Tasmanian Bills Clause Notes

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                                     CLAUSE NOTES

                 Corrections Amendment (Parole Board) Bill 2015
Clause 1:              Short title

This clause cites the Bill as the Corrections Amendment (Parole Board) Act 2015.

Clause 2:              Commencement

This clause provides for the Bill to commence on proclamation.

Clause 3:              Principal Act

This clause provides that the Principal Act to which the amendments apply is the
Corrections Act 1997.

Clause 4:              Section 62 amended (Establishment of Parole Board)

This clause changes the constitution of the Parole Board, by providing that one
member (rather than two members) will have experience in matters associated with
sociology, criminology, penology or medicine or other knowledge or experience the
Governor considers appropriate, and one member will have both knowledge and
experience of victim of crime matters and experience in matters associated with
sociology, criminology, penology or medicine.

Clause 5:              Schedule 2 amended (Membership and Meetings of Board)

This clause amends the provisions in Schedule 2 of the Principal Act relating to
membership and meetings of the Board by providing that the deputy chairperson may
attend a meeting of the Parole Board if any member of the Board is absent. Where the
deputy chairperson attends in this capacity, he or she is taken to be a member of the

This clause also provides that the deputy chairperson is taken to be the chairperson
when the chairperson is absent.

Clause 6:              Repeal of Act

This is a standard repeal provision to remove the empty shell of the Bill after all its
provisions have been transferred and have come into effect in the Principal Act.

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