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CLAUSE NOTES Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Validation) Bill 2012 PART 1 PRELIMINARY Clause 1 Short Title Cites the Act as the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Validation) Act 2012. Clause 2 Commencement The Act is to commence on the day the Act receives Royal Assent. Clause 3 Principal Act The Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1998 is referred to as the Principal Act. Clause 4 Section 164C inserted Inserts section 164C after 164B in the Principal Act. 164C. Validation of certain guidelines, &c. This clause has the effect of validating the April 2011 and October 2011Guidelines for the Assessment of Permanent Impairment approved by the WorkCover Tasmania Board. The clause also clarifies the dates on which these Guidelines are taken to apply and the date on which the previous version is taken to have been revoked. The clause is also intended to clarify that an assessment of impairment is to be undertaken using the Guidelines in effect at the time the assessment is made. The clause defines the April 2011 Guidelines as
the document relating to the assessment of permanent impairment that was referred to at a meeting of the Board on 10 August 2010, and which was approved by the Board at that meeting as Guidelines to take effect following the completion of certain training. The Guidelines include any appendices that were attached to the document when the Board approved the Guidelines. These Guidelines are also known as Version 2 of the Guidelines. The clause defines the October 2011 Guidelines as the document relating to the assessment of permanent impairment that was referred to at a meeting of the Board on 20 September 2011 as Version 3 of the Guidelines, and which was approved by the Board as Guidelines to take effect on 1 October 2011. The Guidelines include any appendices that were attached to the document when the Board approved the Guidelines. Any Guidelines which were in force before 1 April 2011 are taken to have been revoked immediately before 1 April 2011. The clause also provides that the April 2011 Guidelines are taken to have been validly issued by the Board on 1 April 2011 and to have been in effect on and from 1 April 2011 to immediately before 1 October 2011. They are taken to have been revoked immediately before 1 October 2011. The October 2011 Guidelines are taken to have been validly issued by the Board on 20 September 2011 and to have taken effect on and from 1 October 2011. The clause does not prevent the Board revoking the October 2011 Guidelines. Where an assessment of permanent impairment was undertaken on or after 1 April 2011 and before
1 October 2011, the assessment is not made or taken to have been made under the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act or the Asbestos-Related Diseases (Occupational Exposure) Act 2011 unless it was made in accordance with the April 2011 Guidelines. Where an assessment was undertaken on or after 1 October 2011 and before the date on which this clause commences, it is not made or taken to have been made under the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act or the Asbestos-Related Disease (Occupational Exposure) Act unless it was made in accordance with the October 2011 Guidelines. Clause 5 Repeal This clause repeals this Act on the ninetieth day from the day on which it commences.