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Clause Notes Land Use Planning and Approvals (Validation) Bill 2009. Clause 1: Short Title This clause provides for the use of the short title when citing the Act for legal purposes. Clause 2 Commencement This clause provides for the commencement of the Act when it receives the Royal Assent Clause 3 Principal Act This clause identifies the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 as the Principal Act. Clause 4 When does a permit take effect? This clause provides for a permit to lapse after two years if the development to which it refers has not substantially commenced within that time-frame, or if an appeal has been instituted against the Councils decision two years after the determination of the appeal. The clause also provides that should a Council issue an `extension of time' to a permit, the permit lapses after a further period of two years from the periods referred to above. Clause 5 Validation of permit and `extension' permit. This clause validates the Dorset Councils original permit and `extension' permit granted for the development of a wind farm at Musselroe.