158—Negation of joint and several liability in certain cases
(1) If—
building work is defective; and
(b) the
defect or defects arise from the wrongful acts or defaults of 2 or more
persons; and
those persons would, apart from this section, be jointly and severally liable
for damage or loss resulting from the defective work; and
(d) an
action is brought against any 1 or more of those persons to recover damages
for that damage or loss,
the court may only give judgment against a defendant, or each defendant, for
such amount as may be just and equitable having regard to the extent to which
the act or default of that defendant contributed to the damage or loss.
(2) An act or default
for which a person is vicariously liable will be taken to be an act or default
of that person for the purposes of this section.