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Climate Change (State Action) Amendment Bill 2014 CLAUSE NOTES Clause 1 - Short title This clause provides the short title to be used when citing the Act for any legal purpose. Clause 2 - Commencement The Bill will commence on the day on which it is proclaimed. Clause 3 Principal Act This clause identifies the Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008 as the Principal Act. Clause 4 Section 3 amended (Interpretation) This clause removes references to the Council in the Interpretation section of the Principal Act including definitions of `Council' and `member'. Clause 5 Section 9 amended (Regulations generally) This clause removes a reference to the making of regulations which may confer power or functions on the Council. Clause 6 Part 2, Divisions 3 and 4 repealed This clause repeals Division 3 of the Principal Act which establishes the Council including its membership and function. It also repeals Division 4 of the Principal Act which specifies the reporting requirements of the Council. Clause 7 Section 16 amended (Confidentiality) This clause removes reference to the Council in relation to the confidentiality requirements associated with the administration of the Act. Clause 8 Section 17 amended (Delegation) This clause removes reference to the Minister making appointments to the Council. Clause 9 Section 18 amended (Review of Act) This clause removes the requirement for the Council to be consulted as part of the four-yearly independent review of the Act. Clause 10 Schedules 1 and 2 amended This clause repeals Schedule 1 (Membership of Council) and Schedule 2 (Meetings of Council). 1 14/39767/2
Clause 11 Repeal of the Act This is a standard provision to remove the Climate Change (State Action) Amendment Act 2014 from the statute book one year after it commences. 2 14/39767/2