(1) An elector who is
entitled to vote at an election may exercise that vote—
(a) by
attending at a polling place for the district for which he or she is enrolled
and voting in the manner prescribed by this Act; or
(b) in
the case of an elector entitled to do so by virtue of
subsection (2)—by making a declaration vote.
(2) An elector—
(a) who
attends on polling day at a polling booth outside the district for which he or
she is enrolled as an elector; or
will not, throughout the hours of polling on polling day,
be within 8 kilometres by the nearest practicable route of any
polling booth; or
will, throughout the hours of polling on polling day, be
travelling under conditions that preclude voting at a polling booth; or
is, by reason of illness, infirmity or disability,
precluded from voting at a polling booth; or
is, by reason of caring for a person who is ill, infirm
or disabled, precluded from voting at a polling booth; or
is, by reason of advanced pregnancy, precluded from
voting at a polling booth; or
is, by reason of membership in a religious order, or
religious beliefs, precluded from attending at a polling booth or precluded
from voting throughout the hours of polling on polling day or the greater part
of those hours; or
is, for a reason of a prescribed nature, precluded from
voting at a polling booth; or
will be working in his or her employment throughout the
hours of polling; and
could not reasonably be expected to be absent from work
for the purpose of voting; or
(c) who
is a resident of a declared institution; or
whose name, as a result of an official error, does not appear on the certified
list of electors for a district; or
(e) who
appears from a record erroneously made under this Act to have voted already in
the election; or
whose address has been suppressed from publication under Part 4
Division 2,
is entitled to make a declaration vote.
(3) In addition, a
person whose name has been removed from the electoral roll by virtue of an
objection under Part 5 Division 4 is entitled to make a declaration vote at an
election if—
(a) the
ground for the objection was that the person failed to notify an electoral
registrar of a change of address in accordance with the requirements of this
Act; and
(b) the
previous address and the new address are both in the same House of Assembly
(4) A person who
satisfies the requirements of subsection (3) will be taken to be an
elector for the purposes of the other provisions of this Act (with respect to
the election or elections held on the day in relation to which the entitlement
under that subsection arises).