Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953 .
Notified in the Gazette on 27 May 2015
These regulations are administered in the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
(This note is not part of the regulation)
These regulations (a) provide for matters relating to notification of deaths, identification of human remains and dealings with human remains; and(b) provide for the safe use of premises, vehicles, and objects, that contain human remains; and(c) provide for matters relating to the use of cemeteries and crematoria and the burial or cremation of human remains; and(d) provide for the powers of authorised officers who are on places entered by them under the Act; and(e) permit a medical practitioner, who attends a place at which a deceased person has died, to claim from the estate of the deceased person a fee for that attendance; and(f) are made consequentially on the repeal of the Burial and Cremation (Handling of Human Remains) Regulations 2005 , the Burial and Cremation (Cremation) Regulations 2012 and the Burial and Cremation (Cemetery) Regulations 2005.