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                     AMENDMENT BILL 2006

          1.    Short title
          2.    Commencement
          3.    Principal Act
          4.    Section 5 amended (Application of Act)
          5.    Section 129 amended (Claims)
          6.    Section 131 amended (Hearings and proceedings)

[Bill 50]-VI






MINERAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT BILL 2006 (Brought in by the Minister for Economic Development and Resources, the Honourable Paul Anthony Lennon) A BILL FOR An Act to amend the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows: 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Mineral Resources Development Amendment Act 2006. 2. Commencement This Act commences on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent. 3. Principal Act In this Act, the Mineral Resources Development Act 1995* is referred to as the Principal Act. *No. 116 of 1995 [Bill 50] 3



Mineral Resources Development Amendment Act 2006 Act No. of s. 4 4. Section 5 amended (Application of Act) Section 5 of the Principal Act is amended as follows: (a) by omitting subsection (2) and substituting the following subsection: (2) Subject to subsection (3), this Act does not apply to the surface, or within 15 metres below the surface, of any land which is set apart or dedicated for any public purpose, other than as - (a) a public reserve within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1976; or (b) a State forest which is not a forest reserve under the Forestry Act 1920. (b) by omitting paragraph (a) from subsection (3); (c) by inserting in subsection (9) "and a public reserve within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1976" after "Nature Conservation Act 2002". 5. Section 129 amended (Claims) Section 129(1) of the Principal Act is amended by inserting "other than an appeal under this Act" after "section 128". 4



Mineral Resources Development Amendment Act 2006 Act No. of s. 6 6. Section 131 amended (Hearings and proceedings) Section 131 of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after subsection (1) the following subsection: (1A) The Mining Tribunal is to hear and determine proceedings relating to an appeal under this Act - (a) by taking into account only the evidence and documents the Minister relied on when he or she made the decision under the Act to which the proceedings relate; or (b) by way of a new hearing if both parties to the appeal agree. Government Printer, Tasmania 5


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