34—Offence to contravene mandatory provisions of policy
(1) A person who
intentionally or recklessly contravenes a mandatory provision of an
environment protection policy is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty:
(a) for
a category A offence—
in the case of a body corporate—$250 000;
in the case of a natural person—$120 000 or
imprisonment for 2 years, or both;
(b) for
a category B, C, D or E offence—$30 000.
(2) A person who
contravenes a mandatory provision of an environment protection policy is
guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty:
(a) for
a category A offence—
in the case of a body corporate—$150 000;
in the case of a natural person—$60 000;
(b) for
a category B offence—$4 000;
(c) for
a category C offence—$2 000;
(d) for
a category D offence—$500;
(e) for
a category E offence—$100.
Expiation fee:
(a) for
a category B offence—$300;
(b) for
a category C offence—$200;
(c) for
a category D offence—$100;
(d) for
a category E offence—$50.
(3) For the purposes
of this section, contravention of a mandatory provision of an
environment protection policy is a category A, B, C, D or E offence if the
policy declares that such contravention will be an offence of that category.
(4) If in proceedings
for an offence against subsection (1) the court is not satisfied that the
defendant is guilty of the offence charged but is satisfied that the defendant
is guilty of an offence against subsection (2), the court may find the
defendant guilty of the latter offence.