WHEREAS by an Act of the Governor and Legislative Council of New South Wales passed in the eighth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth intituled "An Act to regulate the temporal affairs of Presbyterian Churches and Chapels connected with the Church of Scotland in the Colony of New South Wales" [2] certain powers privileges and advantages were conferred upon the Presbytery of New South Wales and the ministers of the churches and congregations subject to the spiritual authority thereof:
AND WHEREAS the said Presbytery have in compliance with the recommendation of the commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland agreed that it is expedient for the good government of the Presbyterian Church in the said Colony that a Synod should be formed comprehending all the ministers and congregations in the said Colony in connexion with the Church of Scotland:
AND WHEREAS it has been agreed that the said Synod shall bear the name of "The Synod of Australia in connexion with the Established Church of Scotland":
AND WHEREAS it is also expedient that the said recited Act be so amended as that it may apply to the said "Synod of Australia in connexion with the Established Church of Scotland":
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by His Excellency the Governor of New South Wales with
the advice of the Legislative Council thereof:
That the several powers privileges and advantages conferred upon the Presbytery of New South Wales and the ministers of the congregations under its spiritual superintendence by the said recited Act shall as soon as the said Synod of Australia shall have been formed and notice of such formation shall have been published by order of His Excellency the Governor in the New South Wales Government Gazette be vested in and belong to the said Synod and the ministers of the congregations under its spiritual superintendence as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if the said Synod had been formed and in existence at the time of the passing of the said recited Act and been specially named and mentioned therein:
Provided always that the several powers privileges and advantages conferred by this Act upon the said Synod of Australia shall cease and determine unless the said Synod shall continue its adherence to the doctrines of the Confession of Faith and to the other standards and formularies of the Established Church of Scotland and in the exercise of discipline shall follow the laws of that church.