AustLII Tasmanian Consolidated Regulations

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Continued dispensing without prescription in specified circumstances

(1)  Notwithstanding regulation 45(5) and regulation 47 , a pharmacist may supply up to, and including, the specified quantity of a restricted substance, other than a declared restricted substance, on the basis of a previous prescription if –
(a) a valid prescription is unavailable; and
(b) the supply is in accordance with the conditions set out in subregulation (3) .
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply where a prescriber, after considering the clinical safety of a person, specifies in writing on an individual prescription that continued dispensing on the basis of a previous prescription is not to occur.
(3)  For the purposes of subregulation (1) , a pharmacist must not supply a restricted substance to a person on the basis of a previous prescription unless –
(a) the pharmacist is satisfied that –
(i) the usual prescriber is unable to be contacted or is unable to provide an electronic prescription; and
(ii) the person has previously been supplied the restricted substance on the basis of a prescription from the usual prescriber; and
(iii) the person's therapy is stable; and
(iv) the person has been taking the restricted substance regularly for an uninterrupted period; and
(v) since the start of the period referred to in subparagraph (iv) , the usual prescriber has assessed the person's condition and decided that there is a need for ongoing treatment with the restricted substance; and
(vi) the person had a valid prescription for the last supply of the restricted substance to the person before the requested supply; and
(vii) the person has not been supplied with the restricted substance via continued dispensing without a prescription in the 12 months before the requested supply; and
(b) the person, or an agent of the person (other than the pharmacist), signs a declaration acknowledging that the person is being supplied with the restricted substance without the presentation of a valid prescription.
(4)  A pharmacist who supplies a restricted substance to a person under subregulation (1) must –
(a) record the information that the pharmacist used to support the pharmacist's decision to supply the restricted substance; and
(b) provide information to the usual prescriber about the supply to the person within 7 days of the supply occurring.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.
(5)  For the purposes of subregulation (4) , the information must include a statement that –
(a) the conditions specified in subregulation (3) have been satisfied; and
(b) the pharmacist is satisfied that the restricted substance was required to be supplied to the person to facilitate continuity of treatment.
(6)  For the purposes of this regulation –
previous prescription , in respect of a restricted substance, means the most recent prescription for that substance that has been exhausted;
specified quantity , in respect of a restricted substance, means the quantity of the substance that was supplied in accordance with the previous prescription;
usual prescriber , in respect of a person being supplied with a restricted substance, means the prescriber who would ordinarily have prescribed the restricted substance for the person.

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