5—Meaning of generic terms in Electronic Conveyancing National Law for
purposes of this jurisdiction
In the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (South Australia) —
"land titles legislation" includes any law of this jurisdiction that
authorises or requires something to be registered, noted or recorded in the
titles register;
"Registrar" means the Registrar-General;
"registry instrument" means any document that may be lodged under the
land titles legislation for the purpose of—
creating, transferring, disposing of, mortgaging, charging, leasing or dealing
with in any other way an estate or interest in land; or
getting something registered, noted or recorded in the titles register; or
getting the registration, note or record of something in the titles register
changed, withdrawn or removed;
"responsible tribunal" means the Administrative and Disciplinary Division of
the District Court;
"this jurisdiction" means the State of South Australia;
"titles register" means—
(a) the
Register Book maintained under the Real Property Act 1886 ; or
(b) any
other register prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this