10A—Matters to be taken into account in relation to specially protected
The Minister, the Authority and all other bodies and persons involved in the
administration of this Act must, if taking any action under this Act within or
in relation to—
(a) any
part of the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary within the meaning of the
Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Act 2005 —
seek to further the objects and objectives of that Act;
take into account the provisions of the Adelaide Dolphin
Sanctuary Management Plan under that Act; or
(b) any
part of a marine park within the meaning of the Marine Parks Act 2007
seek to further the objects of that Act; and
take into account the provisions of the management plan
for the marine park under that Act; or
(c) any
part of the Murray-Darling Basin within the meaning of the
Murray-Darling Basin Act 1993 —
seek to further the objects of the
River Murray Act 2003 and the Objectives for a Healthy River Murray
under that Act (insofar as they may be relevant); and
take into account the provisions of the River Murray
Implementation Strategy under that Act.