Tasmanian Bills Fact Sheets

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                               FACT SHEET
       Public Health Amendment (Cervical Screening) Bill 2009

The Public Health Amendment (Cervical Screening) Bill 2009 (the Bill) amends the Public
Health Act 1971 (the Act). In particular, it refines the provisions of Part 7 of the Act
relating to a register maintained by the Director of Public Health to assist in the
screening, care and prevention of cervical cancer.
The Bill changes the name of the Register from the Cervical Cytology Register to the
Cervical Screening Register, in recognition of the fact that the register records
information that is of a broader nature than cytology information.
The Bill provides a non-exhaustive list of the type of information that may be stored
by the cervical screening register. It also provides a list of individuals and bodies
with which information contained on the register may commonly be shared. The list
includes a person's medical professional, a laboratory engaged to test a sample taken
from a person, the National HPV Vaccination Program Register, a corresponding
register of the Australian Government or another State or Territory and Medicare
The Bill clarifies the purposes for which information contained on the register may
be shared with those parties. It ensures that the purposes for which information is
shared are consistent with functions imposed upon the register by the National
Cervical Cancer Screening Program. It also ensures that immunisation information
and cervical screening information can be cross referenced to assess the success of
national immunisation and prevention strategies.
The Bill maintains restrictions on sharing information contained in the register other
than for a purpose provided by the Act or with the consent of the person whose
information is to be shared.

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