Clause 3 of Schedule 6 to the Principal Regulations is amended by omitting subclause (3) and substituting the following subclause:(3) For the purposes of the provisions of the Building Regulations 2014 that remain in force by virtue of subclause (2) building work in a bushfire-prone area means (a) the erection, re-erection or construction of a new building; and(b) an addition to, or alteration of, an existing building; and(c) a change in the class of a building from a non-residential class of building to a residential class but does not include the following:(d) any work where the BAL has been assessed as BAL-Low unless the building use is a vulnerable use;(e) demolition or removal of a building, or part of a building, unless that work would expose a habitable building to a higher bushfire attack level from embers or radiant heat;(f) erection of a non-habitable building (Class 10a) that is separated from a habitable building by 6 metres or more;(g) erection of a structure (Class 10b);(h) internal building work;(i) a change of use of a building unless (i) the change of use is for a building that is classed as a vulnerable use; or(ii) the new use is classed as a hazardous use that requires planning approval, as hazardous chemicals or explosives will be stored on the site;(j) a change in the class of a building that requires a building permit for new work (but not for a vulnerable use, or a hazardous use that requires planning approval).
Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953 .
Notified in the Gazette on 27 December 2017
(This note is not part of the regulation)
These regulations amend the Building Regulations 2016 by (a) imposing additional requirements in respect of building materials and products that are considered high risk; and(b) specifying (i) notification requirements for completion of specified low-risk building work; and(ii) reporting requirements for certain notifiable work; and(c) imposing fees payable in respect of the accreditation of products under the Building Act 2016 ; and(d) making other minor miscellaneous amendments.