(1) A crematorium manager must ensure that no person opens a coffin containing a deceased person for cremation that has been received by the manager for cremation, unless the opening of the coffin is authorised by (a) the crematorium manager; or(b) the medical practitioner who issued the cremation permit in respect of the deceased person; or(c) a person authorised to do so in accordance with an order of a coroner.(2) A crematorium manager may require a coffin, authorised to be opened under subregulation (1) , to be (a) removed from the crematorium for the purpose of the authorised opening; or(b) taken to the premises of a prescribed business for the purpose of the authorised opening.(3) A crematorium manager must ensure that any coffin containing a deceased person for cremation is (a) stored in a secure place; and(b) appropriately identified at all times.