(1) If a person makes an application under section 30C of the Act to the Director for registration as an owner builder for particular building work, the building surveyor who has been engaged by the person is to forward copies of the following documents to the Director:(a) an application for registration as an owner builder in an approved form;(b) if applicable, a copy of the contract for the purchase of the land;(c) a certificate from an approved training provider of the satisfactory completion by the applicant of a course or courses approved by the Director;(d) if applicable, a certificate of insurance in relation to carrying out or managing the building work.(2) A certificate of owner builder registration under section 30D of the Act, issued to an applicant or applicants by the Director is to be (a) in an approved form; and(b) provide a registration number for the particular building work; and(c) state how many buildings the applicant or applicants are entitled to construct as a registered owner builder.(3) A copy of the owner builder registration certificate is to be provided to the relevant building surveyor.(4) If the Director refuses to register an applicant as an owner builder for particular building work, the Director is to advise the applicant and the relevant building surveyor in writing of that fact and of the applicant's right of review under section 42(3) of the Act.