(1) The Chief Quality and Safety Officer, by instrument, may appoint as an authorised quality and safety officer for the purposes of this Part—
(a) a person employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004 ; or
(b) a person engaged by the Secretary to assist the Chief Quality and Safety Officer in the performance of the Chief Quality and Safety Officer's functions.
(2) The Chief Quality and Safety Officer must not appoint a person to be an authorised quality and safety officer under this section unless the Chief Quality and Safety Officer is satisfied that the person has the appropriate knowledge and experience to perform the duties and functions of an authorised quality and safety officer.
(3) The Chief Quality and Safety Officer may give a direction to an authorised quality and safety officer in relation to the performance of the authorised quality and safety officer's functions or duties or the exercise of the authorised quality and safety officer's powers under this Act or the regulations.
New s. 122 inserted by No. 4/2022 s. 5.