(1) For the purposes of section 266 of the Act, the prescribed qualifications required for a specialist or other person to issue a certificate are the expertise and qualifications required for that certificate as determined by the Director.(2) A certificate from a specialist or other person referred to in subregulation (1) may be submitted (a) with an application for a certificate of likely compliance; or(b) at any time before a certificate of completion (building work) is issued.(3) A certificate submitted under subregulation (2) in relation to inspection, assessment, testing, reporting or advising on natural hazards, site conditions or the design actions to which a building may reasonably expect to be subjected, is to report on the natural hazards, site conditions, design actions, materials or forms of construction relevant to the area of speciality as determined by the Director for that certificate.(4) A certificate submitted under subregulation (2) in relation to building work or associated building work is to state that the proposed building work or part of the proposed building work, if carried out, or which has been carried out, in accordance with the relevant documents will comply with the Building Code of Australia in relation to the area of speciality as determined by the Director for that certificate.(5) A certificate submitted under subregulation (2) is to (a) be in an approved form; and(b) include a reference to the documents or reference relied upon; and(c) if required by the building surveyor, be accompanied by relevant calculations, documents or reports.(6) Any copies of drawings and specifications or other relevant documents submitted with an application, and to which a certificate referred to in subregulation (2) applies, are to be endorsed as agreed with the building surveyor.