliminary
19B. Review
20. Official visitors
20A. Independence
20B. Remuneration
20C. Staff and resources
20D. Functions of official visitors
20E. Provision of information to official visitor
20F. Requests to contact official visitor
20G. Reporting obligations of official visitor
20H. Confidentiality of information
20I. Offences
20J. Conflict of interest
PART 4--Imprisonment
Division 1--Admission and assignment of prisoners
21A. Documentation to be presented upon admission of a prisoner to a correctional institution
22. Assignment of prisoners to particular correctional institutions
Division 3--Assessment of prisoners
23. Initial and periodic assessment of prisoners
Division 4--Custody of prisoners
24. CE has custody of prisoners
Division 5--Transfer and leave of absence of prisoners
25. Transfer of prisoners
26. Prisoner may be temporarily detained in any other prison etc while in transit
27. Leave of absence from prison
27A. Interstate leave of absence
28. Removal of prisoner for criminal investigation, attendance in court etc
Division 6--Management of prisoners
29. Work by prisoners
30. Prison education
31. Prisoner allowances and other money
32. CE may sell items of personal use to prisoners
32A. Prisoner Amenity Account
33. Prisoners' mail
33A. Prisoners' goods
34. Prisoners' rights to have visitors
35. Prisoners' rights to access to legal aid and legal services
35AA. Assistance to make certain complaints
35A. Power to monitor or record prisoner communication
36. Power to keep prisoner apart from other prisoners
36A. Restraints to be used on prisoners in certain circumstances
37. Search of prisoners
37AA. Drug testing of prisoners
Division 6A--Home detention
Subdivision 1--Release on home detention by CE
37A. Release on home detention
37C. Revocation of release
Subdivision 2--General
37CA. Home detention officers
37D. Crown not liable to maintain prisoners on home detention
Division 7--Release of prisoners from prison or home detention
38. Release of prisoner from prison or home detention
39. Time of release from prison
39A. Delivery of property and money to prisoner on release
39B. Manner in which former prisoner's personal property is to be dealt with
39C. Certain prohibited items not to be returned to prisoners
PART 5--Offences
Division 1--Powers of Visiting Tribunals
41. Powers of Visiting Tribunals
42. Immunity from liability of persons who constitute Visiting Tribunals
Division 2--Breaches of regulations
42A. Minor breach of prison regulations
43. CE may deal with breach of prison regulations
44. CE may refer matter to Visiting Tribunal
45. Procedure at inquiry
46. Appeals against penalty imposed by CE
47. Appeals against orders of Visiting Tribunals
48. Summary Procedure Act does not apply to proceedings under this Division
Division 3--Criminal offences
49. Disrupting security or order
49A. Possession of certain items by prisoners
Division 4--Prisoners at large
50. Effect of prisoner being at large
50A. Prisoner must comply with conditions to which temporary leave of absence is subject
51. Offences by persons other than prisoners
52. Power of arrest
PART 6--Parole
Division 1--The Parole Board
55. Continuation of Parole Board
56. Term of office of members
57. Allowances and expenses
58. Removal from and vacancies of office
59. Deputies
60. Proceedings of the Board
60A. Validity of acts of Board
61. Judicial notice of Board documents
62. Appointment of secretary to the Board
63. Powers of the Board
64. Reports by Board
Division 3--Release on parole
66. Automatic release on parole for certain prisoners
67. Release on parole by application to Board
68. Conditions of release on parole
68A. Board may direct person to surrender firearm etc
69. Duration of parole
71. Variation or revocation of parole conditions
72. Discharge from parole of prisoners other than life prisoners
74. Board may take action for breach of parole conditions
74AAA. Board may suspend release on parole or take other action for certain breaches of parole conditions
74AA. Board may impose community service for breach of conditions
74A. Suspension of parole while serving imprisonment for offence committed before release on parole
74B. Suspension of parole if person becomes a terror suspect
75. Automatic cancellation or suspension of parole on imprisonment for offence committed while on parole
76. Apprehension etc of parolees on Board warrant
76A. Apprehension etc of parolees on application of CE
76B. Arrest of parolee by police officer
77. Proceedings before the Board
77AA. Special procedures for terror suspects
Division 4--Review of release on parole of certain prisoners
Subdivision 1--Preliminary
77A. Interpretation
Subdivision 2--Parole Administrative Review Commissioner
77B. Appointment of Commissioner
77C. Acting Commissioner
77D. Staff
Subdivision 3--Reviews by Commissioner
77E. Right of review of Board decision to release life prisoners on parole etc
77F. Effect of review proceedings on Board's decision
77G. Proceedings to be heard in private
77H. Board to assist Commissioner
77I. Parties
77J. Compulsory conferences for prescribed reviewable decisions
77K. Powers and procedures of Commissioner
77L. Commissioner to proceed expeditiously
Subdivision 4--Other matters
77M. Immunity from liability
77N. Privilege and public interest immunity not affected
77O. Confidentiality of information
77P. Proof of decision of Commissioner
PART 6A--Management of officers, employees of Department etc
77Q. Preliminary
77R. Investigative powers of CE
77S. Removal and reassignment of duties of officer or employee working in correctional institution
PART 7--Prisoner compensation quarantine funds
Division 1--Preliminary
78. Interpretation
79. Application
Division 2--Award of damages to prisoners
80. Agreements must be approved by court
81. Determination of amounts for medical and legal costs
81A. Matters to be considered by court
Division 3--Payment of money to prisoner compensation quarantine fund
81B. Damages awarded to prisoner to be paid to prisoner compensation quarantine fund
81C. Prisoner compensation quarantine funds
Division 4--Notice of prisoner compensation quarantine fund
81D. Victim may ask to be notified of award of damages to prisoner
81E. Notice to victims to be published
81F. Applications for information
81G. Disclosure of information by CE authorised
81H. Confidentiality of information
81I. Offence to disclose information
81J. Notice to CE by victim
81K. Notice to CE by creditors
Division 5--Payments out of prisoner compensation quarantine fund
81L. Payments out of fund where legal proceedings notified
81M. Payments out of fund where notice from creditor received
81N. Restriction not to affect payment of administration costs
81O. Payments out of fund where no notice given
81P. Payments taken to be payments at direction of prisoner
81Q. When are legal proceedings finally determined?
Division 6--Miscellaneous
81R. Offence to provide false or misleading information
PART 7A--Drug and alcohol testing scheme
81S. Interpretation
81T. Drug and alcohol testing of officers and employees
81U. Drug and alcohol testing of applicants to Department
81V. Drug and alcohol testing of other persons
81W. Procedures for drug and alcohol testing
81X. Biological samples, test results etc not to be used for other purposes
PART 8--Miscellaneous
82. Unauthorised dealings with prisoners prohibited
83. CE may make rules
84. Compliance with the execution of process
85. Execution of warrants
85A. Exclusion of persons from correctional institution
85B. Power of search and arrest of non-prisoners
85C. Confidentiality
85CA. Disclosure of health information
85CB. Disclosure of information relating to criminal history
85D. Release of information to eligible persons
85E. Confidentiality of biometric data
86. Prison officers may use reasonable force in certain cases
86AA. Prohibition on use of spit hoods
86A. Prison officer may carry prescribed weapon
86B. Use of correctional services dogs
87. Certain persons may enter and inspect correctional institutions
87A. Operation of remotely piloted aircraft
87B. Remotely piloted aircraft--special powers
88. Minister may acquire land
88A. Summary offences
88B. Evidentiary provision
89. Regulations
SCHEDULE 1--Application of Truth in Sentencing Act amendments
Legislative history
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